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/v/ - Vidya Games

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I did not know we had a /v/ board until right now.

Do we have a thread yet just for indie game development?


I would've loved that. But unfortunately I am too dumb to code. I just use simplistic game engines like rpg maker and Renpy visual novel maker. And even that is not enough to get a fandom invested. Horsefuckerd these days are not as cool as they were in the past. They just lirk for porn and shit on glimmerniggers.


Also, damn… Thread's been here for 7 years and no one even replied once? Fucken hell, that's depressing.

Don't loose hope, horsebros. Some loyal people are still working in the shadows.


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> Horsefuckerd these days are not as cool as they were in the past.
Pony Preservation Project and Marenheit Art Pack beg to differ.

I'm not. I maybe working from the shadows myself…


I contributed to aryanne pack myself, don't get me wrong. It's just that game projects are not gaining attention they deserve. Heck, /mlp/ doesn't even hate pony games. They simply don't care to invest themselves in. Usually if you make a game about a character some waifufags will join in and raise a shitstorm about how bad it is, saying that the plot sucks. And I love it when that happens. Hatred is the most sincere form of love and if people hate it then they are attached to it in some way. They want shit to be better.

But no. Instead people focus on preserving their own legacy.

>ponepaste because pastebin is shit

>altboorus because derpi is shit
>fifteen.ai because show's over and anon just wants twilight to say erotic shit.

>Muh gaem

Yeah. That's my autism alright. I think any creator would want to bitch about his game being thrown to a dumpster given the opportunity. Screw me. I should learn to give no crap about my stuff not getting attention.

Why are creators so dependant on having fans who'll follow? Can you cure me?


TL;DR I just bitched about my stuff coz I'm a tripfag with a huge ton of ego. Similar to how fimfiction writers bitch about their fics with no views.

To be objective, mlp fandom might be currently on hiatus with recent drama so their minds are circling around preserving what exists. Not expanding the fandom. In addition to that, not everyone is a fan of horror games that depict suicide, gore and sexual themes.

But personally I really adore mlp for all the opposite reasons. I really love drunk berry that swears a lot while others see her as a happy go lucky punch fanatic. I prefer thinking that Moondancer killed herself on that birthday so Celestia sent Twilight to ponivile as a distraction from her tragic loss. Vinyl scratch is a drug addict, Octavia is hard tempered because her parents were abusive.

Snips has diabetes.

It's how I like to portray ponies - depressed, cruel, with life issues.


You need to put a little more hype to your game. Say, art, spinoff comic or something around it.


Writing comics is hard but its a nice bait. I'll consider it after finishing the game though, maybe about how tragic events took place and such.


I think a lot of it is a lack of attention and promotion over a lack of interest. EqD doesn't do a good job with gaming news. Equestria Gaming is a zombie many people believe for dead. I think, if you can, making a comic or even just some art could help make some hype.

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