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Ive got a quest for you guys come on out for the greatest party of your entire life every single pony is welcome


Thanks anyway /sp/ but I went to one in real life instead. TV was too loud, my feet hurt, and I wished I was at home playing games.

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 No.723995[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Welcome players!

NPC list: https://pastebin.com/AhPF3hUg

Please post sheets in your first reply.

>>Last time….


Celestia, dragging the gray by the hindleg bumping over the rocky terrain, tries to grok the room with his gooey sensibilities. Vision cannot cut through the inky blackness; the sound of bubbling water is faintly audible. As he concentrates, however, the eldritch goo-pony becomes aware of life in the chamber. The three changelings with him are bright/loud obstructions to more distant signals, but he realizes there are more beings in the darkness. Perhaps three or four distant shapes curl around each other at the far edge of what Celestia realizes is the edge of the cavern.


It's really, really dark. Em feels like they can sense the presence of Celestia and their captive, as well as the former prisoner. Beyond that, all she can tell is that there is a big dark cavern with water flowing maybe, somewhere in the distance.


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With Veddy knocked for a loop and the guards mostly occupied by Jiàndào and Starfish, Falling marches up to Veddy, eyes narrowed as he gasps for air.
"You're going to tell me where Diamond is. Now!"
She states, horn glowing again.
>Intimidate [1d10]

Roll #1 6 = 6


Em taps her chin and hums. "I can't put my hoof on why, but ever since this morning I've been in the mood for something smokey with a bit of a kick. Kinda smoldery, y'know?"


KC shifts Gallows out of harm's way and beckons for Cit to join him. She obliges, blinking over with teleportation magic to make a getaway down the elevator shaft.
[1d10] Winkmaster

Roll #1 8 = 8


The weapon in Dr Hojo's hand fires a multicolored beam of light, which impacts Celestia a split second before he reahes out and wraps the doctor in a big, tight hug. His eyes bug out in that moment, but he is too late to prevent the explosion which results in a crystalline bubble forming around the pair of them and floating in the air. The device itself drops out of the bubble and hits the floor. The doctor struggles against Celestia's iron grip, fear beginning to reach his eyes for the first time as he realizes they are locked into this claustrophobic space together.

The janitor begins to chuckle, then to laugh. He slaps his knees as he walks over to the device and picks it up. Studying it a moment, he presses a button carefully.

Alys: operate the device [1d10]

Reverb throws her body against the bubble wall separating her from Celly and Hojo.

Reverb: Slam [1d10]

Jiandao, wooden blades flashing around her, approaches the guard slowly, intimidatingly. He tries to stand, narrowly dodges one blade, looks at her triumphantly and is completely blindsided by her second swing. Knocked into the air, her third strike slams him into the ground with a solid crack. He is out cold.

The third guard dog begins to audibly wheeze, but makes no move to help his cohorts.
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"Something… spicy?" Border asks, giving her an apprehensive look. "No…" he taps his chin. Clicky hops up into the booth and slides next to Em. "How about…. smoked lizard?"

A well-dressed pale pony with an exquisitely-maintained blonde mane appears from apparently nowhere to arrive at their table, perfectly poised with eyes closed. Three glasses of water arrive, apparently under his telekinetic control, land on the table without so much as a ripple on the surface.

"Monsieur has brought guests. We are always pleased to see you, Monsieur Frontière. Will you be having the usual this evening?"

"No no, Golden, not tonight," Border laughs nervously, sending a look at Em and Gray. "We're just having… a little something. Whatever the lady will have. And… two for the little one."

The poised blonde waiter appears ready to take your order, though his eyes have not opened.

Cit, KC and Gallows disappear down the shaft, KC simply leaping from floor to floor with the doctor in his arms and Cit following them, teleporting from safe ledge to ledge. They make their way down, eventually ending on a taller level than all the rest with the crash of the wardrobe/elevator chamber in a twisted heap at the bottom.

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 No.723535[Reply][Last 50 Posts]


In a time long past, before the coming of the Two, was a time of gods, heroes and monsters. A world as yet unexplored, an age of high adventure.

And in this age, eons ago, four wayward wanderers did find themselves crossing paths. Perhaps it was chance, or perhaps ordained by fate. I alone can elucidate the adventures of these four.

Hearken now to the Tales from the Age of Steel!
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Eager to finally make some progress but wary of the open view, Vajra unfolds the blanket to allow her skeletal ally to reconfigure itself, living and dead saurians taking up the rear guard.

[1d10] Perception, DC-2 detect life

Roll #1 1 = 1


Kalidan is already waiting as the gang cuts the last obstacle of of their way. "Took you long enough," he snarks, before casting a look around the slightly clearer area.

Perception [1d10]

Roll #1 8 = 8


Noghu keeps his spear ready, staying aware of surroundings.

Roll #1 8 + 1 = 9


Vajra gets a bit of a sensory overload as she tries to detect life. There's a lot of creatures nearby. A lot.

As she tries to recover, the rest of you notice some rustling nearby. Before you can react, however, a small, furry creature bursts out, biting Vajra's tail, then rushes back into the bushes as quickly as it appeared. You hear it let out a shrill staccato yelp, followed by an answering call of dozens of the critters all around. The bushes seem to come alive as more of them start rushing towards you from afar!
>Vajra takes 2 hits

"This doesn't look good," Kothbiro comments, readying her axe. Saskia growls quietly and bristles, baring her shark-like teeth.


I grip my spear in both hands. As more of the little critters dart out, I haul back and sweep it close to the ground, aiming to strike it with the shaft even if I miss with the blade.


Roll #1 7 = 7

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 No.716661[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Please post your sheets for a one-shot of DeerQuest!
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"Lately, the forest has been disappearing at a pace that has alarmed us all. Resources are thinning and creatures are panicking. The deer have taken it upon ourselves to replenish the forests. We normally use our magics to heal the woods and to help things grow… but we've had to take a more aggressive hoof. The forest is looking to us to help."

He pauses as he reaches a balcony, looking out over a much brighter area of the Everfree, one in which the sunlight falls down unabated. "Help from this."

You look out over the edge of the balcony, and see a great deal of deforested land and construction laid out before you, ponies and minotaurs working on some massive project that involves clearing the land for development of, according to a big sign, 'Fun Fun Land'


"Uh… really? So… your vines are destroying the homes of folks who did nothing to destroy your forest, but you… left this unclaimed?" She raises an eyebrow at the deer, before nodding towards the deforested area. "Reclaim areas that AREN'T occupied. There are plenty. Seriously, you expect us to think you're in the right when you destroy the homes of children instead of destroying the… well, the nothing that's out there?" Again, she points to the deforested area. "Where are your vines?"


"Ah… hmm. I don't think I've seen this… Fun-Fun Land, before. I'm not sure how this came about, but I can see the issue. Though, is the answer really to just head straight for a town? It might be better to either try moving back in here, or for us to just head over and see what exactly this is about."


"I am sure this is all a big misunderstanding here, my father always told that happens a lot in equestria. I am sure if we went to Celestia. She will tell her ponies stop, and I can go back to the hotel." Talon nods at his presented possible solution.



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 No.705176[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Post your sheets!
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Communions sour face softens as she listens to Peat speak. Perhaps she was hasty to imagine that the druids had such influence as Lugh implied. For now, again, she would have to put her trust in the unknown.
"What are your personal feelings on the expansion of technology and foreign influence in your realm?" This time there is no bite to the question. Communion is genuinely curious.


"I don't think he mentioned either of those. He did say he got the bell via Dead Drop, so maybe he's working with one of them here… or, someone here is working with him. Regardless, sending that letter sounds like the best bet."

"Magitech? I think Sirocco's told me about that a few times… it never really stuck, so to speak. Anywho, yeah- has anything ever been done about these Druids?"


"I do love the convenience of new technologies."


"Until this year, there was hardly a need to even acknowledge the issue," Peat continues. "The Druids did their work, and we Sages did ours. Only recently have there been any reports of violence by Druids against foreigners and their property. All these so-called 'extremists' ever did was grumble and mull over their grievances, so I at least never saw much point in trying to police their attitudes. I would imagine that there had to be some kind of inciting incident for them to go from griping and whining to actually acting on their views and terrorizing foreigners. Based on what they're so concerned about, perhaps some kind of environmental disaster?"

As Sirocco brings up where the Bell ought to go, Peat takes another drag on her cigarette, nearly burning it out. "…Here wouldn't be the best option. Ordinarily, the Bell is kept in a special vault in this castle. I may as well tell you, since it's clearly been compromised. The vault has physical and magical locking mechanisms that involve extensive knowledge of manipulating and releasing powerful Runes. It's also sturdy enough to withstand brute force attacks, and enchanted to prevent someone just teleporting in and out. That narrows down the list of potential thieves greatly, but that's still about 50 people. And, without knowing how they got in without alerting anyone, it's possible that they could just break into the Vault again and steal the Bell once more.

"We have another, backup hiding spot, one that I can't tell you about. If you were to find it, I can give my word that I will turn over all other duties to my assistants and spend as much time as needed guarding it personally. That's how severe this problem is."

>You can roll to gauge her intentions if she seems suspicious.

"What do I care?" Peat asks bluntly. "Technological progress can't be stopped – especially that which provides convenience. He's got the right idea," she says, gesturing to Soft. "Let the people have what they want; you certainly won't be able to turn thPost too long. Click here to view the full text.



I grin and my feathers puff up a bit as I raise my head up proudly from the compliment that was given to me.

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 No.701904[Reply][Last 50 Posts]

Compared to your recent adventures, the voyage back home to the Hollow has been uneventful.

As you arrived back into the Hollow you were surrounded by curious breezies wondering not just about the strange and wonderful treasures you carry but also the shrunken zebra Oomar, who so far has been delighted to visit the breezie city. A different case entirely has been the breezie witch who has refused to speak during the travel and her stay in the hollow heavily guarded by the breezemancers.

Because of the hard-earned rewards you've been given by Tumbleweed, the wealthy breezie, you've been able to fund the development of the radan style aiship. With help from volunteers from the Guild, Pattern has started the long anticipated project.

As the project nears completion we find our heroes in a tent next to the airship warf.
The breezemancers have found that an expert in exotic and cursed artefacts is currently residing within Breezie Valley.

You're both standing around a table with airship blueprints while Marrow Fargale, as you might recall you saved from the forest just some weeks ago, finishes reading the letter.

She looks up. "It's the best we found. I'm sorry, there's simply not many breezies who seek to delve into these kinds of items. And those who do, usually aren't very willing to divulge their secrets. Like our guest."
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"Hmm, I had wondered if we ran into each other before, but maybe it's just coincidence. You know about all that matter with the Radan attack, and then the rogue Tinker, and that weird culty group of Butterflies or whoever. Lot of strange things in the Hollow lately."


Shake his breezer, with a weak little shake.
"Do you have weight statistics? I can look at it?"


He giggles a bit. "Wow, you know about that? Eh, you see that rogue Tinker business, that really isn't representative of all Tinkers."

"Yes, shall we go through the list together?"


"Of course, I've got my own notes ready, um not that I needed notes on my own ship but.." I start mumbling awkwardly.



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The landis rife with conflict as the goddess Concord and the god Discord are forever at odds with one another in a constant struggle, thus true harmony can only be claimed by those who take it.

Name: Your identity.
Gender: Boy or girl?
Race: Each race has unique racial skills.
Class: Determines which skills you can take. Take a second class to become Multiclass.
Skills: You get 5 points to spend on skills. (3 if you are Multiclass)
Special Talent: Typically a +2 bonus to one skill.
Hits/Wounds: Nonlethal/lethal damage you can take.
Weapon and/or Catalyst: How you attack or cast spells.
Character Traits: Details that make your character unique, like looks, gear, and personality.



Gender: Girl
Class: Bard
Skills: Improvise, Heroism, Mimic sound.

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A cloaked figure trudges along the snow laden path as he eyes the walled settlement upon the hill…

Another day I walk this land, the wood buildings built upon stone foundations, Greater cities existed before this very spot and an even greater one will be built after this one is burned to ash and scattered to the wind. I hope that there is a warm place to lay my head…


I know we're using S10, but is there anything apart from standard creation rules we should be aware of?


No, You can just create your character.


I'm here guys.

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