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 No.766029[View All]

>Good Intentions
The rodent takes one cookie, and scampers off to enjoy it. Trajan, who had been stretching his legs elsewhere, has a nibble of one of the other cookies.


Godspeed ponders it. "I do wonder… But I am inclined to picture school as a uniquely effective role for Psy-Chrono harvesting. In Zinccastle, where basic education is required for all by law, people report suffering school-based dream-terrors quite regularly. Most often, they can't find their way to class, or they're forced to retake difficult classes, because their credits were retroactively declared invalid after they graduated. But other situations aren't as universal as school. Some people are fortunate enough to earn jobs that they enjoy, as soon as they enter the workforce. A few – the Nobles – are wealthy enough that they never have to work at all. So, a workplace scenario might not be as effective for feeding the Tree."

>Billy, Zamrud, Qhapaq

"I shudder to think what students who were wealthy and well-connected enough to gain admission to Agape would be armed with," Godspeed says. "Get along nicely with your classmates– and never agree to meet them in a dark alleyway."

She checks the time, and stands up as well. "Right. I'll be off, myself then. I'd offer you luck, but I've fought alongside you before. Your skill and determination will see you through these midterms."
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"Ah," Peyote says. "That brings me to another curious point… I happened to espy a book of maps in the library as well. An 'atlas' they called it. One such map held the location of this Academy. According to it, the nearest of these 'oceans' is quite some distance afield from the Academy… but I do question if this be true. You see, I did not find any of the nearby landmarks I passed on my way to the Academy… not merely the towns and roads of the ancients, but valleys, mountains, watersheds and the like. The Old World must have seen some drastic changes between now and the present, I suppose. Could the 'ocean' have moved as well, do you think?"

"Four months left until the end of the semester…" Herb says. "Funny… we've been through it a few times already, but there's still never enough time in a Cycle to do everything you need…"

Assembly nods. "And only two months until the next midterms. If we put too much time into the theater labyrinth, we'll risk being wiped out by mere test questions…"

The bell signaling the end of dinner rings. All too glad for it, Ride's crew start packing up to leave for bed. Herb's crew start to do the same.


"Hmm… that the weapons they used could cause upheaval of even the ground upon which we walk… I do not think it is out of the question that the waters could be moved or altered, or maybe reduced?" He remarks, frowning.

"Mm. So balance school and exploration, yes."


"Feels like we have been longer, yet shorter, if that makes any sense." Billy looks bothered by his own thought.

"After our first foray, I don't think I fear the test questions as much as I should.. In a strange way it felt familiar, that is if it will be similar to how it last went." Billy shrugs, helpless with the situation at claw.


Zamrud chuckles to himself. "That is the tragedy of your school days, isn't it? You have more ambition and drive than the hours in the day allow. You are only young once and yet only given a short amount of time to enjoy it."

He laughs a bit more loudly. "It is funny. In any other situation Agape Academy would be a relaxing experience of sorts. I'd be in denial if I said I wasn't enjoying the experience of being in school again, even if it is a teacher…"

He passes and collects himself. "Forgive me, I was getting a tad emotional. At any rate, however little time we have, exploring the Backstage is worth the investment. We will let you know what else we find thus evening."


"Perhaps we can hope someone resets the year and gives us time to beat it if the grind is too hard." Good said in a mix of a poor attempt at humor and a bit of copium. He rubbed his brows a bit.

"Any advice from you two?" he asked his companions "Or you Senorita?"


"Perhaps… ah… mayhap the craters left behind by the ICBMs gave rise to new lakes, new valleys and mountain ridges upon land… and if nothing else, reshaped the very 'shore-line' where ocean was said to meet land. It seems wrath animated the so-called 'First Ancestors' of the Castle-dwellers just as much as wisdom did. 'Tis hard to believe that our own ancestors would be born of a common corpse as theirs."

Trajan's busy sharpening his sword, while Dexter is busy braiding La Senorita's mane.

"Seven – or more – hours of sleep," La Senorita advises. "Water – a healthy diet – exercise – work-life balance. Life can be a challenge – same as it ever was."

A shell-shocked shudder passes through the group as Good jokes about the possibility of another newcomer resetting the school semester again.

"If they do…" Herb says. "They're gonna be the ones to cover our classes for us. I don't care who walks in, even the Iron King himself… But hey, we've done it before, we can do it again."

"Wait a sec," Dorya says. "This ain't your guys's first rodeo. The first time you went through the semester, did you fight those monsters during the midterms? Or notice anything weird about the theater?"

Lone Star shakes her head. "It was all pretty conventional school stuff the first time through. Well, as conventional as a cut-throat competitive college like this could be. But, no monsters during the tests, at least, and no labyrinths. Like Zamrud said, it was easy to just wake up in light hours and believe I was just back in school in Ironcastle until something reminded me of reality."

"Hmm…" Assembly says. "It's as if with each new run-through, the illusion of the past further gives way to the abominable present of the Outlands."

Locomotive nods. "Like a reel of film fraying, as it's replayed again and again."

The others blink hearing such a poetic metaphor coming from the local dingus.

>timeskip to Kirk's scheduled theater practice available


"Does any of the content or what is being taught change from a reset school semester? Or are we made to forget?" Billy asks of the veteran group.


Zamrud contemplates the idea that the 'memories' of Agape Academy becoming more and more distorted with each reset, becoming more like the Outlands from which they came.

"That *IS* something of a concern… though, it would also seem to suggest that if the school year is reset enough times, it would simply break down much like the film reel in your example. Either freeing us from this repeating cycle or… taking us with it."

He shakes his head, "We'll simply have to adjust however as necessary, but for now, we focus on the present."

>Ready for timeskip to Kirk's schedule Theater practice


"Hmm… that is curious. Maybe the more people and experiences it has to manage, the worse it manages to do so." He explains, shrugging a little bit.

"Mmm… I think you are right. Such things could happen, and perhaps the water is… frozen, or no longer there in the same way." He suggests, shrugging.


"A, very good advice my wise council." he said making sure to give Trajan a little bread roll target to test it on.

>Ready to skip


Trajan slices up the bread as if it was already buttered. Gentleman that he is, he makes sure everyone gets a little share of the roll to enjoy.

Origami starts to fume. "No, we remember it all. At least as much as we can remember between everything we've been dealing with. So you'd think that we'd want to just take the same classes again to make it easier to focus on getting out of here alright. But SOMEpony invoked his authority as team lead to make us choose different classes each time!"

Herb narrows his eyes but remains calm, even as Origami berates his decisions as a leader. "We mustn't forget how valuable this opportunity is to research the Time Long Forgotten as the people of the Time experienced it. Exploration teams get sent out for the very purpose of uncovering the secrets of the past. It's our job."

"That's…" Ride begins. "All very well, but dreamland calls us. Fare thee well, ladies and gentlemen."

With that, Ride's crew bails out to get some sleep. Origami leaves with them, obviously unsatisfied with Herb's response.

At approximately 2055 hours, you're all gathered in front of the school's theater, as discussed. La Senorita is there as well, as is Trajan and Dexter. Kirk's bizarrely late practice should be taking place soon…


Good exhaled and prepared himself for whatever may lay behind the doors. He looked to the group, "I like the braids." he said paying a compliment to Dexters work on La Senorita.


"hello hello." Billy bows his head as he joins the group. "Did everyone rest well?"


Zamrud checks the time on his smartphone as everyone seems to assemble. He nods to Billy as he asks them if they rested well. "Well enough, I suppose. Feels odd, sleeping the cycle away, but given how late we may be staying up tonight it will be worth it."

He turns towards Senorita, Tarjan, and Dexter, nodding to them along with the rest of Team Boreal. "Alright, we all seem to be here. "Class" begins in five minutes, but let's head on in and see if there's anything that stands out."

He says as he opens the doors to the theater


[1d10+1] Perception Check

Roll #1 1 + 1 = 2


Qhapaq doesn't have much to do to prepare, but he's ready all the same.
>Perception [1d10]

"Oh- I had not expected these. They are nice, I think." He suggests, offering a smile.

Roll #1 1 = 1



Roll #1 7 = 7


La Senorita glows and beeps a little at the compliment– not too loud, however, lest she alarm whatever's on the other side.

You do that thing where you both happen to make eye contact for no particular reason, holding it for an awkward amount of time as you wait for the other guy to look away first.

Beyond the doors of the theater lie a rather empty foyer. The doors on the other side are open, and you can hear sounds. Sensing no immediate danger, you proceed through the foyer to investigate further.


In the theater proper, you see many rows of seats. Most of the seats in the back half are empty, while most of those in the front are taken by students. Zamrud doesn't see any faculty here; this practice must be run by rather determined student thespians.

Speaking of the students, you see that a majority of them are changelings. Students of many other races are present as well, but changelings make up the majority – at least in this space. A lot of them appear to be rather eccentric of personality, judging by their quirky conversations, demeanor, and the modifications they've made to their uniforms. Many of them seem – if you will excuse my bluntness, dear reader – like the type who were bullied out of other spaces, and have found their solace here. The students are reading from scripts, discussing some manner of play for which they are preparing.

Upon the stage, another group of students is gathered in costume, also looking at scripts, sometimes pausing to practice this or that exchange with another actor.

There are two strange shadows there, on the stage. Shadows cast by no visible figure. Referents lacking the source which grants them sense and purpose. It's a bit hard to tell, but the shadows may be male and female– for one is larger than the other. The shadows are some distance apart from one another, but occasionally, one will turn the direction of the other, only to turn back, as if shyly looking away – and vice versa.


"DO we know what Kirk looks like?" Good asked suddenly recalling he didn't off the top of his head.


"Is that a college couple? That is only something that I have read about before." Billy points out the two shadows, thinking about about particular tropes in stories.


Zamrud looks around at all the changelings, noting the lack of teachers but appreciating the students' gusto in the theatrical arts without one present. "Mostly Changelings, hmm? I suppose that does make sense."

He turns to look at Good, "Herb gave me a description quite some time ago. He is a Kirin, various shades of green with umber and scarlet accents. Like how fire looks like when it dissipates into the air. I feel we should know him when we see him."

He looks around for an entrance to the 'Backstage', feeling it might be all too obviously hidden behind the curtain.


Qhapaq stares intently at Zamrud for a moment or two, and is more than keen to be the first to break their stare- he doesn't like looking directly at others without his mask.

Qhapaq gives the changelings a curious look- he hasn't seen many before, so it's very unusual. "Should we get closer and look? Why are there so many bug-ponies?"


As Billy and Good recall, the entrance to the peculiar Backstage area is indeed just around the bend, or at least it still should be, assuming no further strange transformations of this space. Zamrud also produces a picture of Kirk, given by Herb. It's a rather informal shot, taken somewhere in Ironcastle, judging by the bright ceiling in the background, and the fact that Kirk is wearing a stylish bomber jacket. He's posing next to a heap of artifacts harvested from the Outlands. None are that rare or remarkable, but still presumably hard-won, as this was taken shortly after their first expedition beyond the Castle walls. Kirk looks a little disappointed here, as if unsatisfied with his own work – you have heard that he is a rather melancholic and perfectionist type.

Some of the changelings, perhaps feeling your eyes upon them, glance back at you, then look back away, deeply self-conscious. You do not recall seeing any people like these among the many mutant tribes of the areas you have been to, though as you think about it, you may have heard a little of them being inside Ironcastle…

>optional knowledge roll available


>Knowledge? [1d10]
Qhapaq hums a little, his curiosity getting the better of him- he'll creep alittle closer, and see if he can't find a spare script they're reading lying around.

Roll #1 6 = 6


"Thank you, though do you think we could keep copies of that photo personally on us, in case we need to do a side by side?" Billy gestures to his electric brick that they all hold.


Zamrud nods and looks to the others. "Well, let's not waste any time. So long as we simply make our way behind the stage, I'm sure we won't interrupt the other students from their practice." He says, not wanting to ruin the focus of these fine thespians.

He makes his way towards the backstage, looking to take to the stairs and move behind the curtains without disturbing the production in progress.


Good pressed on with the others, agreeing it best to hurry along


You find a stack of spare scripts laying on one of the chairs. The script is illegible to you at first, but after looking at it for a little while, the words seem as if they're rearranging themselves into a more accessible format. The play is entitled "Warbling Lengths," and seems to be some manner of Old World period drama. It would be good for these student actors if they took a few literature classes – a quick flip-through of the script reveals many five-schilling words and long-winded dialogue.

There is some stirring among the student actors as you approach the stage. However, some of them seem to recognize that Zamrud is among the faculty of the place. Given that most of them have a shy and awkward disposition at heart, most of them seem to assume that you have some official reason for being here. The bystander effect takes hold, and so, none stop you.

The Backstage area continues on both sides, stage right and stage left. At both ends, you see many props and sceneries ready to be wheeled out. Just past the ladder to the catwalk, you see a door, which doesn't seem to be anything as mundane as an emergency exit. You look back at the other side – it matters not whether left or right – and see another door, as if a mirror's reflection.


He offers a short, sheepish wave, before ducking back to the party.

Qhapaq brings the manuscript back, looking at it intently- it takes a moment for the words to make sense… "Hrm. I have a script with me- I do not know if it would help any in what we find, but maybe? It is, ah… something from the times, maybe?"


"Hopefully we get to make good time, in and out before the days end. I would hate to keep everyone else waiting on us." Billy stands at the forefront, yet doesn't lead.


"Ah just like last time." he said with a sigh as focused himself.

"Given the location it's not a bad idea to have it. Good grab Qhapaq."


Zamrud offers a slight nod to the students as they notice his approach - he tries to keep a disarming vibe about him, not wanting to upset or worry anyone seeing a professor inspecting the backstage. He simply tries to wordlessly suggest they continue on with their practice and ignore him and the others.

He looks towards the two doors on either side of the catwalk, mirror images of one another. "Do you remember which one is the entrance?" He asks the others. "It has to be one of those, correct?"


While the student actors silently hope you aren't there to sniff out their party stash, you inspect the foremost reaches of the mysterious Backstage. La Senorita, keeping up the silence, ventures a little down the stage right path, for it is closer. Movement, over toward stage left – you see that a silhouette has manifested down that corridor, mirroring La Senorita's movements. She stops, not yet approaching the door, and sizes up her silhouette. It's following her actions faithfully, and does not seem to be malicious.


Zamrud looks at Senorita's shade suspiciously, purring to himself in thought. "Well, that would seem to answer that… BOTH are entrances."

He attempts an experiment. Zamrud moves over towards the door on stage left, where Senorita's living shadow manifested. As he does, he looks back to see if a shadow of his own manifests next to the real Senorita over on the door towards stage right.


"Hrm…" Qhapaq will pace closer, and try reaching over to pat Senorita's head- does it pat the shadow's head, too?


Billy goes quiet and looks weary when observing what is going on with Senorita, unsure how to approach her and the silhouette.


Good was mostly contained as he let the others deal with the odd look.


Just as Zamrud hypothesized, his going over to stage left causes a shade to manifest in stage right. And, when Qhapaq goes over to stage right to pat La Senorita's head, another shade, approximating his dimensions, appears over on stage left.

"Stunt double," La Senorita splices. "Real – thespians – do their own stunts – do – try this at home."

If the shades are annoyed at her depiction of them, they don't show it, instead patiently mirroring those who they take after.


Qhapaq hums a bit… reaching into his pack, he pulls out a wrapper from lunch that held a burrito, and chucks it at his mirror.

>Throw! [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


"It is a bit surreal but the seem harmless enough." he said feeling compelled to pull Dexter from his pack and give him a small series of pets. He set him back in if he so desired, otherwise he would set him on his back and opts to approach the duplicate on the right.


"Fascinating…" Zamrud says, waving his hand to watch as his shadowy duplicate does the same. "Stunt double does seem an oddly fitting term for them, Senorita."

He looks at the others. "I do not know if this will be the best course of action, but I feel like splitting up may be a good idea. I can only assume if our shadowy duplicates move exactly like we do," he says, demonstrating as he makes his shadowy copy lift up Senorita's hoof by holding the hoof of her shade on his side, "Then it may be possible we feel what they feel. We do not know what our shadowy duplicates will run into on their door if we all go in one or the other - we may be faced with totally different enemies or challenges that we won't be able to see and our shadow's won't be able to overcome."

"If we split ourselves down the middle, we can see what each set of shadows see and react according."


"Well, that was different from how I thought this worked, but is that bad?" Billy tilts his head, unsure.

"Should we make sure not to interact with our or others doppelgangers, kind of seems like it would be that situation of one being affected affects the other."


Your double mirrors the action, but doesn't have a wrapper of its own to throw. So when your thrown wrapper passes over to stage left, the shade instead catches the wrapper. For a second it pauses, as if thinking… then puts the wrapper into a wastebin. For the duration of time this takes, the shade is de-synchronized from your actions, but once it's done, it goes back to mirroring you.

Dexter seems agitated as you retrieve him, and isn't receptive to the petting.

>optional: perception/social roll to determine his malaise

As you cross to stage right, the shade has no reaction to you. A shade of your own appears on stage left. There is no shade corresponding to Dexter, however.

"In horror movies," La Senorita splices, shaking her head in disagreement. "Splitting up – inadvisable – keep the party rolling – a family that eats together, stays together."


Good hummed and tried to suss out the little rats problem "Is something wrong my little friend?"

[1d10] Perception

Roll #1 8 = 8


Changelings are but one of many myriad peoples who live in Ironcastle, preferring to live in insular communes that are nearly separate from greater Ironcastle society. For whatever reason, they are not found among Outlander tribes, and seem to do rather poorly if they ever venture into the Outlands – making Truth Dares even more enigmatic. They are often viewed with distrust, for rumors hold that their communes are led by a monarch, usually but not always a Queen. Ironcastle nationalists view this as a deep insult to the true royalty – for the changelings could never hope to be an actual threat to the Iron Throne – but the Iron Family has long maintained a protective dispensation for the changelings to live as they please within reason. Ischyros himself is said to be viewed quite fondly by the changeling hives of this our present age.


Zamrud considers Senorita's words. "In the movies, you're right. But I don't see it as 'splitting up'." He waves at the shades, "We've essentially just doubled our party number with these shades present. We'll be the same sized group as we always were, only with shadow duplicates performing the actions of the members in the other group."

As Qhapaq's duplicate seems to catch his burrito and, in a seeming show of independence, toss it into a wastebin, Zamrud rubs his chin. "Admittedly… these shades ARE unknowns. They are clearly entities with their own thoughts, but they seem uniquely dedicated to mimicking our movements and actions as actors would. It is possible splitting our number with them would give them a chance to attack us… but, I also am not sure if they mean to break character at all."

"These are new, I take it? Nothing resembles these on your last trip here?"


Qhapaq hums softly, and bobs his head approvingly at his doppleganger choosing to throw the trash away. "It… became its own for a moment, at least. Interesting… what do you think, Zamrud? Are they maybe Changelings, somehow?"

"I wonder why changelings never venture into the Outlands… perhaps I can ask one when we return." He remarks, frowning softly.


You study his anxious fretting. He seems ill at ease, but keeps it together for now. He resembles someone who is overwhelmed by an excess of work. Too many projects, too much paperwork, and never enough time. Nothing in particular seems to be threatening him. Perhaps if he had something to occupy him, you might placate his extreme work ethic.

La Senorita is not convinced, and makes a sound like a trolley whistle. "Please keep all limbs inside the vehicle – board and disembark the train in an orderly fashion."

There's a joke in here somewhere, but the greater concern for the moment is that she really does not want to split the party…



"Qhapaq hand me the script please, I think Dexter may need something to do and proofreading the script may assist, or if any of you have any homework he may be amenable."


Qhapaq passes the script off to Good, bobbing his head a little bit and looking back to his doppleganger. Did he also have something to pass off?

"Mmm- I agree. It would not do to separate the party here… though, I can understand the idea."

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