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File: 1405416262855.png (839.71 KB, 1278x1030, mlpgdraws-redraw.png)


Won't be much here, but it'll be something!


File: 1405416621473.png (75.15 KB, 473x601, fizzlegrin.png)

So, first off.
Here's a .zip I compiled of all the pony-related art I've done not including commissioned OC's from users outside of MLPG, and not including the OP image.

I was informed from somebody else that when they unzipped the previous link, they only got 991 images. This current .zip should have 1,000 images.

I have no idea if anything else is missing, I tried to find everything through my folders to the best of my ability.


File: 1405417624391.gif (255.38 KB, 320x240, tumblr_inline_mlmrr8Sz3h1q….gif)

Oh whoops, I forgot this in there.


File: 1405513338610.gif (142.3 KB, 700x700, tumblr_lzximqHzzV1qh4hiyo1….gif)

Hope you guys don't mind me using my own thread in an archival way.

I keep finding more stuff, which makes me wonder how much of my own stuff I don't have on my own computer, or in obscure folders.


I don't mind at all, and it should probably be encouraged, actually.


This is great
And might help stop people from shitposting about you in the thread


>implying reasoning stops people who shitpost for no reason


File: 1406133564402.png (48.09 KB, 291x275, OH MY STARS!.png)

MLPG told Mewball to draw Rarity with stars in her eyes,
so I nabbed it and did it in a literal sense


File: 1406275646143.png (44.22 KB, 389x245, 1406249233119.png)

and then MLPG taught me how to copy/paste images into replies


File: 1406275672919.png (80.45 KB, 483x333, 1406250065280.png)

anon asked for purplest pony


File: 1406482580169.jpg (237.99 KB, 614x894, oopssorry.jpg)

MLPG was discussing sukumizu


File: 1407100129655.png (147.08 KB, 473x517, 1406902237107.png)

Fizzle Frazzled Dazzle Doo


File: 1407100192994.png (24.92 KB, 272x247, 1406912400188.png)

Pinkie Ponkie Donkie Dee


File: 1407275216021.jpg (606.3 KB, 761x1157, img056.jpg)

a femrover
I forgot her collar



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