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File: 1373333040568.jpg (206.41 KB, 1084x845, Spoilers It's Rarity.jpg)


I never thought of having one of these, but I'll start posting whatever dumb pony related art I make here.
I just start with what I made yesterday, no need to upload my entire gallery.


File: 1373333089763.jpg (206.46 KB, 1290x877, Rarity riding on Twi mane ….jpg)


File: 1373333161539.jpg (174.04 KB, 989x836, Pinkie Sharing and Caring.jpg)

Tried using the marker brush on Sai for the colors. I think it turned out alright.


File: 1374885258920.jpg (548.32 KB, 2276x853, Progress.jpg)

Hey look, it's art progress!


File: 1374885348684.jpg (112.66 KB, 772x776, Sweetie Bot.jpg)

Some quick requests I never uploaded here.


File: 1374885395483.jpg (95.84 KB, 817x743, Rainbow cut your hair alre….jpg)


File: 1374885448455.jpg (176.02 KB, 944x726, Derpy in Elite Knight Armo….jpg)


File: 1374885495288.png (169.29 KB, 709x542, The Rocker Teacher New.png)

Here's the newer "Rocker Cheerilee" image by itself.


File: 1377665188551.jpg (177.33 KB, 1076x796, Party of One Smiling.jpg)

Finally updating this thread.


File: 1377665203303.jpg (321.71 KB, 593x634, Traditional Sparkler.jpg)

Traditional piece with inks.


File: 1377665218373.jpg (170.27 KB, 974x875, Night Guard and Day Guard.jpg)


File: 1377665232923.jpg (186.72 KB, 1192x1037, Maredusa Brushing.jpg)


File: 1377665246387.jpg (180.07 KB, 982x795, Sparkler and Derpy Catchin….jpg)


File: 1377665270394.jpg (165.75 KB, 907x799, Pony playing with pony whi….jpg)

Not my favorite, but I'll show it anyway.


Were it not for the way the legs and haunches are positioned and look, I'd say it looks great.

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