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File: 1420248575670.jpg (173.21 KB, 905x845, 141217 mudpie.jpg)

 No.11240[View All]

Tonight's maintenance thread is brought to you in part by Big Effin™ Papasan Chairs

"We heard you like to snuggle, so we put a nest in your nest."©

How are you keeping warm in the winter, MLPG?
708 posts and 287 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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>even the sub is ded


>4chan posting ded
Anyone have a pony comic they'd like to read?


The last one that wasn't absolute shit


So the last comic that came out then? Babs and Rarity's FF didn't seem to cause much of a stir.


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>287 images
Is there an image limit for threads here?


Technically no but thread loading can get pretty awful when they get bloated





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Well hello there!

DO you guys think there's any chance the new UT becomes successful and thus we could see some good pony mods for weapons and characters, maybe even maps, down the line.


Forced transformation into a slutty mare that says hello at orgasm.


I honestly don't think the FPS market is in a very healthy place right now.


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So we already know how the premiere's epiosdes are going to be "Cutie Markless pt.1/2."

Am I the only one who thinks they could've come up with a slightly better name for them?
Especially consiering just how many bad puns could be made from 'equine' and 'equality'.


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Considering the best FPS in recent memory has been T:Ascend, of all things imaginable (it is a horrible Tribes game, tbh), I'm inclined to agree.


Equinity is not a very good pun


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It's puns. They're supposed to be bad.

Still, I think they could've come up with something better than "Cutie Markless".


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>tfw you can't even shitpost during your lunch-break


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I can't lewdpost here! It's much too vacant!


What would you even lewdpost about?


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being kidnapped by a herd of pegasi


Ponies, I'd imagine.




If you get a chance, maybe add a "bottom" button near the top off the page?


So, anyone out there?





illiterate pricklepear


I wish I WAS your pet diamond dog or a griffon so I can you a pawjob as way of saying I'm sorry for the grammar.


we ded


4chan's back.


update yo countdown clock foo
season 5 is announced


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Am I just going to have to get used to 4chan breaking every other day?


Now that moot is dead yes.


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>tfw can't post


That poor Dash booping by herself

I want to protect her


Seems like it is only down for most.


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Definitely is for me

totally ded

RIP pones


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Watch me draw S10 stuff if you can't post on 4chan


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seems to be down for everyone right now, boards are completely frozen


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Shit's back yo


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But for how long


fucking again?


Yeah, it's a bad habit.


Until pone


That's pretty lewd, anon

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