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File: 1367530083243.png (271.12 KB, 647x538, 1330571770982.png)


Hello, we at /qt/ have been working on his role play system for a while, really adaptable rules light, adventure game. We could really use some art for our game so we can show it off, we need adventurous ponies, griffons, zebras, goats, diamond dogs, donkeys , and buffalo too. Particularly of the core classes: bard, cleric, knight, mage, necromancer, rogue, shaman, and tracker. Anything you want to help out with would be appreciated.


File: 1367530451394.jpg (540.2 KB, 982x1107, 121129-sunnybard.jpg)

>his role play system
MY roleplay system! Muahahahahahahahaha.

But yeah, we're not looking for anything super fancy, just single characters decked out in fantasy gear and looking awesome. Kinda like this.


I'd like to help. Is there anything in specific you're looking for, or just anything listed up above?


Pretty much anything listed above.


File: 1367557598236.png (486.2 KB, 1100x700, 04-30-13 Adventuring Party.png)

I don't know if canon ponies are okay with what you're wanting, but you can use this if it'll help. I can cut out and recolor a pony, too, if you'd prefer solo shots.

And I'll draw something non-pony tomorrow, too.


We would probably be better off without canon ponies, but I leave the final call on that for our more visually inclined team members.


Hey thanks for helping us out.
Since you offer to cut out, would you mind providing solo shots of fluttershy and Panka in this pic?

Thanks a lot.


I'd really prefer it if Pinkie had a full body shot. If she's cut off like that to begin with, we'll have less to work with.

In any case, yeah, fair point about use of canon characters. I'd rather we take steps to ensure we don't get legal-blasted, so any ponies for this should be more or less Original The Character Do Not Steal.


We now have a little organization doc so you can share this with artfriends who haven't visited the sub!



That reminds me, I should post those sketches I did for you guys a while back.



Huh. Turns out I DID post them - a while back, too. Here you go.



File: 1368319971445.jpg (26.64 KB, 507x551, grifnecr.jpg)

I remember I had a Griffon Necromancer in the works that I never finished it, so I (re)started redrawing it from memory.


File: 1368338983659.png (269.04 KB, 673x597, Necrogyphon.png)

This one, you mean?


File: 1369461436148.png (117.52 KB, 450x700, Zebraman.png)

Guess I should put this here, huh?


Pretty cool.

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