>AmyMudi leans down as she continues to weep, her neck rolling lower and lower as her legs buckle, until it almost looks like she's about to perform a somersault.
Her voice begins at a crackling, warbling whisper. "Amy… Would you… please…"
"What are you TALKING ABOUT!?" Mudi snarls, seething much like a rabid hound herself now. "I don't want to become the queen of demons, nor of angels, nor of gods, nor of mortals! I am here to become imperator of everything! All of existence!!! That's what ALL of this has been for for CENTURIES OF WORK!!! Of course you can't take my place! You're a demon! You should know this better than anyone! The Devil's Instincts, as they're called. The second a demon encounters someone of strength equal to or greater than their own, every demon is compelled to choose– fight, flight, freeze or flee! No demon can ever escape it! You'd never know peace! You'd never be able to achieve peace, always forced to square up every time a greater demon chases you down! Nor could any Angel do it – Angels are bound by the Law of their ascendance, slaves to a code whose every stipulation might as well be a binding geas!! And don't even get me started on gods! Cogs in the machine, every single one! Don't let these avatars Buiwong and others conjure up to manipulate you. Once they've become one with the aspect of their patronage, they serve no purpose other than to sustain that element of existence! Scales weigh things because a god makes it so! We feel hot and cold and hunger and fall asleep because gods make them so! Heretics and dissidents sneer at religion because it "controls the masses!" What a bunch of nonsense from a bunch of idiots! The faith of every church and temple and mosque and shrine builds the gearworks and greases the wheels! A god has no more freedom than a timing belt or a branch swaying in the wind! They serve the world, they could never govern it!!!"
For a moment, the murderous aura of the audience is delayed yet again, this time by the spectacle of meltdown before you.
"Only a mortal can break this cycle! A mortal is the only one who is free in this world! War, poverty, disease, economic exploitation, drought, famine, flooding, betrayal, usury, deceit, covetousness, discontentment, wanderlust, longing, discomfort, loneliness, bad smells, high prices, inconvenient roa
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