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 No.751376[View All]

Last time, on PirateQuest…

Cutlass, Alder and Cerulean went south through the jungles of Cuauhtemoc, seeking after Captain Bee Holder and her four first mates, to update them on the situation with the informant, and the investigation of Gullveig's attack. It wasn't long before they found them, as the Watchkeepers seemed to guard the southern regions of the island far more jealously than the northern ones, and Bee Holder's party were forced to turn back after surviving encounter after encounter.

Cloud aided Mallea, Thessaly and Godot in collecting medicinal plants to restock their supplies following all the intense battles that had plagued their stay on this mysterious island.

Meanwhile, aboard the Thunder Serpent, Captain Kukulcan and his own trusted inner circle raised an automaton of their own – but not one of the Watchkeepers, over whom Kukulcan supposedly had authority as a god of the island. Rather, it was Two Tons, a sapient construction purchased on the Black Market. They were not expecting any manner of intelligence from the robot, so rather than press it into indentured servitude, Kukulcan negotiated for the robot's loyalty in exchange for fair wages, living accommodations and mutual aid.
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"Ah… Willow took offense to the god not liking his name suggestions. I am not entirely certain where he went though."


"Huh… What were the names?"


>+2 added wrong, it's a 7!


The god grunts, apparently having tired of the matter of Willow's angst.

Chiu, oblivious, bows a little. "We're going to be going… oh!" she gasps. "Can I ask you something?"

You already have. You may ask again.

Chiu resists the urge to arch her brow at the smart remark. "Do you know anything about a forgotten goddess? A mother goddess, by chance?"

You are going to have to narrow it down a bit.

"Would her icon help?" Chiu asks.


"Maybe we won't have to," Juniper says. She gestures upwards, to where windows are; they too are covered with gunk.

"They'll probably wake up once we start cracking away at either wall," Cycle observes.

You dribble and juke the beetle's mandibles, before leaping up for a shot, and sink the ball! The arena's carved grooves flash white in recognition of your point – not gold, as they did for Splendid. Perhaps the beetle – or whatever force judges this peculiar game – thinks you are on separate teams.

Splendid goes for a dunk from behind the beetle!


The beetle kicks at her with its hind legs!


Auspicious stabs into the gunk, and the crack deepens, revealing a murky, churning darkness within. As the light touches it, it smolders and burns, and the gorilla thrashes at this beginning exorcism of its parasitic rider. You slash at the spot again, and the left half of the gorilla's body, the side you slashed, suddenly goes limp as the corruption loses its grasp. But the right half, still able to move, aims its coconut gun at you and Auspicious!

[1d10+2] Barrage

Auspicious dives for cover!

[1d10+1] Dodge

Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3 / Roll #2 4 + 1 = 5 / Roll #3 2 + 2 = 4 / Roll #4 1 + 1 = 2


"Huh…then how about we get to cracking, then?" She motions her head up towards the windows before she rushes out to use her tail to smash the gunk and open the window.

>Slam, +1, crits 8+, take better result


Roll #1 7 + 1 = 8 / Roll #2 7 + 1 = 8


"FOtrunato and Magnanimous and some other old one. He didn't like it and Willow got huffy about it. He tends to get annoyed when folks talk down into him in general so I can't say I'm too surprised."

As the others sat with the Deity the wayward kirin stalked down the streets, walking forward with no particular direction in mind, the ratcheting sound of a bolt in his sphere being turned by the screwdriver, the bolt being more a superfluous addition for him to focus on as a stress mechanism than being a structural necessity but he would never admit as such in public.


"Ah- a different color? I suppose we count as different teams, then… well, I suppose there is no harm in a friendly contest, right? We could figure out a wager, too!" He suggests, flicking his tail a little and taking another shot
>Ballin' 2! [1d10]

Roll #1 7 = 7


The gunk shudders, and some loose chips crack off as you slam against them, yet they hold firm, evidently made extra durable for just this occasion. The two sleeping guards stir and rise at the sight of intruders, and make ready to charge you!

Juniper and Cycle hold their ground, ready for battle.

Willow's hooves, following the road by kinetic sense while the eyes are occupied on his tinkering, find purchase on a winding set of stairs. the chatter of the festival gradually fade away, while voices, and a rubber dribbling, fade in from above. Before he knows it, Willow is witnessing a contest of griffons… and a giant mechanical beetle.

"I can already reckon what you'll want for your win!" Splendid taunts. "Too bad you won't fackin' win!"

The arena flashes white once more, this time more brilliantly, as you get another point. First to three, perhaps? Whatever the system, Splendid grabs the ball and goes for a dunk!


The beetle, exhausted by attempts to turn around so often, lays still this round.

Roll #1 3 + 1 = 4


"Hey, smart idea," Cloud says as Chiu asks the beggar god about the goddess. He takes out the photo he took of the statue, showing it up to the beggar-god's idol. "Does this look familiar?"

"I can get not liking Magnanimous, but Fortrunato sounds like it'd fit."


Alder giggles softly, before saying "Well- I think you need to… what is the phrase? Put your money where your mouth is, Splendid!" and sticking his tongue out.
>Another shot! [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


Seeing the guards stir, Cerulean tries to shake off the impact from her tail while she tries to rip and tear at the gunk with her teeth.

>Great weapon attack


Roll #1 10 = 10



Cutlass stands her ground and slashes at the gorilla again.

>[1d10] [1d10] Soul Slicer

Roll #1 10 = 10 / Roll #2 5 = 5


He paused for a moment and put the sphere back into the pocket of his coat as one of his eyes raised a bit "I cannot tell if this was the intended way to play the game or simply you taking advantage of a loophole in the rules." he said dryly as he hummed "Do you require assistance either way?"

"I dunno. the big guy does seem kinda obstinate but maybe he's just cranky he's had to sit here having to be a lump for so long?"


"I'd be grumpy too after sleeping so long. Bet he'll be more receptive after we get some of his stuff back."


The god observes the photo for a minute… and says nothing for a minute more.

What is… your interest in this being?

Something in his tone, and the lack of the word goddess, leaves Chiu unable to speak.

The whole arena flashes white, and the force of the light launches both Splendid and the beetle into the air a good twenty feet into the air. Fortunately for both, they can fly, and soon flutter back to the ground. The beetle takes the ball and sets it on the far podium gently, then goes back to where it was laying earlier.

Splendid, frustrated by a competitive streak faced with failure, gives Alder the stink-eye. "Crikey… well, name your prize, then, go on!"

Cracks and fissures start to form on the gunk, but as they do, a grotesque stench assails you as a churning black liquid bleeds from the cracks! You know this horrendous odor well– it was nearly your undoing against the Giant Enemy Spider!

>roll dodge, -1 penalty from proximity after biting into the gunk.

As the Metal Men get within range, Juniper tosses up glitter from her purse!

[1d10+2] Dress-up Magic

Cycle kicks his ball towards the enemy!

[1d10+2] Marksman Shot

Auspicious ends up flinging himself off the edge of the roof, and somewhere far below, Two Reeds shrieks in frustration, eliciting copious apologies from the portly minotaur.

Meanwhile, you dodge coconut-gunfire and leap up the gorilla's arm, stabbing into the other side of its body with your dreadful knives. The gorilla's left side goes limp, and its whole body is seized by convulsions, a ghastly, odorous smoke erupting from the cracks in the gunk. The smoke quickly burns up in the sunlight, as the corruption fades from the possessed Watchkeeper. As its parasitic corruption perishes, the gorilla's hand goes slack, and Ossie and Sparkler, still clinging each other, roll out from its grasp.

Roll #1 7 + 2 = 9 / Roll #2 7 + 2 = 9


The blinding flash of light leaves Alder a little disoriented and dizzy! He's no less confused once he realizes he actually won. "A-Ah… uhm… I-I do not actually know." The griffon adds, folding his ears back and giggling nervously. "Maybe… ah! Preening?"


Willow clicked his tongue "Suppose not then." he said as he moved to investigate the beetle a bit.


"I mean I guess." Two Tons said with a shrug as he seemed unsure himself.


Cerulean retches a bit and she spits out the gunk she was munching and crunching on. Since Juniper and Cycle have her back, she tries to avoid the black liquid and quickly give it another slam of her tail while its beginning to break.

>Dodge [1d10-1]

>Slam [1d10+1] [1d10+1]

Roll #1 7 - 1 = 6 / Roll #2 9 + 1 = 10 / Roll #3 6 + 1 = 7


Cloud is left for a pause as well, but finds the words to speak for Chiu's sake.
"We salvaged the statue from another ship, and have been keeping it in our room."


"You sick degenerate!" Splendid accuses, before pulling you in with a muscled arm. She starts off by scratching your head, in the process removing old feathers and overall leaving your scalp very tingly – in a good way.

The beetle chills there. It's quite large, but docile. Despite this, great mandibles await any foolish enough to pick a fight or stray too close.

That explains much.

"Wh… what's that mean?" Chiu asks.

I would have advised you to be rid of that statue, but that advice would be ill-given at this point.

"D-don't beat around the bush!" Chiu snaps. "Did we screw up? Who is this figure even of?"

You will find out soon enough. I have just recovered some of my power thanks to your efforts. I will not see it wasted picking up an old fight.

Juniper's spell shrinks the two Metal Men, and Cycle's ball hits the two of them, knocking them back! Finally, you leap back, and slam the windows with your tail, breaking the gunk coverings! A deluge of foul black sewage sloughs out, and Juniper and Cycle dive away. As the sunlight pours in, the shrunken Metal Men turn to flee, but it is too late. The sunlight hits them, and they burn and fall, laying inert and paralyzed under its holy rays.


"Talking isn't starting a fight though." Two Tons said simply

Willow hummed a bit and moved to inspect it more, looking over the mechanics of the machine as best he could while not actually opening it up.


Alder squirms a little bit and lets out an excited chirp as the larger griffon pulls him in and begins to get to work on picking out any damaged, bent, or old feathers that might happen to be on his head! "II did not expect it instantly, but I can not complain. That was rather fun, though! I wonder if more people on each team were normally playing… most sports have teams, yes?"


Cerulean gives a huff and looks to where the two guards now lay, then to Cycle and Juniper.
"Thanks you two. You two didn't touch that stuff, right?"

After getting their responses and making sure they're okay, Cerulean will look at the door and sigh.
"Think you two can help out with this one? Just need a moment to rest my tail, and I really don't feel like putting that in my mouth again…."


"Well, I don't think we screwed up," Cloud interjects. "Can't say I know much about the gods around her in the Ribcage just from what we've been through on this island alone, but the Wetnurse did tell me to get you out of Mallea's manor before that whole exorcism happened. Right now we're in a good thing the way I see it."



"Can you two move?" Cutlass asks as she kneels down to the two of them on the ground. "If so, let's get off this roof before someone else falls off!"


"Yeah, maybe Cycle would know more, seemed like his jam, this. I suppose, for lack of anyone else around, the beetle was the one in charge, yeah?"

The beetle clicks its jaws. From where he is, and without a look under the obsidian hood, Willow can still tell that the beast is made of highly advanced metalworking, a system of impossibly finely wrought gears and pistons, powered by strategically-placed crystals kept in protective jars and the like.

"He mighta ref'd a game with special rules since it was just us two," Splendid continues. She looks to Willow while still scratching Alder. "Or did you want to try a game too, fella?"

Ossie and Sparkler get up and dust themselves off, though they look bruised and move stiffly from being squished in the gorilla's grasp. Ossie quickly slips back into your shadow, having nothing to say for embarrassment of her failure.

"Wait, wait," Sparkler says. "This thing might be useful to us if we can get it repaired. There's no way we can haul it down, but if Two Reeds and I can get a look at it, we might be able to work something."

Two Reeds deposits the two ninja back on the roof with a huff.

They nod. "Give us a minute and we'll have the door cleared," Cycle says. "You catch a break, and keep an eye out to make sure we're not followed."

Mortals occupy a rather advantageous position when it comes to the conflicts between gods, the beggar god admits. But I will tell you this: Your kind is cursed, cursed with the ability to make gods. One who forges idols, no matter the cause or intent, soon finds himself embroiled in their endless fine-grain disputes – and the consequences can see islands reduced to ashes.

"So… I take it this goddess had her share of battles," Chiu reasons. "It sounds like I'd rather be on her side than against her…"

Rarely are those conflicts ever so cleanly cut into discernible "sides."



"Can you get it back inside instead of working on it on the roof?"


"I would but I doubt I would be a match for either of you physically." he said desperately wanting to open this thing up but not wanting to invoke it's wrath all the same.

"I mean he has a point. She could just be helping you guys so she doesn't get tossed back into the ocean. I can speak from experience it's not fun to sit on the bottom of it."


Cerulean lets out a big breath and relaxes a fair deal.
"Alright, sure. Thanks." She steps back a bit to let them handle the door. While they do that, she opts to try touching the water of the pool, curious about it and all the vents she sees.


"…If mortals can make gods, then couldn't we help this one get a new cause or angle? You're the only one to have had a real reaction or knowledge on this idol, and it's only helped up, so if she's mostly forgotten we could forge up a better outlook," Cloud proposes optimistically.

"You really fell the the bottom of the ocean?"



Cutlass looks around at everyone. "Raise your hoof or hand or whatever if you have a way to survive falling off this roof."


"Hmm… we never did try asking the beetle questions, did we?" The griffon ponders, stretching his wings out and sighing contentedly as he's preened by Splendid. "We could try asking then… it only seemed to react when we picked a ball up, yes?"

"Oh, please- I got lucky! I may have some skill with the bow, but my talents largely lie in my subtle touch and approach to things, not quite my sportsmanlike qualities."


"Twice, it's very cold and dark. Some neat fish though."


"Twice? How'd the first one happen?"


You can tell the water is fresh, and fairly clean and recent. The Temple's advanced filtration system seems to be running finely in spite of the Temple's new management. Soon, Cycle and Juniper are finished breaking down the gunk on the northern door from a distance, and are able to open the door. Bracing themselves, they wait for you to be ready to advance.

Splendid begins scratching Alder's wings. She nods. "I don't quite speak beetle, but it's worth a try. Seems like he's burnt off a share of energy now."

The beetle clicks its mandibles.

"Ah, hello," Splendid says. "Are you up for some questions, sir?"

*Click click.*

"Depending on how far we fall, yes," Hollow says. Two Reeds raises her hand. Sparkler does not.

A god fully-made is not so easily modified. That is why I am still myself, in spite of my people's destruction. If you were to make a 'new' iteration of this… being… you would not have not erased the old one. Now you have two you cannot be rid of.

Chiu suddenly drops the picture with a surprised gasp, and shakes her hoof as if it had been burned.

Waste not your ire on the girl; I am the one saying the things you wish were not true, the beggar god says, evidently speaking to the picture.


"Hmm. I could probably…" he moved to grab several bits of metallic things from nearby, curious now if he could make something akin to a translator with his Aura.

"Allow me a moment and we may be able to speak with him fully."


Cerulean gives her head a quick dunk in the water to get herself feeling a little refreshed, then goes towards the door without bothering to wait for her mane to dry.
"Alrighty, if we're all set, let's go!" She leads the charge into the next room once the doors open enough.


"Fell off a boat both times. Well one time I fell, the other time I accidentally walked off. They had to trawl me up both times which was pretty fun even if I got dragged for a while."


Cloud looks to Chiu, checking her hoof out of concern. He looks down at the picture, pondering a moment, then picks it up and tucks it back away.
"Sticking with just the one then it is. It's helped once already, so I'll just stick with the good it's done and assume any enemies are long gone. …Also probably shouldn't publicize that we have the idol just in case."

"Huh. We'll make a note then to get a bell on you to avoid any other fall offs."



"So, in that case, I think we should get off this roof immediately," Cutlass says as not nearly enough people raise their hoof. "If Two Reeds wants to tinker with it on her own, I'm willing to wait. In the tunnel. In safety."

Cutlass turns toward the opening so as to get back inside. However, upon returning to the opening, she looks down and realizes that even this distance is difficult for her. "I… might need help…" she announces with some shame.


Alder lets out a satisfied purr as the larger griffon gets to work on his disproportionately large wings, watching in surprise as the beetle… actually stops and turns around! "Well! I suppose it can understand us. Is two clicks yes, or…"

"Ah! That would be much appreciated, Mister Wisp."


The room beyond the door is a complete mess, deliberately trashed by the new occupants. It appears to have once been a room of storage for important relics, perhaps even tools and vestments for the Mechpriests. Most of anything that could have been useful looks to have been destroyed… but then, why bother sealing and guarding the room?

Juniper and Cycle attempt to enter after you, but as they approach the doorway, a water barrier manifests, preventing their entry.

Hollow, Auspicious and Reeds get to work on the robot, while Sparkler picks you up. You could almost swear that you hear Ossie hissing at her from your shadow. Sparkler ignores this and drops down into the tunnel, then sets you back down.

Sparkler then looks at her wings, bruised as they are, and starts to apply some medicine to them. "Need a pick-me-up?" she asks, wincing lightly through the pain. "We've been doing a lot of climbing and running thus far."

*Click click* goes the beetle.

One of the few wise moves you can still make, the beggar god says. Now, I believe you had sought to excuse yourselves from the festival?

Dunno how I'll sleep after hearing all that," Chiu grumbles, but sighs. "Tons, could you let Alder and the others know that we'll be on the ship?"


"Hmm… well, I hope that meant yes- that, or Mister Wisp is capable of communicating with it more clearly… hrm." He remarks, before giving Splendid a kiss on the neck. "Thank you, love- I will return the favor, I promise."


Two Tons gave a salute and started off.

"Oh I want a jingle bell."

Willow nodded as his eyes were intently focused, horn moving the bits in and assembling them as the tools then began to fasten and tighten into place.



"I can handle being a little tired," Cutlass responds as she eyes Sparkler's bruises with concern. "Though, we should both heal up when we get a chance."


Cerulean looks behind her as the barrier goes up, but rather than spend time trying to break it, she begins to look around the room. If this was some kind of ambush, she was going to try and not be taken by surprise.



Roll #1 2 = 2



"Right…. Wait, how did you know that?" Cloud questions.

As Chiu grumbles and her proposed nap ruined, Cloud wraps a comforting wing around her.
"Can't say this often, but this is something I know will be alright," He consoles.


Sir Pent slithers off of your arm and crawls over to Sparkler, and bumps his head against her arm until she relents and gives him a pat. Sir Pent soon bites off an old scale, one already on its way to falling off, and holds it out to her. Curious, Sparkler takes it, and after some deliberation, starts to mash it in a pestle while her healing takes its effect.

*Click click* the beetle continues, patiently awaiting your questions with its forelegs folded up together in a professional posture.

Your shark senses tell you there's something worth taking in this room… but it might be a nap.

Juniper flings herself into the pool outside the room, and Cycle follows suit. Juniper then climbs out and steps through the doorway with no issue.

"Looks like the Mechpriests would have had to purify themselves with a ritual bath before entering here," Juniper says. "But for our purposes, just stepping into the pool is enough to enter one of these kinds of chambers, I suppose."

"Yeah…" Chiu mutters, but she does not sound very sure.


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