>>831130>Just realized I`ve been posting as RhannaForgive me
>>831131I was very close to answering your
>What makes you say that with
>>831133Need all the hooves you can get during wartime.
>>831132Oh I`d love to help
>>831136>>831135>already feeling the fatigue because my sleep schedule sucksffffff
Maybe we will have to do this princess luncheon another day
It's past 1am and I have work tomorrow
Going to end this real soon
>>831138That's fine, Wf, sleep is important.
I have deep fears of how this may go.>>831140When do you think you'll be around to do Abeardeen and save your half-sister (and nieces/nephews) from the clutches of those lewd donks?
>>831142Being a princess is hard work, don't let anyone tell you otherwise!
>>831142Is orbital bombardment an option?
Wait DM, is it Sinport or Sunport?
Both are pretty nice names either way
>>831143I just hope Marina can fit in enough exercise so she doesn't turn into a whale-sized seapony.
>>831144Not unless you don't care about the hostages. Usually it's mission failed if the extraction target is KIA.
>>831139>>831138goodnight you both
>>831145Sunport is the official name
Sinport is what everyone calls it
>>831148Ooooh, that`s sweet. Not sweet as in that`s cute and all, more like sweet as in that`s rad
I shoud have just said that`s rad instead
>>831148>>831149Also thanks for the session, there are a lot of things happening at once It feels like.
>>831151That`s good, we`re making good progress and things are finally picking up
A shame Nonny wasn`t here though but at least Nopo will be joining us soon
I hope
>>831151>>831149Glad to run it
This is basically where Part 2 begins, as Sinport will throw in some new plot elements before we head into the prison raid, and part 3 - taking the fight to the Golden Dragons to clear your name
>>831153I see you were busy
>>831153Can`t wait to have crafted some great things by then
>>831154That I was.
Now to finish this ep of Jack and slp
>>831155The old gangs can easily supply you with more than enough steel to fix Amalganon No.831158
>>831157And hopefully with some tips and other things to help spice up my arms
Sleep well now
>>831157She looked supe cute in her casualwear
>>831164>implying optimized sex is goodBut where will those occasional cute moments of bumbling around awkwardly go?
>>831165Night, DM.
>>831166They never said what it was optimized towards.
>>831166Optimized doesn't mean perfect.
>>831167>They never said what it was optimized towards.That's how you know they're bad engineers
>>831167>>831168Wait, wouldn't 'optimized' sex just be
-stick in
-shoot immediately
That hardly sounds fun
>>831170No, it'd be the sex they most enjoy.
We can assume it's optimized towards enjoyment, not procreation since
>gay No.831172
>>831171I mean, they are super smart engineers, they'll figure out how to jury rig gay butt-babies to work
>>831172Depends on the kind of engineers.
>>831169Thanks for running, by the way.
>>831174It was fun
>Low batteryAt least it can charge while I recover
By the way, is there any good way to hunt Korok seeds or is it just luck to stumble upon them basically?
>>831177If you're close you'll hear the tinkling noise Korok's make, but usually it's just a matter of looking for things that are out of place. Like jars tucked into tree hollows, rocks on mountain summits, that weird yellow flower that's about half as tall as you are…
There's probably more than 200 of the little bastards so you're bound to run into them no matter where you go.
>>831177Pattern recognition while you explore. Keep your eyes open and you'll notice the same 5 or so mini-puzzles in the overworld.
>>831181The main point of that armor is not the fact that it's super strong and hard to beat and high tech, it's the fact that
it's super expensive and they couldn't affor it if they didn't have a rich person supplying them for their war effort No.831183
>>831182>>831180She is trying to expose him.
>>831184Kelani did give her the panties of a maid as a gift
>>831186Such a shame, I was going to let his gf find it in his bags and ask questions if he didn't get rid of it.
>>831187I'm more surprised he's got the one girlfriend. From meta chatter it sounds like he's the type that won't be bound to any one mare for any length of time.
>"That guy ahead of me sure is going slow."
>Says Knight at 80 MPH
The San Francisco area can go even faster, but I prefer the curves of Santa Cruz
>>831188That's just Nopony's rogue shaming
>>831188He occasionally Johnny Bravos up an attempt still though
>>831190But doesn't Kelani have a least one mare in every town square? How can he spread the will of Mother Nature if he doesn't?
>>831192…Well he has slept with many mares given the chance..
>>831193>>831192Joy will pick up the child support check soon.
>>831195But every time he tries to steal he ends up seducing a mare!
It's how it started with Lockbox to begin with!
Now I need a way to incorporate a panty-explosion to Kelaniquest
>>831200Because all quests need some fun?
And it fits Kelaniqeust with how promiscious he can be sometimes?
>>831199I only let Kelani near a brothel once
He just left No.831202
>>831201Well, if he had stayed he likely would have missed his burglary window.
>>831205It is a blessing… and a curse…
>>831208Nggh, oh yeah, look at this sexy thing
I just love bloated disgusting slimy shit
Unf unf unf
>>831209Australia was a mistake.
>>831210Even worse, those things don't procreate.
mate No.831213
>>831212Holy shit
that's so cyberpunk I can't even believe it.
There will be neon glowing light in the sidewalk, and it will actually mean something.
>>831213's pretty rad, but as I said, sort of an enabler.
>>831211It really doesn't matter, they are more akin to drones than animals.
>>831214Look they were gonna text and walk anyway, at least don't let them die.
>>831214what sylt said really
>>831215I mean, the fact that in canon they lay worms in you by shooting you with pen sized sharp darts is a bit unnerving if you ask me.
Also, they do say they hope the idea will spread to other cities too.
So at this point we'll have
1. Lights on the poles
2. Lights on the button
3. Clicking for the blind
4. Lights on the ground
What next?
>>831215I dunno, man. If you literally can not look up from your phone for three seconds to verify whether or not you're going to be hit by traffic, I think you've got a problem.
>>831217Hologram crossing guard lady that shows up on the lines of the cross walk so cars and humans can see it
>>831218Does it matter? More warnings are better. It's not some invasive system or something. And a momentary lapse can happen to anyone.
>>831221Why is that zebra holding up a rape sign?
>>831220The thing is, the problem with this, that even if the light is green, you
should look around.
Par example recently an ambulance driver was under trial because he hit a girl.
It was green for the girl, yes, but she had earphones in and was texting, so she didn't see that the ambulance was driving with the lights and sirens on since they were busy trying to get to a place to save a man's life.
>>831222Dyslexia confirmed
>>831223Don't you tell me how firm my lysdexia is.
>>831220True, but as nopo said, just because the light's green doesn't mean you should forfeit your own perceptions of your surroundings.
If not an ambulance, then there's always the chance of some drunk, however small.
>>831223You are making an argument about what "should" be done, according to your level of knowledge and morality, very similar to what "all life is sacred abortion shouldn't happen because you should think about it before the fact" moralists do.
Subtracting options should never be the option.
>>831227Like those wildlife bridges they've got in some places?
>>831226WHATWhat the fuck are you on about?
Am I getting trolled or are you actually fucking mentally damaged?!
How on God's green fucking earth is 'Look around both sides of the street' a fucking subjective moral opinion?
Are you fucking high?
>>831227Those cost a lot though
And also ruin the vista
>>831230>costMoney < Human lives
>vistaAlready ruined because its a fucking city
>>831231Andy, you've got that backwards. For most corporations/goverments, it's Money > Human Lives.
>>831229It's subjective because the neon strips aren't there to replace looking both ways, just how street lights didn't make looking both sides pointless.
The neon strips are there to give a last, emergency warning to those who were not paying attention until the very last moment.
Saying "I don't think they should exist because then people won't pay as much attention" is effectively trying to apply your morality on the rest of reality.
>>831233I didn't say they shouldn't exist though, did I?
I just said they are problematic.
>>831233I mean, I even like the idea, but that doesn't take away from my argument, that remains the same.
You can have this type of light for convenience, but you should still look around.
>>831235But you still kept fighting against this!
I like the idea for the convenience it can give
I admit, there is a red light around here that is super fucking long and sometimes I miss that the light turns green when I'm fiddling with music on my phone as I wait
But I still don't walk until not only do I make sure it's clear, but also that I have enough time to cross the road.
My argument is, that many people will use this as an excuse to never look up, not even a bit, which is dangerous.
>>831237But you are just assuming they will.
>>831232We're speaking of what
should be, not what is.
>>831237People can just space out and miss the timing, even without the electronics in their hands distracting them
>>831239Well, we all
should have millions of dollars so we never have to worry about anything other than our hobbies ever again.
Just have to be the sole winner of that lottery first… No.831242
>>831238You know it too
>>831240Yes, but getting used to not having to look up whatsoever is super dangerous if they go to parts of the city where these things aren't installed, for example
>>831241Smell that air! Couldn't you just drink it like booze?
>>831241What if everyone got healthy balanced food for free, from specific government funded places. Unhealthy food you still had to pay for, like drinking and nachoes.
Small apartments in a big complex, free, you just pay for internet/tv/phones. bigger places you still have to pay for, families can apply for a free house.
Wouldn't that be nice, and free up most of you income for hobbies?
>>831244Provided you have a job in a wold where everything is done by robots.
>>831245Hey, if everything is done by a robot anyway, shouldn't life be easier for humans?
Let them have their basic needs covered, and see how much more peaceful things can be, when they aren't scared of not having them.
>>831246>hot chocolateMHhhm
>>831248There would be capitalist things too, so having a bunch of land is still luxury for example. But the safety net of that basic living provision means that you're just seeking what makes you actually happy and not the means to survive.
>>831244Andy I am a farmer the robot would take my jerb.
>>831250You don't need your job if everything is taken care of
>>831249You lost your 2020 edge
You don't even want to exploit people anymore
>>831251But hobbies are nonessentials that aren't taken care of, Andy.
I'd still have to pay for Internet/TV/Phone, like you said.
And with all the menial jobs gone, what's left? Fighting for jobs in positions that can't (yet) be filled by robots.
>>831253Let's be honest Fidget, do you really want the government to take care of your phone/internet/tv needs too?
>>831253>But hobbies are nonessentials that aren't taken care of, Andy.Pane et circenses.
>>831254[worried laugher]
>>831255Frankly I'm uncomfortable with the idea that they would be the sole suppliers of vital necessities since then the only way to enforce quality in those things is to be on the constant threat of revolt. Or simply atrophy as a human being and worship the state like a good little cog.
Communism can never work outside of paper. At least not until we've hit post-scarcity.>>831256Yes, because State Sponsored Entertainment will be something that's good. It'd go back to gladiatorial combat faster than you'd expect.
>>831258State sponsored entertainment doesn't work in the age of information.
You will get whichever kind of entertainment you like the most. Brave New World. It's the society of pleasure, not control.
Worry not, you will be happy
citizen. No.831261
>>831258> sole suppliers of vital necessitiesWell, not the way I'd imagine. If you had money you could buy non government healthy meals too.
> the only way to enforce quality in those things is to be on the constant threat of revoltYou realize the FDA is actively preventing us from being poisoned by corporate food yea? Its really the corporations that don't care for us, the government wants us alive and healthy
>>831261It (supposedly) took one of Al Capone's relatives getting food poisoning from spoiled milk to prompt someone to start putting expiration labels on food and drink. Also why he took over the milk industry, essentially.
It took a criminal to force the rest of the country to accept a standard of quality.
The government, up until that point, didn't care.
Also, up until a journalist uncovered all the shit going on in meat processing plants, there was no government oversight.
The FDA is a cudgel the gov't picked up after the fact, not before.
And with how much medicine costs these days, it's a cudgel that's changed hands. No.831263
>>831260Yes and what are you gonna do about it?
>>831262Man, fine.
What do you think should happen then?
>>831263Wallow in helplessness, probably.
>>831264That's the thing, any idea I have to "improve the state" or even my local area would be a short-sighted stopgap, since I don't have access to the big picture. It might help things, for a while, but unless I did them right and properly educated people then things would just go right back to how they were, or worse.
Sorry if this is just putting you in a bad mood. No.831269
>>831268No, I'm a philosopher. There's a slight, but noticeable difference.
>>831265Man, I wish I could give as few shits as Diogenes.
>>831268It's called nihilism.
Just tossing your hands up and saying "That's too much, man!"
>>831268>>831266Did you know you can cheese the rolling ball shrine?
Easiest soul orb of my life desu famalam
>>831269Only fags give themselves titles. faggot confirmed.
>>831270>tfw lost my way No.831273
>>831271Sorry I don't have that game.
>>831270Actually I was just admitting I have no idea how to fix all this shit, not that it doesn't matter.
>>831271Which one, there are lots.
>>831275The first one then
>>831276Like, in the starting area? There are 120 shrines in the world, Wf.
>>831276Just wait until you find the pachinko shrine.
>>831277I just beat the modest test of strength so basically I'm unstoppable
>>831279>somebody on a /v/ thread just called Jack "punished Jesus"Kojima indeed.
It all adds up.
>>831283I got 99 problems but a fairy ain't one
>>831284Ah, so you're at least past Kakariko, then.
>>831285Savage Lynels aren't a joke, Sylt.
>>831286>>>>getting hit by savage lynels>>>>everFun fact.
You can defeat them without even using weapons.
>>831288Not everyone carries a cucco in their pocket, Sylt.
Shoot their face to stun them
Mount them
Hitting them from behind consumes no weapon durability
I usually do it just by dodge + rush because at this point I have all the weapons I will ever want.
>>831290You're assuming I can aim in the span of a second on a WiiU pad.
>>831291Hey, Sylt's the one mounting these lion-man-taurs over there.
>>831292I'm using a wii u pad and have no problems with it!
>>831296Very much so, especially over the waifu.
My aim's just bad.
>>831294Tara's delivery of that was so bad.
>>831300Steal ball '1d10'
Roll #1 4 = 4 No.831303
>>831302Protect ball
Roll #1 5 = 5 No.831304
>>831303>1 off againCurses
>>831294I saved that too
since it reminded me of pumpkin No.831307
>>831298Git gud and dodge into flurry them?
>>831306You went full fangirl there!
>>831304Evil never wins!
>>831307They use almost exclusively mounted-unit attack patterns, so I'm constantly stuck turning around to keep a bead on them. My best bet is to steal high-end weapons from Hyrule Castle and try to sneak up on them.
I sure hope the office doesn't mind me submitting my documents three times because of small fuckups
>>831308No you can't sneak up on lynels.
You simply have to pick the right dodge (side/backwards) for the attack.
Rushing at you on all six? Side.
Running at you for weapon swing? Back.
Weapon swings on sword and halberd are usually back, on mace back twice for the 720° spin which you can't actually flurry into, side for downwards mace attack from melee which you can flurry. Watch out for long range weapon attack on all of them, either backstep and shield or full on run.
Stasys+ them when they charge the nova and run out of range.
Run in a circle around them when they breathe fire.
You should never get hit.
>>831311Well, I know that, but then the bastards dash off a thirty feet, and either set up the charge or suddenly a wolf pops out of nowhere, or a bat, or it decides not to lock on instead of working properly.
I wish the Master Sword did extra damage to them, but it doesn't. No.831313
>>831312I farmed enough lynels to fully upgrade the barbarian set and NEVER had a problem with random mobs. Sounds like a bunch of excuses to me.
>>831313Well, the one that I first went against was on that road near the Tabantha labyrinth near nightfall, so there's that. Red/Blue Lynels don't give me any trouble.
I'm not going to enjoy silver ones…
>>831314The tips i just gave you are for silver ones.
>>831315I see.
They pop up during blood moons at the coliseum ruins, right? Or was it somewhere else?
>>831316No they are in other locations. 2 in the gerudo Highlands, three north of tabantha tundra and one past the leviathan bones north of the Eldin mountains.
>>831317I saw Silver Bokoblins in the leviathan bones, so I must have missed the silver lynel.
Man, hunting these guys down is probably going to be more tedious than farming the dragon parts.
>hear about muh coal over the news
This is the one thing that gets me somewhat mad
>>831320Repeal of clean energy policy
You and I are going to die
>>831318There's a map with the locations. Also no, farming dragon parts is top boring.
>>831321>One of the most polluted places in the world>opposed to green energyBut why?
>>831323Nah, it's in the US, not here.
We know we're just a few ppm away from being sunk under the sea
>>831321Are you talking about trump's plan to create coal mining jobs?
>>831325Coal mining? What is this, Victorian England?
>>831325>conveniently forgetting that mining has been mechanized to fuck so fuckall jobs are going to be recreatedReally stimulates the neurons
It's probably because I'm stressed to fuck by a lot of other things which is why my jimmies are being rustled but I don't want any of you to suffocate or to drown before I can host a submeet here
>>831329How can you be up so early?
>>831330Ringed city goes live in ~18 hours. Also it's Monday and he has a job.
>>831331I have a job too.
But I was SLP way earlier than him.
>>831326>>831327Pretty much everyone thinks its retarded and not going to work, but that won't stop him, sadly.
>suffocate/drownWell I don't live in florida or california, so I won't drown when it rains or fall into the ocean. How much pollution does it take to suffocate people anyway? Don't they have to dump that stuff right into the city's heart to actually affect anyone?
>>831329What a horrible morning
>>831336that doggo looks like it needs pets
>>831333I'm the one going to drown.
I'm not sure how close the coal plants have to be to cities, just take a look at China
>>831337Maybe, but the sign forbids such acts!
>>8313303 hours of sleep will do when I need it to.
>>831331This week is already so packed
>T, a haircut and some wow prep work today >ringed city tomorrow >wow patch and family stuff on Wed >raid night on thu No.831342
>>831338that's awful.
I really feel kind of helpless about it, but then again I always was so nothing is different.
>>831339remove sign '1d10'
>>831341what a cute
Roll #1 2 = 2 No.831344
>>831338Well back when I was a kid, I got told all of New York would be flooded by 2015.
Still looks pretty good. I'd be amazed if suddenly water levels will rise enormously just because of those coal mines.
>>831343The sign is immovable.
>>831327>>831325As someone who lives in West Virginia, and thus find this issue relevant, I'm not opposed to this. Yes, the climate and pollution is a bad thing, but even if the entire US stopped polluting completely, we'd still be fucked because of China.
More importantly, there were a LOT of people put out of a job by Obama's shit around here, and the thing is, coal's about the only thing this state's got outside of tourism, which isn't a field that creates all that many jobs.
>forgetting that mining has been mechanized to fuck>implying the mines around here are going to spend that kind of moneyMost coal mines aren't even anywhere close to being up to code, much less modernized. Considering how many workers- experienced workers- are on the market right now, and willing to work for what is ultimately less than the initial installation costs for that mechanized stuff, I'm willing to bet they'll do what they've always done and go with what's most profitable right now.
I see you two are very upset over this, but we got fucked by those Clean Energy acts. Trump might be as evil as you think he is, but after getting shafted for eight years in a row "for a better tomorrow," having somebody actually put their money where their mouth is about trying to make things better around here is something that's really hard to see as a bad thing.
>>831342Maybe you can help me when I become a supervillain someday
>>831344There were large efforts to reduce emissions in the times between that may have helped. What also strikes me is how fucking self-serving this is, going forward with it despite all evidence it's not going to work. It's disgusting.
>>831349Funnily enough, China is being fucked to hell by lung disease and is already trying to stop coal.
I can only hope this is transitory while a more permanent restructuring takes place, because coal is meme that will kill you and me.
>>831350>>831350I don't get your issue.
Here you live right next to China which is still one of the biggest polluters in the world and has been so for years and I don't hear you bitching about that every day.
But oh, some coal mines get opened in America, it's the end of the world.
>>831352I can't expect any better from those animals
>>831349I'd rather retrain those guys to do other work TBH. Do you really mean to convince that those guys
want to be coal miners, the stereotypical worst possible job?
>>831349Perhaps where we went wrong was trying to keep areas with insufficient work opportunities populated.
Rather than propping up outdated industries to provide work for the sake of work, the willing work force should be relocated to where there is work in need of doing.
>>831350No thanks, I'm planning to live off the land in a cave like a wild girl.
>>831357Sounds like the perfect boss henchman!
>>831359>>831358[1d10+4' awoo battle cry
Roll #1 10 + 4 = 14 No.831361
>>831352China has always been very upfront about their disregard for human life and wellbeing, but even they are ever so slowly waking up to the negative side effects of their actions.
America is generally held to a higher moral and intellectual standard, and harming not only themselves but the entire world willingly to make a quick buck just because China is doing it too is unbecoming of them in the eyes of the world.
Leaders are expected to set a good example and America has fought long and hard to hold that leader position.
>>831360Terror is struck in the hearts of your enemies. Your spirit is filled with lust for battle. You're hired!
>>831364>I'm the beast.Fixed that for you.
>>831351I do too; I know coal is bad in the long run, and even if it wasn't, we won't be able to mine forever- it's going to run out eventually. It's just that putting hundreds of thousands of people out of work without setting up any sort of alternatives was a really dick move, and people were angry about it. Getting called "racist misogynistic xenophobic idiots" for not wanting to support a candidate who showed no signs of wanting to do anything but continue that trend didn't help.
>>831354Again, the problem is that coal is the ONLY thing this state has; all of the colleges, hospitals, and major cities were able to get big and profitable by virtue of being beneficial to the coal industry. All of the state's infrastructure was built using the money that came from the coal industry. Coal is the foundation of the state's economy; without it, everything falls apart.
It had already started; in an attempt to make up for the sudden drop in state revenue from those mines closing, other industries like the Forestry industry got hit hard with heavier taxes, laying off practically the entire force that regulates the industry and makes sure enviromental protection codes are enforced, and shutting down lumber mills to conserve money.
The attempt to recover from the blow to the coal industry could easily snowball and crash everything else in the state- and remember, we're one of the, if not the single poorest state in the entire country. The majority of the population is struggling as it is.
Also, because recently I climate denial website I came across literally had an oil price tracker in the sidebar and this whole debacle kind of reminded me of it
Hmmmmm, I wonder who could be behind this
>>831366All I can say is that I hope it works out for you and you don't get fucked over again.
>>831366This raises the question of how should a failing state be handled. Eventually the mines will run dry and the problem will repeat itself until a more permanent solution is put in place. This same problem is something Europe should have put more though into, but the structure of the union makes intervention difficult.
>>831368Well, West VA has a lot of mountainous terrain, right? Plop some windmills on the higher altitude parts and you might be able to get a decent wind-power station running.
Maintaining and repairing them will also be new job opportunities for the area.
>>831367I hope so too. I'm well aware it could just make things worse, but just making the attempt is more than any major politician has done for us in the past decade, if not longer. The fact there's a chance for it to go well for us is still a chance, instead of a write-off.
>>831368I agree, and we do need to start replacing the coal industry with something else to be the big money-earner. It's difficult because we don't have much land flat enough to develop and build on, though that's also part of why we're able to have the tourist/mountain-trail/whitewater-rafting business we do. We could probably flatten places here and there, but who's going to sink the money into that kind of setup costs?
The lack of an easy solution still doesn't excuse ripping the rug out from under us without even temporary stuff set up to soften the blow.
>>831369We've got tons of wind turbines set up already, and they're setting up more and more as time goes on.
The problem, as me and my dad found out when talking to one of the people working on them, is that right now, they're not really a "profitable" venture- the revenue from the power they're generating is enough to break even with the costs of maintaining and repairing them, but that's about it. Maybe that will change in time, but right now, they're not really doing more than being self-sustaining.
>>831370Hopefully you'll be out of there before that becomes too terrible an issue.
Anyway, I think I'm going to farm some dragons in BotW and then hit the sack. See you guys later.
>>831373She is currently helping in Horizons and I asked Wf to post a picture of her again
Thanks Knight
>>831374I know you guys encountered Torm, but I'm wondering if any other characters have shown up.
>>831372I just want to go out and found sub planet
I have awoken
>>831376I'll ask him about it.
>>831377That can sort-of be arranged.
>>831378'Morning. Off to work?
>>831381Have you been playing the Touhou games?
>>831383Release order, or just the newer stuff?
>>831384All of the post-98 ones to some degree, I'm better at some than others.
>>831385Utsuho Reiuji. It's hard finding good art of her because there's a lot of details that need to be right.
>>831352>>831349>It's okay for us to pollute since China does it tooChina's emission per capita is lower than the Netherlands. The US is among the worst offenders when it comes to shitting out large amounts of polution per capita, along with those Arabian chimp states. Of course China and India fart out more garbage than the US, but their population is also far larger.
I guess people are only going to start caring when they start living in the same conditions the chinks do in their major cities.
>>831324Build dikes like we do. Remove sea. REMOVE STINKWATER
>>831392Muutos 2011
I don't know either, and I don't really care. Especially if I'm going to move to Lahti to study.
>>831392Vote for Putin-sama.
>>831393I'm torn between green and pirate party.
Pirates are my go to meme vote but greens might make sense on a municipal level since their anti nuclear stance will have no real effect.
>>831395P I R A T E S
I will probaboy vote for Persus if at all. I only care about whether the kaupunginhallitus will want to bring in more or less immigrants.
>>831396My one worry with persu is that they might push for pointless extra shit because muh church home and fatherland. Granted, economic parasite blocking is a policy I'd vote for.
I don't even remember what I'm so stressed about anymore
>>831400All the work and responsibilites that stop you from being able to play and have fun with your friends?
>>831400>tfw been getting angry/annoyed at things too easily latelyI really shouldn't be so bitter about some things, but I can't help myself.
>>831402Remember to drink enough water. Dehydration can make one irritable
>>831402It's the pressure of work plus fucking everything
I can barely remember what I need to actually do so all I feel is unending anxiety
>>831401And my failure to secure one of things I wanted most for my young life
Hopefully another britbong attack soon scares off more applicants, maybe Nopo can help
>>831403I hydrate plenty. I've just been bitter about some things that have been happening in my life lately. Nothing too bad, but just little things that all add up and really make me irritable when I think about them.
>>831405Let's suffer together
I really need a week of doing nothing but now it's all-in for two weeks
>>831406Sounds pretty rough. At least I have the Easter break to look forward to.
>>831407I wonder if we have an easter break. when is it anyway?
>>831408Easter is on the 16th of April.
>>831407Pity I can't experience gaijin undergraduate education, everyone who's gotten a proper exchange says everywhere else is babby mode.
How's shit on your end
>>831410I don't really have a true point of reference, but from the sounds of it I'm glad I'm studying here and not in Singapore.
Will to live draining
Learn unity
>>831411It's not so bad considering all the stuff you get to do. What really sucked was A levels, two years of pure hell that isn't even interesting. I think finding pones and the sub helped me a lot theb.
Whats going on?
>>831415Ded hours
I'd offer to run more otr but this week is quickly filling up
>>831419>Utopia releases next Thursday>On raid dayDoom.jpg
>>831421Y'know, I should probably make extra sure I have nothing lined up for that weekend because I get the feeling your prediction may be pretty close to reality.
>>831421>>831422Shit, I was thinking of spending the weekend in St Louis
>>831423Do that this weekend, keep the weekend after free.
>>831421These hunts have everyone all locked up inside. Waiting for it to end… It always does, always has, y'know. Since forever. But it won't end very nicely, not this time.
>>831424I have no reason to go this weekend though. Next weekend is convention weekend.
>>831427I need to think about this.
>>831430That's goat train, right?
I have looked at some of his stuff although he mostly draws giantesses iirc
>>831430GT is mid-low tier.
>>831425would you keep a selenapony in your house as a pet like a dog?
>>831433I bet she can cook a nice meal
>>831431I thought you liked Giantesses too?
>>831432At least he`s not Doesn't-draw tier
>>831418I feel old
Then again, you're the only one here younger than me
>>831436How old are you feeling? Also how old you actually are?
>>831428The weapon durability memes have killed all hype I had for botw
>>831422>>831423We could do it over Easter
>>831439When is easter again?
>our Foreign Affairs Minister was dealin with Duerte this week
These fucking faggots refuse to talk with anyone but fucking dictators and the all around scum-leaders of the earth and it fucking pisses me off
>>831437Like I'm really old
>>831442Man I forgot how young you are compared to the majority of us.
>>831440Good Friday is in two weeks
It also happens to be my birthday
>>831445Won't your family want to be with you then?
>>831439I mean if you think I won't be slamming Utopia that entire weekend regardless of whether Gaius is here or not, you're in for a surprise.
Nothing will stop me from humping a new Paradox release.
>>831444Dang kids git off my lawn
What do you want for a Birthday present
>>831446We'll probably have dinner or something but at end of the day you are my friends so you are who I wish to spend time with.
>>831448You'll have that, I'll have my souls and wow
>>831452You won't escape me, you old fart.
>>831452I see
>>831448I'm excite
I'll just have to hope my internet will be kind enough to let me play properly
>>831442That's almost two years away from me, we could be brothers!
>>831447Good morning Old Lady
>>831450Artemis from the old =][=nquisitor range
A mutalith kit
>>831451Nothing quite as exciting as turning 28
>>831445>>831457Have fun with it
Not sure what I could give
>>831456You'll never stop being my kouhei
>>831457You'll be offically out of the club of 27
>>831455>>831456make sure you kids eat your veggies today.
>>831457Have a fun time if you can
>>831458Your Whaaaat
>>831460I'm the last person you have to remind of that
>>831458Wat a raar
>>831460Well that sounded a bit defeatist
I'll be enjoying a long weekend with you people, how could I not have fun
>>831461What a good kid.
>>831462Noooo your poor teeth
>>831464I'm the best ki-waaaaait
>>831465In all honesty it probably won't be any different to a normal weekend, except I spend one day blasting my usual birthday song on repeat.
>>831439Might work. Once I get a free weekend it's going to eat up everything.
>>831449I'm still reasonably sure I'm the oldest
>>831471You sound like a 16-year old
Also MSOB and Dusty are both in their 40's I think
>>831471I thought fidget was 30+
>>831470I'm probably the hardest to get into a quest so don't lose your head over that
>>831474He is no 30 yet
He is not a full fledged wizard, but I think he is 29 since he is very close to it
>>831476Guess gaius is the oldest then
>>831434Baka, you have servants for that!
>>831477How old is he again?
Back in the 90s I was in a very famous TV show No.831484
>>831482>deerhorse with tail permanently raisedLEWD
also because I'm weary
>>831486Wow that's heavy. Which quest?
What was it?
>>831485I think today is the day, yes
I feel the inspiration drilling into my head
>>831489Well, I don't want to smother it
Like trying to create fire with primitive tools, I see the spark catching on the hay, but if I lean too close and take away the oxygen it will be smothered out
What I meant is I am feeling a bit creative today and I'll try to focus that onto the character
>>831487>>831488I was running a quest, a dungeon crawler with puzzles and 4 dragons to defeat, all with different elemental powers and optional mechanics (like the white dragon with its ice and light powers was also defeatable if you used a laser in the corner to counter act its beam attacks). Everything was going cool, until the gate to the secret fifth dragon, which was the final boss of course, opened up and before I could reveal it was a wizard with the title of dragon from defeating those 4 alone, one of the players started bitching about the dragons not being the right type of thing, and that there are no dragons with dull scales and serpent bodies, and that the riddle boss was too easy and many other complaints about them.
Then everyone else started to grumble complaints too and kind of leave.
aside from sylt who just stayed quiet No.831492
>>831491[just staying quiet intensifies]
>>831491I'm pretty sure this is why we don't do oneshots.
Also, the last session of Brz was fresh in your mind huh?
I kid, I kid>>831492>>831493[inaudible hand waving]
>>831494It felt pretty bad. Good thing it was only a dream
>>831496Don't worry, we all get anxious about quests.
I think.
Like, yesterday I felt pretty worried you didn't enjoy the session.
>>831498I miss playing a dragon in FC
It was the most rad shit while it lasted
>>831499>>831497heh>>831498Clearly he was speechless with awe!
>>831503Yeah, I was just blinded by the glam of it
I focused so hard on trying to get it to work I forgot all else
>no spellbound>no qt NecromancerHave you thought about looking up /tg/ for some other spell-heavy system?
>>831503>tfw no FlaviaWhy did you do that to me?
>>831503>>831504>>831505Shit, now I miss
cousin nolin
>>831504I have. The usual answer is to try Mage: The Awakening or Mage: The Ascension. I don't really know what to think of them.
>>831505Because I lost everything thanks to the ghost in my PC, which for the record is still fucking there and driving me mad.
At least it only rarely memes on me these days.
>>831508He was a fun, as the party rogue.
that's probably why Kelani wound up looking like him now that I think about it No.831510
>>831507>I don't really know what to think of them.What's the matter with them?
>>831509…not the other way around?
>>831508You could play a dragon!
>>831510Well, for one they're a fair bit more complicated looking than Fantasycraft. Of course that might just be because I'm so used to FC and have yet to actually play these systems.
Also kind of worried about how they're not as flexible as FC. FC's flexibility was the shit. Again though, I might think differently if I properly study and try them out.
>>831513As long as I can play a necromancer I'd be down with it
>>831512>someone goes into house>quest failed, I can no longer talk to them No.831516
>>831511Well, maybe?
I guess Destiny was in '13, and trot in '14 ?
>>831516Remember, I'm slow as fucking Molasses
Destiny was the second quest I ever ran.
13, non temporary ones. No.831522
>>831521In that case, the problem becomes
What would even be a challenge?
Aside from the Magic McGuffin of Dragon Slaying?
Don't tempt me bro No.831523
>>831522>implying I can't come up with appropriate level challengesYou are one. The multiverse is endless.
>>831515Yeah, I figured as much.
Still, I'm not sure if it's a good idea for me to DM a quest with a system I haven't even played yet. Makes me feel kind of anxious. So at the same time I'm honestly considering to just say fuck it and use FC with some homebrew magic classes added to it anyway.
>>831523Damnit, Sylt, now you made me consider this.
How would it mesh with the general theme of exploration of magical and distant places?
>>831514I wish you could do it with temporary hearts. But yeah, and even that amount is not shit, every enemy can swipe like 20 hearts away at once.
>>831525As I said, the multiverse is huge. Ever seen Doctor Who? He's a lv20 character in an universe filled with dangers. You'd be the same.
I'm gonna veto your sheet if you put in a bunch of "get out of jail for free" cards. No.831529
>>831522>tfw too many ideas that wouldn't fit in monsMaybe I should run a nonspecific solo ponequest too
>>831529It's why I like Destiny, I can use my ideas almost always incorporated into some of them
I do need to get off my ass and revive the ones that are ded though
>>831527What are those in FC even?
You know I'm not good at powerplaying
What if
he was trying to hide the fact that he is a dragon, an tuning into one was a last resort? No.831531
>>831530Teleportation spells and such.
Dragon lord, 5th level power. The one which enables you to turn from drake to humanoid and vice versa.
>>831531Yeah, I know the 'gamebreaker' of Dragon Lord is the transformation
At most I would only want one type of 'get out of jail free' if there is one available, and that would be something like
phoenix like resurrection, which is an ability of some type in FC I think, but only because I know how fickle soloquests can be from experience, so one safeguard wouldn't be the worst idea No.831533
Find something which allows you to do it in the rules and it's good with me.
>>831534Nothing, it's just that I mentioned doctor who and his signature ability is regenerating once he dies.
>>831524If DM is questing today, wanna BFGA?
>>831536Not today. Going to do other stuff today. Wed/Thursday will work though.
>a large yellow helicopter made like three circles above the neighbourhood before flying offThat was weird
But also
God I fucking love helicopters
They are the best
>>831537No musical retards either then, I'm guessing?
>>831538Do you gender-indetify as an assault helicopter too?
>>831538I can do an episode or two in like an hour.
>>831539No, regular old helicopters will do
>>831540I'll grab a bite until then
>>831542>tfw pinned your hopes on bug magikarp and it failedAt least it opened up a slot for Slowking to join a maingame team after 17 years of waiting
>>831544All the words in caps are names of Pokemon abilities
>>831548>>831549Seriously, is scamming like this illegal?
I bet I could make a tidy sum too.
>>831551I don't see how it is
You're asking for money and promising nothing
>>831551In Finland, I'm sure it would be.
>>831552I mean, if a scam is considered fraud then you could get seriously fucked for it
I lost my shit laughing when I got to the chest-owning tree in the Korok trials
>>831557Always funny when that came up in orchestra class.
The woods is a bit of a bitch
Also spoilers: the trials won't prepare you for anything at all
>>831561and how does that make you feel
My current swordstash
>On person: Fire rod, Guardian Sword x3, Guardian Spear, Guardian Battleaxe, Knight broadsword x2, Forest Dweller's sword, Knight's claymore, Edge of Duality
>At home: Royal claymore
Can't wait to run into a world boss and break literally everything in one fight
>>831562Entertained while I have dinner
>>831563Yeah but then you will have a lynel 1h sword with 84 attack.
>>831561BACK IN THE 90S
>>831565>>831561I was in a very famous TV show
>>831565You know I'm actually disappointed there aren't any video games about being two kids in a trenchcoat pretending to be a man.
>>831565I just got the Central Tower scout completed with 0 Guardian or Ruined Guardian kills
Absolute madman, cheeky cunt, etc etc
>>831563>at home??
Also only the Lynels count as bosses, everything else is disgustingly easy, and you'll only need a 2h sword:
>Take out bow/bomb, shoot [enemy] in weak spot>Run up to them, charge attack>Spin around until the [enemy] starts getting up, run away>repeat once to kill the enemy No.831571
>>831569Everything's simple when you have a strategy.
>>831569I bought the house
>>831570So self aware
>>831568Wow that's a lot of patience.
>>831565>>831566Noooo stop
Its already stuck enough on my head as it is
>>831573I thought it was pretty funny
>>831572Oh right, I forgot to do that.
Maybe I should try to 100% it.
I never explored any of the desert either, except for the maze.
>>831571I mean you can use the same strategy with the Lynel too but the difference is the Lynel's weak spot is hard to hit and that fucker will straight up murder you if you fail, all the others have at least a little leniency.
>>831574I'm BoJack the Horse (BoJack!), BoJack the Horse
Don't act like you don't know
>>831577I don't have a switch, just commenting.
>>831577AFAIK Guardians and the big stone world boss guy aren't staggered by bombbs
>>831580Wait, Guardians count as bosses now? You just need a 30+ damage weapon and to get close to them to wreck them. They get staggered immediately.
Also if you're talking about the lava elemental, you can use the bomb to blow up his "hands", which causes him to eventually fall down on the ground, allowing you to climb on him.
>>831582No the stone guy
Guardians are definitely roaming bosses desu
>Wah wah the game is too easy for me in the late gameMost of my stuff is ~26
In response to the age talk earlier in the day, I'll be
31 in October this year.
>>831577The fourth great fairy fountain for upgrading your armor is in the bottom-left corner of the desert, through a sandstorm.
I'd suggesting riding a seal out there.
>Eldin Tower scouted with no fire resistanceWe hard way
>>831588The magic missile birthday
>>831588I didn't even find the third armour upgrade.
>>831590There's one near Tarrey Town's building site, one near Tabantha Tower
It's under the shrine where there's a memory location, and then there's the one next to Kakariko.
>>831589>tfw got Tabantha Tower with no lightning res during a thunderstormRain makes climbing so terrible.
>>831592Tarrey what?
Also fuck lightning, how does it even work
>>831595It's where Hudson gets sent to develop a town from the ground-up.
If you help build it, you get access to some pretty good stuff.It's in the Akkala region, north of Zora's domain. An island sticking up in the middle of a lake connected to the shore by a land-bridge.
>>831594Living (zombie) girl (boy)
>>831596Who gets sent to where
>my brother starts watching Bojack on netflix in the next room No.831599
>>831595lightning is attracted to metal gears
>>831595>>831599The only thing I know about lightning is she has pink hair
>>831598You know the guys in Hateno Village that you buy the house from? The Bolson company?
There are three people in it: Bolson, Karson, and Hudson. After you buy the house (3k rupees and 30 bundles of wood), Bolson dispatches Hudson off to Tarrey Town to get started on it.
Over the course of the Tarrey Town questline, you will need to collect 100 more faggots, and a person of each race whose names ends in -son, as per the Bolson construction company guidelines. Each one provides a service to the new town: The goron breaks up rocks and sells the gems, the Gerudo is a tailor, the Rito is a general store (sells arrow bundles of each type), and the Zora is an innkeeper. As a bonus at the end of the town construction, you get 3 diamonds. No.831602
I am growing increasingly suspicious that "voe" is Gerudo for "man I want to fuck"
>>831603You're half right, it does mean "man."
Vai is woman.
Also Gerudo village is ladies-only
unless you're a goron or a convincing crossdresser No.831605
>>831603The italian translation said "boi" and there's a part where link says "boy?" and the gerudo he's talking to gets super mad about it insisting that no, it's boi!
>>831604>Also Gerudo village is ladies-onlyWouldn't be faithful otherwise
>>831603I fucking hate Gerudo town. I'm like "Hey I'm here to save the world and you along with it and all I'm asking for is access to your city and an audience with your leader"
>NO VOE ALLOWED YOU IDIOT"Well fucking fine you all can just fucking die I'm going back to the chamber of resurrection and sleep over this"
Flutter-guardians are extremely fucking dumb, I don't think arrows even do damage
Also I wonder how Nintendo put in so much innuendo into a kid's game.
>>831608Yeah, you need ancient arrows or physics objects. Magnetism+metal item drops them in two whacks.
The rest of the game is going to feel ezpz, I captured Akkala tower using 20-damage weapons and stealth alone
Fucking damage sponges man, 240-health bokonopicos???
>>831613No, I mean the one DM made no one posted in.
>>831614Because we all hate DM.
>>831613>>831614>>831615He made it 3 minutes late, probably not noticing we already have a new horse
We'll just use it once this horse is too fast
>>831612Akkala tower? Oh right, in the citadel. Yeah, I ended up sneaking in without killing any of the sentries. It's not that hard, compared to central hyrule (which is probably the least interesting province) and that one that's in the middle of a lake full of electric monsters.
>Destiny is getting a sequel
I feel like there's a joke in here somewhere.
>>831619Wasn't the selling point of that that they'd just write new chapters for it and release those?
>>831619The joke is Destiny.
>>831617Central Hyrule is pretty easy if you're sneaky
>>831618Thank god I didn't have to watch totalbiscuit's two hour video on that
>>831618Dunkey's video of Nier Automata literally made me interested in it
All /v/ showed me of that game was dumb robot butts, I can get porn for free on the internet
>>831625Pls no spoiler
I had to quit the video early on.
>accidentally dump at least two spoonfuls of cajun seasoning into the soup
>>831628Fortunately they're not nearly as edgy.
>>831626>>831627Not a spoiler but game mechanics:
I really like how the menus and HUD are all part of gameplay, I love meta shit like that
Toobie and Nines are also a lot cuter when you hear them talk than just ass shots No.831632
>>831628Interesting though not nearly as /ss material
>>831631Don't worry I played the free demo
Though I wasn't wanting to have the full game before, it gave me some cool KH feels, which I loved
>lose two rounds of Mystery Heroes at the very end because we get memed by some retarded respawn
Eh, fuck this game
I haven't gotten a single arcade lootbox in the last two weeks
>>831632I liked it. The boss fight was a bit too Metal Gear EXCELSUS to let me get all the way into it but otherwise it was good.
>>831631Also Toobie and Nines are way too cute names Oh my gosh
>>831634I mean, giant enemy bosses are pretty rad
Is there a faster way to cook an assload of food? I feel like I'm wasting my time
>>831636Not that I know of.
>>831636Nyet comrade.
Best to do it while waiting for dragons to show up.
>>831639>all the dragon materials needed for the tunic of the wildKILL ME
>>831640Oh right I forgot to even try anything with the dragon.
>>8316418 items per dragon.
This is madness.
>>831642I only saw a dragon like twice and I took a picture and then I was like "Oh the spring of strength wanted a scale from that. I wonder how to get it?" and then I never went near it.
>>831643>not on steamAlso, why is doggo drowning himself?
MLEM No.831648
>>831647This is why I use a Roku.
>>831648I don't have a tv.
>>831649You have a monitor.
>>831650Yeah but why spend more money for a side device to connect to my monitor when my monitor is already connected to my pc?
>>831651Higher resolution and the ability to relax on the couch for movies n' shit.
>>831652Hah, look at this homofaggot
>>831652How can something have a higher res than my screen's native res?
And have you never heard of wireless mouse?
>>831645Wait a minute Fidget
Those aren't Yu-Gi-Oh!™ cards!
>>831656>Still six hours for it to unlock for me Not fair!
Honestly the house kinda sucks other than as a place for display cases. Not even an indoor kitchen what the fuck?
Korok village is better, free bed there anyway
I fucking hate consoles and the cancer they bring upon gaming
>>831659You only like korok village for the fairies.
>>831662Korok village has fairies?
>>831659>indoor cooking>in a wooden house>in a game where anything close enough to an open flame ignitesI'll admit not being able to cook because it's raining is bogus, but there is a pair of cookpots on the main drag of town under a roof.
>>831662There are fairies there? They come easy at Kakariko
I like Korok for free bad
>>831664They could have made it a stone house or fireplace literally why not Nintendo? Reeee
Also, note from design session recovered
>I want this bridge to play extremely French music
>Uh okay, why?
>New horse spazzes out next to a giant chasm and jumps into it
>I survive due to fairy now have to climb out of this fucking canyon
>>831668>having such terrible horsesGo for giant horse or go home.
>>831663Game I wanted to like has an awful port for PC and is unplayable because of that
>>831669Things I would like to try to ride
>Deer or Yak just to see if mountains are easier to climb>Donkey because cute (do they even appear in the wild/not tamed?) No.831673
>>831671Enslaved: Odyssey to the West
>>831672There are no wild donkeys, I think. I haven't found any, anyway.
Bear are fun to ride, but you they don't attack things while you ride them.
Deer are very springy and can go up sloped hills, but rough foothills might be too much.
Not sure you can ride goats/wild bulls, though.
Where do I get more (small) ancient cores?
>>831681Killing guardians, rare drops.
Some shrines also have them.
>>831681As sylt said, killing guardians. The ones in the modest/major tests of strength (which respawn every blood moon) are a good source of them, if you don't want to fight the walking/flying ones.
>>831684This is how Fiona would defeat a Sphinx
Snipperclips is the cutest fucking game I have ever seen
>>831688Too bad you don't have a Switch huh
>>831687Wonder how expensive those reviews were.
>>831690>user reviews$0.02 a piece.
>>831691Wow, not even a whole shekel.
Get this.
Top tier upgrades for tunic of the wild and ancient tunic both require
Korok forest even has a indoor cooking pot INSIDE A TREE
Why can't my house??
Parrying Guardians may be """"""""""""""good""""""""""""""" if you can frameperfect it but it seems like a shit strat only useful for wasting fairies and shields
Fucking hell I'm just gonna restart the trial even though I had it won because I wanted to finish with a parry, wasted fucking everything
>>831697BotW has a complete fucking trash control scheme, and even Timothy fucking Buckley joked about it so that show you how obvious it is, it's really a joke how 20 or so hours in nothing feels fluid or familiar because they don't know how to map even one button right
>>831700I agree, but it gets better 30 hours in when you stop mixing up jump with attack.
>>831702>gen 4 as your firstWhat a kid
But you started out good
I beat a Major Trial but it busted all my main weapons, stuck with only memes
>Fire Rod
>Ice Rod
>Edge of Duality
>Guardian Spear++
>Ancient Axe++
Don't get me wrong, they're good stuff, but not what I want to use on a fight with the first Lizalfos I see
>>831706It was right about that time that I discovered how good dragonclubs were. Bokoblins drop them.
Then you will get the master sword and have the best axe/hammer in the game. No.831708
>>831706You sound like you`re having tons of fun
Im happy for you Wf
Keep having fun
>>831705Hello Andy
>>831705Wow look who's back.
>>831708I have been feeling bad all day.
Teach me of your secrets of diet deer
I eat lots of rice and beans every day for lunch and breakfast
Also been having steamed pumpkin, which I do not like
at all but it`s good for me
Also I can`t afford to refusedrink plenty of water too, avoiding soda and the such
I miss the taste of those juice boxes rich with soy
Starting with where you keep the ponies.
>>831713Rice, pumpkin, juice and water?
Such simple secrets, I must attempt them.
>>831714I stash them down in my pillowcase.
>>831715All of them?
Those must be some
little ponies.
>>831714Rice AND beans, don`t forget. They`re a great combination
Some chicken could be good for you too
>>831705I've unmasked the horse
>>831704No wonder you like Luxray so much
Still got your DS?
>>831718But beans taste like nothing.. and rice tastes like nothing.. so I'll be eating something which has no taste! That's awful.
>>831719top cute
>>831721Soy sauce is great with rice!
And if rice tastes like nothing you need better rice
>>831720Nier's director replying ":)" to a fan who says his game traumatized him as a kid.
>>831721But rice and beans do taste of stuff, it's all about how you cook them!
>>831719Luxray is great, I remember picturing myself riding on the back of mine around the beach areas as a kid
And hah, I don`t, I addicted that thing`s battery until it was unusable and then bought another and did the same thing
in the end it broke and my requests to fix it were refused so it ended up gathering dust in the old house somewhere, lost to time
>>831721That isn`t true! The brazillian rice and bean recipee brings out a lot of the flavor of the brown bean and it has a great texture when coupled with rice
I`m silently hoping sometime they introduce a Brazillian dish in Food Wars
See if your phone can run Drastic
You can smulate DS easily on a computer but a phone is handheld
>>831722I've never tasted a difference tbh.
>>831723Pretty nice.
>>831723>>831724Well, maybe its about having brown rice instead?
>>831726Never had brown rice.
>>831725Oh believe me, I tried but not even N64 really runs on this thing
Also it is not nearly the same thing on a computer
>>831726Funny I don`t remember ever eating brown rice
Or `wild rice` as I heard from Xenthori
Maybe I could give you the recipee of pic related. It`s G-reat
>>831727>>831726I vastly prefer white, but that's just me
>>831707Yeah, they're handy, I've been picking up a few but I broke TWO (2) in that one fight alone
>Decide to look for new tower and maybe just kill some randoms out on the way to get new weapons>In town I grab a ladel, pitchfork, and sledgehammer>Shrine in the forest>"As long as this isn't anything too dangerous, I should be okay">Minor Test of StrengthNeedless to say, I beat it with those three items alone
>>831708Yeah, it's a good game
when the controls don't get in the way No.831733
>>831730I ran out of weapons during a major test and had to finish it with bombs because I still didn't know you could parry the beam.
>>831731Motion controls will NEVER be perfect
At least maybe not in our lifetime
>>831732Nah you`re just used to American cuisine which is not the forte of your country
>>831732It might be. Only one way to be sure. Gotta cook for you and test it out.
>>831735The secret to american food is to cover it in cheese.
>>831736Excellent. I'll be by Wed.
You gotta get yourself to a meet asap and meet the best horsefuckers cooks from all around the world
Can you imagine what amazing dishes will the sub cook?
>>831740What thread?
>>831742There's a thread on /jp/ I'm curating them from.
>>831744Give it to me
>>831746Get a rice cooker and jasmine rice.
Get a rice cooker nonetheless, they're great for cooking anyhow.
>>831746If that option was avaiable to me I`d airdrop myself on your yard
If that`s okay with you
>>831745>>831746There's only so much rice! You'll have to duel each other for it.
>>831748>>831749send the rice to maali, then maali can cook it while he's being transported here.
then I'll have a chef and a meal delivered.
>>831747I don't need a rice cooker, just boil it in a pan.
>>831749W-what? I don`t want to duel Andy…
>>831750Perytons are really scary
Shit I never thought I'd hear a good line out of Doctor Who.
>doc just regenerated
>old man face
>kinda delirious
>looks at himself in the mirror
>"Look it's covered in lines! But I've not done the frowning. Who's frowned me this face?"
It was half good!
>>831752Perytons are awesome what are you talking about
also scary
>>831753I stopped watching Doctor Who after that girl who kept dying and showing up appeared. I was also turned off by the merchandising. But I hope you're enjoying it if you like it.
>>831733>Go into shrine>Puzzle is extremely simple>Chest inside that contains 5-dmg traveler's swordI think this one was supposed to be one of the first ones you find, who goes to the Jungle first? It's so out of the way!
>>831756Are other ones near the border to the starting area relatively easier? If so it's probably to keep a consistent difficulty no matter where you decide to go first.
>>831755>I hope you're enjoying itI am.
>if you like itI don't.
I'm watching it in a "so bad it's good" kind of way.
>>831756It's doubly dumb because they have that Impa quest marker and 99% of players went that way!
>>831757Didn't pay attention, but I think so - at least in the first fields zone anyway
>>831756>>831758Guess they should have gone with a linear story after all.
>>831760That's some nice copypasting there.
>>831758I was in early high school when I really got into it so maybe I outgrew it? But I still watch Super Sentai a lot.
>>831755I mean, awesome is not te word I`d give them
I`d rather other kinds of deer
Is just turning off a bodily function an option
I'd be glad if it was
I'll take the 'Iron Belly' upgrade please
>>831762I never really got "into" it, every single watch I gave it has been out of sheer irony.
Super sentai has the same ironic pull to it.
>>831765Lead* belly perk*
>>831766If I am ever going to need the ability to be able to drink irradiated water, I'll either be just visiting the area around Fukushima or I will just have bigger problems in general
>>831763Is that supposed to be a peryton? I couldn't tell from the broken-up graphite look and lack of hard lines.
>>831766I do like Super Sentai sincerely, though.
>>831767That's the way to do it.
>>831769It`s the amazing BatDeer
>>831761In some ways I think it's better
Early on I stumbled on a Major Trial and just left to come back later because I knew I couldn't handle it yet
Since it's bite size, there's not so much stress about just moving on if you can't handle a zone's difficulty
>>831767Now it says I need a password.
>>831771More like it's the amazing 'sketch that never got finished'
>>831770Well technically Lead Belly is a perk from Fallout that lets you drink out of toilets
>>831774>lets you drink out of toilets>like a dogL E W D
>>831775I'm amazed your mind went there.
>>831773Sketches are good if you want to draw a silly idea like that
>>831752>>831751Maali, when a couple of people in deer suits ask you to get in their van, please comply
>>831751Oh I missed this reply
Are you gonna let me play geimu in your compy Andy-chan?
>>831784A-are you sending some over?
>>831785>can't start the game because none of my buttons workI guess I'll just play some more touhou
>>831793He`s just supposed to look like he`s shaping it into a bed
how did I fail that hard
>>831796He's shaping it into something allright
>>831800>>831799Yeah the fat pussy makes it looks just dumb.
Like those *boing* webms.
>>831801It looks like silly lips
What webms are you talking about?
>>831803The ones where puffy vaginas being played with in porn are paired with sound effects from hanna barbera cartoons.
>>831802>Draw a small sketch of Kelani once >Nopo goes fucking wild Remind me to never draw Kelani again
>>831804Goddammit, I want to say that I don't want to see that
But my curiosity is boundless
>>831804Reminds me of the ones where poisonous plants are rubbed against them to make them really big and red.
I've never seen those
>>831807Oh wow
>>831808I thought you of all people would have seen that.
>>831809I dunno, it's at least really itchy and irritating from what I can assume. I think it's stinging nettle?
>>831809Somehow they have eluded me
And I'm afraid to click on just random porn webms in /gif/ YLYL threads ever since the one where I saw a woman prolapse 90% of her inner workings with a horse dildo and felt like filling a bathtub with puke
>>831806You should draw him again~
>>831811Can't you read
I'm never drawing Kelani sketches again
>>831812I mean, if anything
It just means how much I love that drawing
>>831813I don't understand why
Its among the most poorly done with the least amount of effort drawings I ever made done in an hour
>>831814Do me a drawing like that then!
>>831814Yet it's still one of the most reposted character images
>>831815Its so incredibly out of my comfort zone. Sounds like a perfect exercise
>>831816It doesn't count when you're responsible for 95% of the times it was posted, faggot
>>831814I keep telling you, people like fast low effort pics
>>831817Great! Make it a Hugh Hefner pony sitting in a classy chair surrounded by playmares.
>>831817Actually, Andy posts it too!
Also, you never did draw that one art I asked you to!
>>831818Is that why you zero effort every piece of art you make?
>>831819Pumpkin please
>>831818DM, fair warning but you are going to fucking hate the first part of the Ringed City.
The Angels respawn until you kill their main body, which is usually hidden out of the way. No.831822
>>831818I'm incapable of putting low effort somehow
>>831819Hugh who?
Also that's way more than one character ya cheat
>>83182095 percentI drew you plenty of stuff. You're in 3rd place of the people I drew the most for
>>831822I know you did and I'm very grateful for it!
>>831822>Hugh who?Read a book faggot.
>>831822Hugh Hefner of Playboy Magazine ya dongdork
>>831823You and DM are both insatiable sluts
>>831824>>831825I'm not a very well cultured person
Anyways it's getting late and the lack of sleep is getting me irritated
Night now
>>831826I am, I know it, but we just love your art too much!
If I'm 3rd, and DM is 1st with his secret lewd requests, who's 2nd? Nasse?
>>831821Oh joy
>>831824You expect a Brazilian teenager to know who some 70s magazine celebrity is?
>>831829By the way, entrances to the Ringed City DLC are a second bonfire in Friede's boss room and right in front of the First Flame.
On the bright side, once you find and kill the main body, they stay dead. There were two whose bodies I couldn't find, though. No.831831
>>831829The simpsons spoofed him and I'm sure that's 90% of the tv they get, in brazil.
>>831831He hasn't been relevant for the last decade
>>831833Brazil doesn't get tv from the last decade.
>>831830Gonna need to take the friede one I think. Good to know.
[dead inside intensifying]
>>831839Siegmeyer was such a bro.
>the faggot just stands there
>>831840I actually ended up preferring sigward. His antics were even more moronic which made his sudden shift into complete badass mode all the more surprising
>>831842Well, that's the thing about all the knights of Catarina. All are fairly ridiculous until suddenly they serious the fuck up and get to the business of kicking ass and taking names.
And then have a rousing drink after.
>>831845Exactly. Nothing matters except what you think matters.
So making things a little more rad for now is perfectly understandable.
No.831850 explanation for Andromeda's facial expressions.
>>831844Sigmayer will die fighting three normal enemies without aid
Sigward will come close to soloing a boss
When can we expect to see you around more often?
>>831855I dunno, I probably ought to kick this grip Starbound's colony-building has on me.
I do try to keep track of the meta most of the time, I just don't have time to weigh in myself, or just don't have anything to add.
>>831856We want sky pirates back babe.
>>831856DM and I tried to build some colony. First attempt ended up looking like a pair of commieblocks with random NPC's whom we figured would be funny to have. Second attempt was supposed to be some sort of a magical pastel castle on a Dark world, but ended up looking like a bunch of vomit filled boxes stacked on top of eachother.
>>831857>>831859I see. I'll try to start posting more often.
>>831858I started my first one as just a farm on a gentle world with a few tenants just to see what the fuss was, and also to keep monsters from spawning in my crops. It eventually evolved into a castle tower next to a Challenger-rocket house, with a museum where I'm displaying my fossils built into the side of the hill.
My second colony started with a glitch-themed place, then just sort of snowballed. Now I've got three miners set up on the bottom, a Bunker Manager set up on top, and several different tenants in-between, with a public garden area right smack-dab in the middle since the whole thing's built into the side of a mountain. I've even got plans to set up a guard-tower outside at the bottom of the hill for that extra little bit of security.
I wish I was a pretty mare getting railed by 5 stallions at once.
>>831858The third attempt - the populated asteroid field - looked like it could work. It had more structure and coherence.
Roll #1 9 = 9
>>831869Every mare has her limits.
Otherwise we could, by induction, go up to N stallions where N is an arbitrarily large number.
>>831870You're a tougher mare though, right? Surely 5 raunchy stallions must be nothing
>got beat by waifu in-game
I'm alright with this.
>>831871Depends how raunchy we talking.
>>831873>>831871Raunchy or horny?
>A beautiful nation, prospering since ancient times, Japan is now known as the Anime Kingdom. There are more than just humans living there; animes truly do exist in Japan. Past the Fairy Ring, to the world of fairies, live anime-chans. There's a Fairy Ring in your town, too. Here. And there. Even in Harajuku. Maybe even in the Ashigara mountains. By some chance, we'll open that door. And we might get to meet the anime-chans. This is the land where you get to meet anime-chans.
>>831875>google that>highest review for that anime is 2.9/10Promising.
>>831876go back to the stallion dicking
>>831877Less gay than anime
I wish it was tomorrow already. There is nothing left in today but pain.
>>831879There is a full night of souls
>>831879Thus die I, thus, thus, thus.
Now am I dead,
Now am I fled;
My soul is in the sky:
Tongue, lose thy light;
Moon take thy flight:
Now die, die, die, die, die.
Dies No.831882
>>831880I don't have a debit card with which to use the money I'll only get tomorrow and I never finished DaS3
>>831882Did you start those unity tutorials yet
>>831883I'm learning HTML, CSS and Javascript at work. Only gamedevving stuff I've found says "if you make anything more complicated than pong as your first 100 projects you're just setting yourself up for failure"
>>831885Hey i was in that thread too!
>>831884My first real project was the server part for a database app, what does that imply?
pong is super easy in f# No.831888
>>831886The only "project" I've completed was a hackjob of a website for a school Final Project, I've never even touched game making previously. The video I saw said "if you try to make a real game on the first try you'll just get frustrated and give up"
Like if you wanted to make Super Mario brothers, you shouldn't make Super Mario Brothers, you should make a straight line on which a block moves, maybe can jump and has pitfalls that can kill you.
>>831888You watched extra credit's video on prototyping.
Good advice.
>>831889I used to watch them on Escapist but didn't notice they were on Youtube for a while.
Are any credentials good credentials when it comes to development? I saw some call-outs on them being mobile game devs but the videos seemed legit enough.
>>831889Yeah so I figured I might as well cut the crap and give up now right Although it seems stinking easy to make an FPS game in unity.
>>831890Mobile games !== video games
>>831890EC is actually bad for most of the non-gamedev videos they do, sadly. See the infamous spectrum crunch.
>>831892So it's good FOR the gamedev videos?
>>831893Yeah. With a grain of salt.
>>831892Well that's how it goes in Javascript
>>831895It's true what they say.
You never stop learning.
Learning is overrated
Knowledge only brings responsibility and pain
Just let it be Friday already please
What are those tiny human symbols beside a bonfire's name in the travel screen?
>>831884My first one was a bad doom copy
The point is you need to make small simple tutorials to get comfortable with your tools and learn problem solving. Those tutorials are the first 100 projects.
>>831888Well yes that's how it goes. That's the core of the game.
Then when that works you later more on it.
Walls to jump over
Enemies that stand still
Enemies that move in a straight line
Enemies that fly in a wavy line
A second hp that protects from instant death
And so on and so on.
This approach gives the project structure and achievable short term targets.
>>831893Their game design ones are fine enough from what I've seen. I've only watched a few that were mentioned in company chats though.
>>831901I've been listening to GDC writing stuff lately, I've been enjoying it. Yoko Taro's one was interesting and definitely the kind of thing you might expect from him.
>>831900I've officially graduated to learning C#
I WISH I could make a simple bad Doom copy, but I wouldn't even know where to start. Unless you mean the kind of Doom copy that's made in unity and uses stock assets instead of an actual fake 3D retro style shooter.
>>831903I should put more time into watching gdc stuff again. It just tends to distract me if I listen to something other than music while working.
>>831904>C# tutorial only covered the very basics of integers and loopsOh well never mind
>>831904Mine was hacky as shit and made in visual basic back in like the 9th grade.
Why not make the stock asset unity one?
Movement and aiming
Basic Enemies and health
Moving enemies
Shooting enemies
Ammo limits and pickups
Doors and key cards
Different weapons
Different weapons on enemies
A boss with multiple weapons (ex. Basic projectile gun + ground targeting rockets)
Stick it all together into a map
And there you go. A bigger project broken down into simpler segments.
>>831907I actually have a youtube tutorial for how to make an FPS game, I'm just afraid of following it in case it teaches me bad habits.
>>831908Like over-reliance on stock poses and references?
>>831908You know what's a bad habit?
Not doing anything in the first place.
If you worry you might become too reliant on the tutorial, try to instead solve each step by googling solutions from existing unity documentation and help forums.
But for fucks sake at least try doing something instead of giving up on step zero out of fear of the future.
>>831911I used to love this
>>831912That's true, but you're in a lot better position to say that since you already have a job in the field, like three decades of experience and actual motivation to live your life.
I can't do anything about Unity at work anyway, since I only have it installed at home.
>>831914Unity project files can easily be moved around with say Dropbox if you want to work in multiple places. However I don't know if you have time or ability for such at work.
And we must all start somewhere. I started with the game dev course in vocational school. I know you said you could not find any near you, but if you don't want to be purely self learned broaden your search area. Pelikoulutus will give a lot of results on Google.
And if programming isn't for you, the industry has a drought of 3d artists and animators.
>>831915I did try getting into game devving school but the requirements were too high.
I'm actually trying to learn blender but it's hard as bolls.
Basically I want to do it all myself. Or at least partly myself. I don't know how much actual programming is industry standard nowadays.
>>831916I'd need to ask our programmers about standards. I know nothing about how their hiring works.
Portfolio is still important though. Being able to show you've done things is better than showing graduation papers in most cases.
>>831916Also how were their requirements too high?
>>831918I couldn't place in the selection exams.
>>831919Ah OK I thought you meant like prerequisites
>>831923When exactly would that be?
>>831921Oh this should be good
Everything is bep
So bep
>>831924When I get home so two and a half, three hours time?
>it's yet another "Losing streak all day, it's impossible to get 4 motherfucking piece of shit wins" episode
>>831929I had a chat with my parents about my Asiatrip, they were very supportive and willing to foot a part of the bill as a gift to me. So great news there. At least it'll make it far less of a dent in my finances.
>Actually dreamed of the Souls DLC tonight
I also dreamed I got a seal Pup as a pet but that wasn't as interesting
>>831930That's nice
We can do it this summer even if I end up not getting Britbongistan
Can't wait to show you what I know about Japan too
>>831932Too late to swap out Nadia now!
>>831934It was a very cute part of the Dream, though I don't remember ever seeing a baby seal irl
>>831933You and I would be too if we took our drawing seriously. I would be living with Wf by now if I had more dedication
Welp, my game is broken
The Blood Moon has risen four times in one fucking night
>>831933Rich is putting it
rather strongly.
Only reason I can afford to do this is because I'm a jew when it comes to my money.
>>831935We'll have to have a chat on mumble about it sometime. Maybe once your workload has lessened?
>>831940Jewry is the key to having money
And yeah, exams will be done in a month
>>831935I wouldn't dream of it
>>831943I wanna use my styler to get a pokemon to coordinated swim with me
>>831947Protect pony against bullying '1d10'
Roll #1 9 = 9 No.831950
>>831947Bully her
sexuallyRoll #1 10 + 2 = 12 No.831953
>>831951A common method of individual sea travel is the use of inflatable rafts pulled by Pokemon. Your swimming Pokemon should be pretty strong, though.
>>831953Can I use the styler to ask a bunch of goldeen to pull a raft for me?
>>831952Glad you could make it.
>>831955A bunch of Goldeen are less likely to want to work together and pull you for long!
Wailord naturally drift from place to place, which is why they're a good choice. If you can find one, that is.
>>831956I'm gonna try it when I'm near the ocean.
>>831930>>831935Wish I had the time to join you two.
>>831959I thought you would like to come, actually
>>831957Or you could have Lalita pull you, but you'd have to pull over at a small islet to rest every now and then. Might find cool stuff on the way, though.
OW, anyone?
>>831966That's nice, I might finally get a full session!
>>831960I've always wanted to visit SEA.
really just want to use the styler No.831970
>>831969Your Pokemon are so good and competent already, it's hard
sorry>>831968It is a nice place to visit. When it's your turn we'll have to take a longer tour.
>>831968Why though? Isn't SEA just a Cummunist-, Mosquito- and Malaria-ridden hellhole?
>>831971It's more dengue here than Malaria
It's cheap, and there are nice places.
>>831974>>831975He's just using Steam/Mumble.
>>831976Fucking steam is a piece of shit, it won't play the stream
>>831977I can't see anything either
>>831979oh, looks like it works on firefox too
>>831981Sailors speak of a landmass far to the south filled with but flowers. Those who are lost at sea are brought by a certain seafaring Pokemon to it, nursed to health, and sent away.
>>831973Your patience will be tried and tested.
Hope you can lightroll.
>>831983>Sailors speak of a landmass far to the southYeah well Aquinas speaks of the mythical city on the Hill but you don't see me brag!
>>831983I wanna meet this mysterious healing pokemon
>>831986It's a rare audience you're looking for!
Might be easier for you, as someone born in the wooded heart of the Grasslands.
>>831991Youth should seek amazing legends like this
>>831995A shiny Link. How rare.
>>832005Sitting motionless staring at a screen.
Whatcha doin?
>>832016Any vidya?
Or quests?
We will play quest
Right here
Right now
Roll race
1- Earth pony
2- Pegasus
3- Unicorn
4- Zeeb
5- Donkey
Roll #1 5 = 5 No.832022
Roll #1 1 = 1 No.832024
>>832021You are a donkey!
Welcome to the Working Class!
>>832022You are an Earth Pony
Welcome to the Working class!
>>832024aw man, I thought quests were about escaping from the norm
>>832025That's why we are the
working class.
>>832020Where's the deer option?
Roll #1 4 = 4 No.832029
>>832027Well now>>832026>>832025It is better in Equestria!
>>832029I suppose it would be, since destiny is actually sort of a thing.
>>832031>Destiny is sort of a thingWhat are you implying
>>832029What is my purpose for the quest?
>>832030I want to see where this goes
>>832017I'm not really in a good spot for questing or I would try
>>832032The buttmarks show what you're good at, and ponies usually can land a job in a related field.
And I'm not bugging you about D until you get that write-up ready. No.832036
>>832033>I want to see where this goesOh I see, this is your rape fetish talking.
>>832034That's unfortunate. Video games a no-go, too?
>>832035I really should…
pass butter No.832040
>>832039What haven't you finished yet? I fear the tilting in arena shooters might just sour the day.
>>832036S-shut up
My God
>>832041Yeah, welcome to the club
>>832039Something qt
>>832042So I guess there's no real quest happening?
Can I stop being a zeeb then?
>>832040>>832042Well I already played MHgen today
You're a zeeb forever now
>streaming sites too shit to watch anime
>>832044Well, what do you think would be fun?
Bleh I will just go to bed.
>>832049Is DM still streaming himself getting mad at Souls?
>>832049DM is stil stramming for a bit
>>832051>>832052I can't connect to that
>>832053I see…
Any shows you wanted to catch up on?
>>832053BDN said that that can be solved by opening it from the browser
>>832055I see.. how does one do that?
>>832054I don't feel like watching a new show, maybe rewatching something.
>>832056I think you have to log in to store.steampowered from the browser then go to No.832059
>>832057Well, there's always horse.
Hm, Mega links on /v/ to Nier Automata soundtrack
Apparently it's not even available for purchase yet
Well, I'm gonna go play breath of the wild for a little bit. See you guys in a while.
>>832076Nah but I did see what I assume is all the bosses. Still some areas to explore and I need to actually kill the bosses.
>>8320802 days
praise the old ones
>>832078>>832080Are they really already shitting out a sequel?
>>832082Expansion pack to expand the map
>>832082They've been fairly open that multiple teams have been working on this.
>>832083>>832084Wew. I hope it is just an expansion pack.
If it's actually Total Warhammer 2 I'm going to laugh so hard.
>>832085If they stick to what they told us during development, it's a map expansion with probably three new races. Can be played standalone, but won't have any of the first game's content.
File: 1490737417797-0.png (Spoiler Image, 394.61 KB, 1332x1363, 1166494 - Crossbreed_Prisc….png)

Slp take me
>>832077Give me your rating once you're done
>150 dollarsHAhahahahahhahaha
[crying] No.832093
>>832092>One day of labor under American wages>Unattainable in HungarySuch is life under Fizzledevs
>>832093150 dollars is literally almost all the money I get with in a month in Hungary
>>832107Catnip is dangerous
'1d10+1' eat the fishes
Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3
>>832111assistant pup is very popular
>>832112I'm not disappointed that you failed, I'm disappointed that you tried.
Is steam ded?
>>832115Not for me, but it could just not have hit me yet.
>>832116Oh, yeah, it's back just now
When I killed the Lynel at ZD I broke my best 2h weps, better see if royal claymore respawned
>legendary Zora weapon is a 22 dmg 2h spear
>>832118I just hang all the champion weapons on my wall.
>>832122I think the brain vault is most peoples' favorite part.
>>832123All the doctors were delightfully retarded
I also loved that with Cherchez la Femme you could hit on the fucking light switches, but they got upset at each other and you if you flirted with both
>>832124I'm surprised you couldn't turn them both on at the same time.
>>832125You can't because they bicker
>get rekt in Souls for a bit
>continue doing nothing while under the delusion something will happen here
Roll #1 2 = 2
>>832133Sorry, I just can't decide what to run.
>>832134>>832135Well, try to keep yourselves happy with whatever.
Sometimes its nice to do nothing too.
>>832137Is this the pony equivalent of bringing someone a cake while covered in flour?
>>832136I'm probably going to get some food, that'll be enough clarity time, I hope
>>832137 No.832150
>>832148Don`t zapp on me
>>832149I mean
that`s subjective
>>832151Yeah but they have a bunch of limbs and eyes and are crawlyyyyy
>>832152Don`t you dare zapp that poor innocent deer
>>832155They are a vital part of the ecosystem.
Some spiders are, of course, indefensible. Brown Recluses, for instance.
>>832156Well, yes they are not as unbearable as some bugs
but still, they can be a vital part of the ecosystem waaay away from me and my arms
>>832157Fiiine, but only because deer takes half damage
>>832158And in most cases they'd be glad to.
>>832159They can also stay out of threads
>>832160I was expecting you to not be jerks!
>>832161Thanks for keeping your promise
>>832163Not as reliable as deer but stiil this spider is alright
Well, I guess I'll go get my shit kicked in in Souls for a bit.
>>832164Bye! And don`t come back
>>832166I wish I could help you but you play on PC right?
>>832167But Viola loves spiders!
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