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Simply put the number of dice you would like to roll followed by a "d" and then add how many sides you want each die to have. Post rolling requires this in 'quotes' or [Square brackets], and nothing is needed for email rolls.

Email Field Rolling:
You can roll one set of dice from the email field
2d20 in the email field will roll 2 20 sided dice

In Post Rolling:
You can roll up to 5 sets of dice from the post field, each set of dice can contain a different number of dice and a different number of sides.
Rolls can be placed anywhere in the post, they must be put in single 'quotes' or [Square brackets]. You can roll up to 6 sets of dice total
'3d30' will roll 3 30 sided dice.
[5d10] will roll 5 10 sided dice.

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 No.766596[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

After parting ways with their comrades descending into Tartarus, the remaining group of the Saviors met with Ecclesia to join into the Vermillion Corps, a mercenary faction that would give extra aid while they prepare for the oncoming forces of the Treibheanna. Their first mission is heading north to Ornifex to uphold the promise made to Zjetya to help her homeland with the Draconic Lords. Their official task for Ecclesia is to end the civil war, not mattering which side wins, leaving leverage of their aid to stick with the victor.

After a long journey, they reached their first destination of Vortigern's home village, where they met her husband, Grantz, and were filled in over time on the history of the land and the takeover enacted by the Dragon Lords. With unanimous agreement to aid the rebels against the dragons, their first step in fighting the war was to recruit Alloy, a descendant of Buiwong and sister of Mocha, to strip the draconic power given to knights that collected tributes from the lower villages.

With a grand success, they then joined a meeting of the villages, learning they were divided between the sides of the war as well, leading to a sneak attack against them in their sleep. Stopping the attacked, they discovered the dragons also had the aid of angels on their side, with the attacked under a heavy and inescapable mental alteration.

Now, they work to decide their next step. Lying low while they wait for the villages to decide who they stand with, and working on a defense against the angelic mind control to avoid losing themselves in the conflict.
163 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


"Tempting offer," Pryce jests. He levitates up his scone, having been untouched, in an offer to the commander.
"Tell me everything you can about the one named Sarajinae."


"She is, how do you say, not my type," the commander says with a shrug. "I never attended her shows past the first few. My tastes are more refined than to fall for mere vermin such as a moth–"

There is a sudden stirring outside, where Zjetya is–

–Vortigern punches straight through one of the bars of the cage, redirecting the attention back to herself. The commander's jaw drops. Vortigern starts to reach her hoof through the opening she just shattered… and the commander's eyes widen.


Pryce scowls slightly as the commander starts to bad mouth her, not liking the direction the commander took his question. Though that is cut quickly into shock as Vortigern punches through the cage and reaches towards the griffon.
Pryce puts a hoof on Vortigern's shoulder to get her to hold back for a second.
"I wasn't asking for your personal opinion," Pryce says sternly to the commander. "She was the voice on your horn. What role does she play? Where does she rank among the priests? Give us details, or…" He trails off, simply leaving the atmosphere of Vortigern's last action fill in the rest of that sentence.


"Fine, fine, fine!" the commander quacks, backing away. "Just call off your damn attack dog."

Vortigern remains where she is, taking no orders. The commander glowers, and continues.

"Well if she isn't just the prettiest princess of the bunch. She is a newcomer to the scene, but has quickly ascended to being the most popular of the singers. It was a real upset at first, for she's showing up objectively superior talents like my oshi– egh, erm, like the senior priests and priestesses. But what can you do against mass appeal. The common swine will never know true art even if it hits them in the face! The priests and priestesses are all equal on parchment, but the Draconic Lords are said to listen more to the most popular of the bunch… look, I really do not know more than that."


Pryce listens, disappointed that there isn't that much information from the griffon. Still, he floats over the scone to let him have it.
"…Wait, how much of a newcomer is she? When did she appear?"

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 No.766029[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Good Intentions
The rodent takes one cookie, and scampers off to enjoy it. Trajan, who had been stretching his legs elsewhere, has a nibble of one of the other cookies.


Godspeed ponders it. "I do wonder… But I am inclined to picture school as a uniquely effective role for Psy-Chrono harvesting. In Zinccastle, where basic education is required for all by law, people report suffering school-based dream-terrors quite regularly. Most often, they can't find their way to class, or they're forced to retake difficult classes, because their credits were retroactively declared invalid after they graduated. But other situations aren't as universal as school. Some people are fortunate enough to earn jobs that they enjoy, as soon as they enter the workforce. A few – the Nobles – are wealthy enough that they never have to work at all. So, a workplace scenario might not be as effective for feeding the Tree."

>Billy, Zamrud, Qhapaq

"I shudder to think what students who were wealthy and well-connected enough to gain admission to Agape would be armed with," Godspeed says. "Get along nicely with your classmates– and never agree to meet them in a dark alleyway."

She checks the time, and stands up as well. "Right. I'll be off, myself then. I'd offer you luck, but I've fought alongside you before. Your skill and determination will see you through these midterms."
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Zamrud considers Senorita's words. "In the movies, you're right. But I don't see it as 'splitting up'." He waves at the shades, "We've essentially just doubled our party number with these shades present. We'll be the same sized group as we always were, only with shadow duplicates performing the actions of the members in the other group."

As Qhapaq's duplicate seems to catch his burrito and, in a seeming show of independence, toss it into a wastebin, Zamrud rubs his chin. "Admittedly… these shades ARE unknowns. They are clearly entities with their own thoughts, but they seem uniquely dedicated to mimicking our movements and actions as actors would. It is possible splitting our number with them would give them a chance to attack us… but, I also am not sure if they mean to break character at all."

"These are new, I take it? Nothing resembles these on your last trip here?"


Qhapaq hums softly, and bobs his head approvingly at his doppleganger choosing to throw the trash away. "It… became its own for a moment, at least. Interesting… what do you think, Zamrud? Are they maybe Changelings, somehow?"

"I wonder why changelings never venture into the Outlands… perhaps I can ask one when we return." He remarks, frowning softly.


You study his anxious fretting. He seems ill at ease, but keeps it together for now. He resembles someone who is overwhelmed by an excess of work. Too many projects, too much paperwork, and never enough time. Nothing in particular seems to be threatening him. Perhaps if he had something to occupy him, you might placate his extreme work ethic.

La Senorita is not convinced, and makes a sound like a trolley whistle. "Please keep all limbs inside the vehicle – board and disembark the train in an orderly fashion."

There's a joke in here somewhere, but the greater concern for the moment is that she really does not want to split the party…



"Qhapaq hand me the script please, I think Dexter may need something to do and proofreading the script may assist, or if any of you have any homework he may be amenable."


Qhapaq passes the script off to Good, bobbing his head a little bit and looking back to his doppleganger. Did he also have something to pass off?

"Mmm- I agree. It would not do to separate the party here… though, I can understand the idea."

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.762858[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

"Are we supposing there's a little teapot somewhere in this valley we gotta find?" Hurricanrana says, tilting his head. "Is it perhaps short and stout?"

"No more singing, please," Desert sighs.

"Actually…" Mudi says. "In Tartarus, the will is supreme… It's even true at an Anchor. You saw how people suffered when they used techniques to move great distances without being seen, like the Ecclesian flash step. Oh! And we all had to agree on what we saw before we could even enter the anchor!"

"Oh no…" Desert groans.

"The singing probably helped us get this far!" Mudi extrapolates.

"No, no, no–!" Vizsla complains.

"We gotta sing to find the tea ingredient!!!" Mudi declares.

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Shorthorns looks around, and though she can't say she was close to everyone that was lost an equal degree, she nonetheless feels heartbroken at the tragedy. Box's lost hits her especially hard, realizing he's gone when he's been with all of them for so long. She tears up thinking how she'll never see him again, and is likewise dismayed at seeing how Supper is suffering right now, only imagining what it is she's lost. However, as Journey puts his hoof around her withers, she turns to look at him with a shocked expression, her grief giving way to relief.

"Oh thank Shei you're alright!" She says, wrapping him in a tight embrace, letting out an large breath she was keeping in. "Thank you for staying safe, Journey…"

She is only slightly pulled away from her embracing Journey to listen to Gegenschein's announcement, rubbing the tears from her eyes. "W-we have good news on our end, at least. We had a good encounter with one of the Lords…" she thinks about the Storm King, "Technically two but one I trust far more than the other. Asphodel is a noble spirit, it went better than we'd hoped."



Amy can't help but let out a small chuckle and smile at the way Flaming invokes Shei's name.


Supper is beyond exhausted, and more or less falls atop you. You nearly fall over, but still manage to support her as she shudders in her sorrow.


"Good," Doctor Galton says. "I fear that had Asphodel not been as placid, even fewer of us would be gathered here now."

Starting with Galton, the survivors of the factions begin relaying their travails so far. They have suffered many ambushes and outbreaks of Distortion cast by Grogar and TIRAC, which split the factions time and again, forcing immediate and severe changes of plan. They report the presence of an umbral named Tirek, the king of LUST, as a heretofore undisclosed participant in the War of Limbo. Apparently, there are also rogue armies from HERESY about, who had refused to surrender at first, despite the apparent obliteration of their king at the hands of the Vestal of Peace some time ago. Also, your allies have crossed paths with surprisingly powerful forces belonging to the Storm King. Something was deeply wrong with them, however, for they were driven to a self-destructive madness in the way they fought. There is some speculation that the Storm King's agents may have been corrupted by the Sons of Perdition – but that's not the way the Sons usually fight, so the truth remains to be seen.

Mudi clears her throat. "Lords TIRAC, Tirek and the Storm King will be moving against Grogar soon."

"And Grogar has recently crushed the remnants of HERESY," Hope adds. "Folding them under his banner."

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In response to questions about who the leader of Fraud is, Amy discreetly looks around the room to see if the Paper Trails are present.


A Paper Trail for every faction is present.

[Last 50 Posts]

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 No.764657[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


You hear peaceful sounds. Birds call, and leafy branches, idly stirred by a languid breeze, whisper a soft response.

>[..] is gone. In its […] breaking […]. […] the sky and […] Dim radiance […] holy protection […] of the earth…

>And […] horizon. […]

>[…] millions of paths […] in […] millions and millions of […] every path […] a spiral, […] dancing […]

You have been walking through these sounds for quite some time.

>[…] has […] prove to […] Yet […]

>[…] fading […]

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139 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


Ischyros launches up from his chair, shocking Sister Root as she dabs at Mabin's injuries with a wet cloth. "That incorrigible… she's been interfering with the Agatecastle Investigation from the very first, and now she assails my right-hand dog. I'll have her–"

"Arrested? Tried? Jailed?" Mabin scoffs. "Sire, please save yourself the time, trouble and personnel. Now that my conversation with her is complete, I have no doubt she could elude us at every step if she were so inclinded – she may even have done so under a different name, a different body, perhaps even under a different Royal Family."

Ischyros blinks in shock. "You mean to say – she may even be from a different Castle?"

"We've other matters to discuss first, sire," Mabin says. "It is for the best that she captured and interrogated me, actually. I believe she was on the hunt for high-ranking members of the Lux Deorum, in order to obtain the Reports of the Agatecastle Investigation. I know now that I am one of the very few who could have survived such an encounter. Had she needed to capture others, they in their loyalty would not have submitted to her interrogation – and we would have lost countless valuable agents. But I am arrogant, prideful and reckless, and so I told her what she wished to know. In the end, I am certain I surrendered nothing that she would not have been able to learn through other, bloodier means. And for my collaboration, I managed to obtain information I sought as well."

"An Iron Hero as ever, High Director," Ischyros sighs. "Now: What is her obsession with the Agatecastle Investigation?"

"Her interest was less about Agatecastle," Mabin says. "And more about her very flesh and blood… her magnum opus."

"Her estranged daughter, Lost Hope?" Ischyros asks.

Mabin is silent, and does not answer for a time. "…I shall begin with a review of her interference in the Investigation.


"Lost Hope, as you know, was not on the initial list of personnel we selected when planning the Investigation. We only discovered that she had been surreptitiously added to the list of vetted and approved personnel mere hours before they were scheduled to be sworn to secrecy, debriefed and deployed. With my staff otherwise occupied, and under a time crunch, I opted to verify her files myself. This was my error, no doubt deliberately engineered by Lady Path. When Lost's files, by my hasty review, appeared to be clean of red flags, I convinced myself that I had simply missed her vetting while juggling my countless other duties and stressors in the months leading up to the Investigation. Therefore, I did not cancel her deployment.

"But I could not shake the feeling that I was missing something. Thus, I passed along her files for a more thorough verification by the Lux Deorum's typical vetting procedures. The Lady is crafty beyond peer… but even she could not hide from the Light of the Gods forever. They discovered that Lost Hope's records, down to her very birth certificate, were a truly convincing forgery. Near-perfect pastiches, down to the very chemical composition of the ink and paper upon which they were printed… I considered having Lady Path arrested and questioned, but I was not confident such an attempt would succeed. Besides, she wounded my pride. I did not want to retaliate with brute force where she had succeeded with guile. Truly, sire, she would make a better High Director than I–"

"Cease that kowtowing," Ischyros snaps. "What happened next?"

"…Right. I deployed my very best agent, my personal bodyguard, on a covert mission into the Manor Titanite. If any trace whatsoever were left – an indentation on a rug, a fallen hair, even discarded skin cells – I feared we would be found out… but the mission was flawless. My agent discovered that not even Lady Path was without a heart. They captured a snapshot of a pair of genuine documents, worn down by years of reading and rereading… two certificates of death, both issued on the same date.

"The first, for a filly, who had almost reached the age of two. The second, for a colt, who had just turned four. Their names, respectively, were Charity and Hope."



For a moment, none can speak. Mabin drags on his cigarette, and continues.

"We used the notarization on these genuine certificates to continue our investigation… As you know, the blessed internment of the dead is a matter of the utmost severity in Ironcastle. No death certificate exists that is not linked to a corresponding certificate of cremation… or so we believed. When we found the cremation certificates linked to the deaths of those foals… we found that, like Lost's records, they were forgeries."

"The bodies were never cremated?" Ischyros asks.

"Correct," Mabin answers.

"Then, the bodies…"

"The search continued even deeper into the criminal underworld of Ironcastle. I specially appointed another of my personal retinue to spearhead this search. The Lux Deorum rank-and-file are less suited for negotiating criminal activities than we would like to admit. The Lux Deorum thrives on numbers, data, patterns, statistics. The criminal underworld operates on personality, suggestion, unspoken words… this required a personal touch.

"The investigation slowed nearly to a crawl… until we uncovered a lead, from an old soul at the heart of a smuggler's network. An old soul who had seen, and done, far too much in the Outlands. My agent could threaten him with nothing that could shake him. He laughed in their face, and volunteered the lead freely.
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"A rumor of a surgeon. They possessed incredible influence and wealth – most likely a Noble – and commissioned the smuggling of a very specific species of Dreaded One into Ironcastle. The most unthinkable of crimes, the only crime punishable by the Nonagintimation: The execution of the criminal and a random ninety percent of all living Souls who have any relation, blood or personal, to the criminal, regardless of stratum, occupation, or age. It is the most grotesque of all punishments conceivable, more deterrent than threat… and yet, this surgeon was rumored to have defied it.

"It wasn't much to go on, but we would not be called the Light of the Gods if that were enough to halt us. Following that rumor and related ones to their sources, my agents grafted together a loose narrative of whispers.

"Of a surgeon Noble, who paid an unthinkable sum commissioning an unthinkable smuggling…
"Of a clandestine hospital, deep in the unmapped expanses of the Noblesse, whose staff consisted of a single surgeon…
"Of a congenital disease, once believed incurable, and one hundred percent fatal…
"Of an impossible event, wrought not by a miracle, but unspeakable, blasphemous science…
"Of the true reversal of death itself."

Ischyros sits there, pale-faced, his pupils small and dark. "Then…"

"This was the heart of my conversation with Lady Offbeaten Path," Mabin says. "The symbiotic lifeform codenamed 'Dhampir,' begotten of the fusion of Hope's corpse with that of a Dreaded One. Iron Soul Lost Hope inherited her life, power, and name from Dhampir – twice over. First, when Lady Path surgically implanted Dhampir into Charity's central nervous system, reviving the filly anew under the name 'Lost Hope,' nearly seventeen years ago. And again, when Dhampir sacrificed his life to restore Lost Hope's, in order that she could save their allies from the falling of the false Moon.

"I confirmed that Lady Path cured her other two children, Good Intentions and Lazy Days, of their congenital diseases using Dhampir's cells. They also owe their health and lives to him… to the original Hope."


"…I've a question," Sister Root says. "In order for flesh to live, it requires a soul. The soul remains in the body for three Cycles after death, before it returns to the Light Undefiled… if it is not first consumed by a Dreaded. All arcane knowledge on the soul attests to this. Only necromancy's most forbidden rituals can detain a soul from this departure, but they must be done immediately after death to be efficacious. How then, did Lady Path forge a living consciousness from… well, to be blunt, from two corpses and a soulless abomination?"

"That, I do not know, for she did not confess," Mabin says. "And at this point, I do not know if any speculation I can dream of is too wild for Lady Path's capabilities… However, she named her youngest daughter 'Lazy Days,' a most unusual expression. The term 'Day' is the supposed name of the country of the mythical 'King of the Sun.' Why then would there be 'Days,' as in more than one? How can a country be 'Lazy?' It may be that Lady Path has an inkling of the true secret of the Castles, just as Mogao and Mendicant Rudolph did."

Ischyros leans upon the table, face obscured by his interlocked fingers, and is silent for much time, while Sister Root continues to clean Mabin's injuries.

"…I would have her summoned here," Ischyros finally says.

"As I have warned before, an attempt at arrest would probably backfire," Mabin says.

"I do not want her arrested," Ischyros says. "I want her recruited into the Thorns."

Mabin lets the cigarette droop, his eyebrows arched so high they might leave his forehead. Eventually he sighs, extinguishes what remains of the butt, then stands and bows. "I shall extend thy inviation, sire."

"Thank you," Ischyros says. "And then you are to take two weeks' vacation, to be punished by two more weeks, if you are caught doing so much as checking your e-mails. You too, Sister Root."
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This a sequiter to the end of Empire Arc, explaining Luke's whereabouts as he vanishes before the fight with Eon.
46 posts omitted. Click reply to view.


LukeWarm flies into more hysterics as he points and shouts at every Luke around him "Yeah great fucking accomplishment. Me. MEEEE. Is that what it's all about. You manufactured the biggest loser in the world. How am I supposed to live knowing I'll never hold a son of my own! How am I supposed to look at Lavender and tell her I cum alcohol! I'm supposed to live my life for you. Well tell me how to unfuck it first!"


Business Luke flicks his cigarette away and pokes at LukeWarm's chest "Thats for you to figure out. We've had all the time to figure out our hang ups. And if you don't like it well guess what Mister Hero, that's what you get for always being such a shoddy person when you could be the world's last hope. It's not the end of the world Luke. But it will be if we don't take you now." Business Luke snaps his fingers and The Lukes begin assembling a portable station for time travel.


It's without much fanfare that the Lukes round together and drag LukeWarm toward the portable station.

The First Luke greets LukeWarm. He grabs LukeWarm's chin raising it so he can look him in the eyes "We are all counting on you Luke. We can't do this without you. You're all our hopes and dreams now."

The First Luke steps back "AAAAALT-MEN!"
And every Luke responds in unison "RISE UP!"

They step forward now to the final battle that awaits them.

[End Session]


flushing out rolls for mlpg







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Roll #1 7, 1, 5, 10, 3, 7, 4, 9, 4, 2, 5, 2, 10, 5, 6, 1, 4, 3 + 2 = 90

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 No.761208[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Did you get registered for all the classes you need? I sure hope you did! Anno Classroom is up next, only on mlpg.
1010 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


"Wow, Should think up a smart name for you lil buddy." he said rubbing his chin sitting back "Aurelius? No too prentious." he hummed a bit "Dexter? Like Poindexter?"


The rodent offers no response, instead sniffing around your snack stash, perhaps for something sweet.


He offered him a few chocolate sandwich cookies.


The rodent takes one cookie, and scampers off to enjoy it. Trajan, who had been stretching his legs elsewhere, has a nibble of one of the other cookies.


"That does make me think that this place is more hyperbolic and could have been another's dream or perspective on this school. Though I don't know if this train of thought could help us." Billy falls sullen.

"It is quite a cute thing."

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 No.759115[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Sir Pent slithers off of your arm and crawls over to Sparkler, and bumps his head against her arm until she relents and gives him a pat. Sir Pent soon bites off an old scale, one already on its way to falling off, and holds it out to her. Curious, Sparkler takes it, and after some deliberation, starts to mash it in a pestle while her healing takes its effect.

*Click click* the beetle continues, patiently awaiting your questions with its forelegs folded up together in a professional posture.

Your shark senses tell you there's something worth taking in this room… but it might be a nap.

Juniper flings herself into the pool outside the room, and Cycle follows suit. Juniper then climbs out and steps through the doorway with no issue.

"Looks like the Mechpriests would have had to purify themselves with a ritual bath before entering here," Juniper says. "But for our purposes, just stepping into the pool is enough to enter one of these kinds of chambers, I suppose."

"Yeah…" Chiu mutters, but she does not sound very sure.
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"Yea…" Cloud agrees. "Even if everything here goes smoothly, we gotta get the ship all the way back up to the surface. It's not gonna be easy going forward. And at some point I have to find Obstinance to help him for helping with Stone Cold too."



"The what now!?" Cutlass says a little too loudly, surprised by this news.

"You know, I have a… thing about mutineers. Bad history," Cutlass says looking toward Schnitzel. "But, I guess I shouldn't be surprised with all the lying. The murder, on the other hand… What in the world happened?"


Etch nods with respect. "I see… perhaps you might call it one of those happy accidents of engineering. I have my share of those, time and again… usually when I smack the material I'm shaping a little too hard with the hammer or crank it too far with the wrench. I heard you and he were separated by happenstance, and reunited when Cloud brought you down here. Shall you continue with us on our journeys through the seas after this? On every island, we have seen some depart our ship, having found what they went to sea to search for. And others have joined us, just the same, to seek what they have not yet found on land."

Her Aura feels unchanged from the last you examined it – strong, yet strangely dormant.

"Confusion… and lunchtime cravings for barbecue," Splendid answers, honest as ever. She frets a little. "W-was this a test? Is this what you Aura-users mean when you talk about trials and breakpoints? Did I pass?"

She pokes a little at the air with a flat palm, making a "pew" sound. Nothing happens.

"And here I thought ponies went to sea for a vacation," Chiu jokes. "Seems like we always find no end of work, island to island."

Granny, floating nearby, scoffs. "Even hiring me couldn't reduce your workload – it just freed up more time for you all to find trouble to get tied up in."

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"I shall probably be along for the ride for a while, and thus Two Tons shall as well. I have no real destination in mind other than studying this bizarre place and growing as an individual. Finding fortune is always nice though."


"Guess its karma for my slacking before, heh," Cloud jests at their increasing toils.

"We could find that cloud nine everypony talks about," Cloud plays off for their sky vacation. "Once we get back to land we'll have our vacation, or at least a short honeymoon."

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 No.761609[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

>Iron King Ischyros, the Far Seeker, sets down the fourth and final Report of the Agatecastle Investigation, and sips the coffee Sister Root had set before him. They are the only ones to occupy the conference room on this Cycle.

>Mabin, High Director of the Lux Deorum, is uncharacteristically absent.

>"Sister," Ischyros says, keen to take his mind off anything other than his confidant's absence. "Make a note about this Concord program. It desperately needs some security updates. I mean, have you read this Report? Seems just about everyone's exploiting it one way or another."

>"Yes, sire," the Sister says. She casts another glance at the conference room's sealed and enchanted door. "…Th-this Report was late in coming, I note. Do you think Mabin's absence may be–"

>Before she can finish that sentence, the door flies open. With quick and long strides, a lanky white Diamond Dog, his clothing ruffled and stained by dried blood, enters the room. Sister Root gasps, fishing for the medical supplies she always carries in her saddlebag.

>"You must forgive my tardiness, your Majesty," High Director Mabin says as he takes a seat, taking care to not let the dried blood flake off as he fishes his cigarettes from his coat pocket. "I had an unexpected rendezvous with a certain Noble and spent the past hours in a most gripping discussion."

>Iron King Ischyros scoffs. "Surely we have known each other long enough that you do not need to hide your personal affairs behind euphemisms!" he says. "Truly, it seems the missus was–"

>"No, no," Mabin interrupts. "I speak plainly, but allow me to be even clearer. The Noble who accosted me was none other than Lady Offbeaten Path, of House Titanite."
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"It's like a part of myself is gone, and I'll never get it back." she said quietly as she began to grow a bit more distant once more.

She squeezed her tightly


Deadweight nods, still hugging her. "I'm so sorry," she says again, this time in a trembling whisper, "If you need me to do anything, just say the word."


"Just… stay with me for a while please." she said softly, so softly Deadweight could barely hear it.


Deadweight nods again and continues holding her paradoxically firmly and gently, comforting her the best she can.


Lost leaned in, and gently pecked her on the lips before just relaxing into her hold until they had to go to the meeting.

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 No.757843[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

At last, the final sight of the Tartarian Descent Team is engulfed by the interminable darkness.

The Great Seal rends the earth with a deafening quake, as it slides nearly shut, open only by a hairsbreadth. The Loyal Kerberos, ten thousand Umbral Hounds strong, holds one end of Shei's Black Thread in one of his mouths. He leers at it contemptuously, but holds it nonetheless as agreed.

Most of the others accompanying Sir Pryce cannot look anymore at the Great Seal, ready to direct their thoughts to anything other than the fates of their friends… and foes. Sir Estuary is the only one who seems composed. He looks to Pryce, and with a slight bow of his head, says, "Perhaps we should make for the surface, milord. We have no further business here."
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"So we don't know who's entirely on our side yet then," Pryce says as they give the reason for waiting.

When Vortigern lays out the question of how defended they are from the angels, Pryce is silent, thinking it over a moment. The pressure of Alloy avoiding his gaze and the eyes make him review this carefully.
"I… cannot say for certain. When I connected to that pony's mind, there was an overwhelming positivity, but I could only think of the Rapture from what I saw. And with Alloy's power, I still see and hear Buiwong. I don't know how much these impacted me in that moment, but it still took effort to escape that vision. The best I can say is with our knowledge of it now, we could resist it for a moment, and it'll take all of our effort to reject it in that moment to avoid ending up like that villager."


Vortigern nods then looks to Alloy. When he realizes that you're taking this in stride, he clears his throat. "I'd have to test it… but assuming they're similar enough powers, it should work in theory. I may have to increase the strength of my influence to fully repel the other one. Now, I wouldn't be strong enough to fend off a draconic lord directly, but I don't think the villager we fought got hypnotized by them personally. More likely, by one of their servants, using a weaker version of the same general power. Them, I could probably keep at bay, in case they tried to influence us directly… and without leaving any permanent damage."

"How do you feel about testing it on prisoners?" Vortigern asks.

"Excuse me!?" Alloy snaps.

"The prisoners of war we have here show signs like that which the captured villager shows," Vortigern says. "You may be able to help them return to a general sanity, if your power can reduce the influence of the draconic lords on them."

"I guess…" Alloy mutters. "Still… testing on POWs…?"

"You can say no," Vortigern says. "But if you're concerned for the ethics of it, understand that our foes have already cast the die further than any of us could. And you'd be doing it to heal, not to compel them to fight, as the lords have."

Alloy, troubled, does not answer right away.


The mention of permanent damage leaves Pryce with some worry on what they're dealing with, but he does trust that Alloy wouldn't do anything with malicious intent or damage on purpose.
When Vortigern suggests testing his power and training on the prisoners, Pryce also is thrown off guard. It feels wrong when they've already been through enough. But, after the glass condition they saw in Vitral, their options of dealing with angelic afflictions is limited, if not null entirely. And then his mind lingers to the question of Sarajinae, if she could also be affected by the draconic lords and angels in this way to be working for them.

"…If it is to heal, that is our best bet," Pryce says as a suggestion. "We don't know if the dragon lords or the angels intended to reverse this at some point, of if they even can. The last time we could undo one of their effects took an artifact, and we don't have anything close to that anymore. But, the decision is up to you Alloy. I don't want to push you if you're not comfortable with it."


Hearing you vouch for him with trust changes something in Alloy. A weight lifts from his shoulders… and from yours as well, as the pressure of the eyes goes away– you realize that, from the start, it came from inside your own mind.

Alloy nods to Vortigern. "Okay… I'll try it."

"Good," Vortigern says. "I'll allot you some of my circle of wise women to help."

She looks over to the rest of your group. "While you lay low, the village could use help with curtailing the region's monster population. With the uprising, we haven't been able to spare the fighters to keep numbers balanced."

River looks intrigued. "You need someone to play monster hunter for you?"

Sugar looks at the camera.

"Uhh, yes," Vortigern says, with the demeanor of one who realizes she has missed a joke but doesn't want to admit it.


Pryce feels a sense of hope after Alloy decides to test it, that they could stand equal to the angels if this goes well.

"Almost sounds like our game of Witches and Wargs," Pryce comments at the job offer.
"How bad could the population be? I don't remember seeing too many on our last two trips," He asks.

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