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/art/ - Art

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File: 1353123953431.png (162.95 KB, 430x437, krasboomfini.png)


I stopped drawing for a while and then, then i remembered that maybe i should draw. Or something.

I'm going to post art here from time to time, because reasons.


File: 1353448785135.png (135.15 KB, 724x766, Pinkiscoot.png)

Pinkie Pie has the longest neck… Or maybe it's short legs.


File: 1353472925384.png (97.68 KB, 547x571, Pinkiscoot.png)

Tried to fix the legs and waist. Looks… Better? Not really sure.



I think it's an improvement, no longer looks like her back end got hit with a shrink ray. Over all I think it's cute, the only thing that is really bugging me is it looks like part of scoots right eye should be showing. I don't know maybe it's just a weird prospective thing.


File: 1353769252757.jpg (62.69 KB, 596x377, that dumb eye.jpg)

It doesn't look good without redrawing scootaloo's head to be in a different angle. So, i sort of animed it out, hoping nobody would notice the lazy.



Ah, I see what you mean. Still cute though.


File: 1354687556208.png (136.97 KB, 538x561, I try mlpg.png)

I am terrible at keeping a schedule. Be it for practice or actually updating anything. Regardless, here's the last thing i have been working on.


File: 1355289247418.png (101.53 KB, 659x544, Pony.png)

Here's what i finished today.


Oh, hey, that was you! I should've known. Nice work.


File: 1355804986165.png (65.13 KB, 469x520, She's got a letter.png)

Here, this is scootaloo. I never figured how to get her wings on the picture without them looking out of place. They are obscured by the table and elbows.


File: 1356401880586.png (55.33 KB, 389x528, Pone Bird.png)

Here you go.


File: 1357510029041.jpg (37.47 KB, 641x535, Scootaloo can't take care ….jpg)

Somewhere out there, there's someone raging hard because my Scootaloo said "papa".


File: 1361045983459.jpg (40.78 KB, 539x500, Scootaloo the alicorn.jpg)

Scootaloo should be a princess and have a privileged royal life.


File: 1361049061753.jpg (88 KB, 801x595, Scoootaloo does what she w….jpg)



File: 1368933841637.jpg (86.55 KB, 757x583, scootsglass.jpg)

>Implying I am not dead.


File: 1368933871169.jpg (48.98 KB, 611x468, Everything about everythin….jpg)

>Implying I can draw.


Does this mean you'll stay alive and rekindle your passion for drawing?
I like your scootapictures they're cute.


File: 1370140101248.jpg (25.01 KB, 358x478, angriest scootaloo.jpg)


File: 1370146034784.jpg (45.68 KB, 566x478, Shut in poni hates the out….jpg)


File: 1370146051720.jpg (65.56 KB, 778x466, HIATUS.jpg)


File: 1377362518218.jpg (145.42 KB, 726x1000, scootscan1B.jpg)

Here's somethings i drawed.


File: 1377362547104.jpg (129.55 KB, 805x1000, scootscan2B.jpg)

What do you mean drawed isn't a word?

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