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/mlpol/ - My Little Politics

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File: 1491564885298.png (936.08 KB, 3507x2481, 1491147757506.png)

50fbf No.38

Where do we stay, eventually?

here, mlpol.net ,8chan, endchan?

I am for staying in here or going to mlpol.net, as two of those feel most comfy.

50fbf No.39

Also, we might need some captch to prevent bots and and other stuff. And maybe windowed reply mode.

2ba7c No.40

I am working on making mlpol.net more like this place.

This board can always be a fallback if needed.

34205 No.45

It's probably a good idea for us to use more than one chan at a time or at least have a bunker or two.

350ae No.46

Seems like there isn't really that much activity here, but I don't think many other places will have us, so we'll make due.

At least there arn't any shills to bother us

05296 No.51

I'm dumbfounded that this place still exists

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