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/v/ - Vidya Games

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File: 1359257786537.png (192.21 KB, 320x634, fullbody (1).png)


Anyone play it?

Pic related, my xXxl33t4rm0rxXx


Dooks pls


No, you pls.


dooks that's not a real gamertag I can't add u


I d-don't want to post it yet.

I'm still ashamed of it, I'll try to change it next week


Fuck it, I'll change it later.

GT is on e-mail field if you want to shoot aliens sometime


Alrighty, here's mine. I'm good to play during the weekdays more often than I am on the weekends. If you don't have 4, I'm up for Reach, 3, or ODST.


FYI, some jerkass stole "MoronSonOfBoron" from me on the G4WL network. Don't believe his lies.


Then why not use BoronDadOfMoron?


File: 1360067916080.png (83.12 KB, 358x416, 1341789653998.png)

it's a pretty goofy name anyways


What do you know about names Lyra?


I just got this the a couple days ago when it was on sale
anyone still play?


We still play it!

I think I'm gonna delete this thread and make a fresh one, for Xbox 360 games in general, or make the Halo 4 one better.


ha ha time for halos

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