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File: 1492231240715.gif (1.12 MB, 442x428, 1374715475207.gif)

 No.838736[View All]

Two to the one to the one to the three
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Post more, I barely remember some of them


Wait, is today your birthday?


Nope, it's during the summer.
She's just reposting them from one time we drew her stuff for it.


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This movie
Is so weird
Yet I can't stop




Andy/Cheesy/Knight can one of you please post Macross rule doc again pls?



>10 to take cover
Just like in real life, bug is good at finding tight, hard-to-reach spots to hide in.


Wf I am rethinking my happiness over there being another human in this game.


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Not until july


>BDN baneposted
Of course



Two critfails in like 3 turns of the first combat

At least things are probably looking up from here


At least bug understands that explosions are only good if they happen among the enemy.
His Megumin "EXPLOSION"-meme character just critfailed.


>he says, as if critfails are a finite resource


"Dice have a memory" - Neil Tyson


They have obviously forgotten the face of their father, since they never roll 20s.


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The Rarity one is better

>when DM tries.png


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>Fidget rolls in any other quest
Let's be honest, we are all waiting for those ones

>Fidget rolls in one of my quests

Wow, I have not burned my plans that fast before! It's a new record.

For some reason, I imagine Frank shooting the bug nonchalantly. Doesn't even look, shoots the dude off screen.


>all these different styles


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It was a lovely gift


sounds like you're having a good time


To be fair, I never expect to succeed.
And I fucked up this last roll twice. That +1 doesn't go there.


But I'm in a corner


It was a group effort!


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that doesn't change anything about how nice it was


I'm glad you liked it!


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Ponies are 2D.


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She's going to give herself a neck-ache like that.


Fixed an issue that allowed players to move freely when being hit by Mei’s Blizzard or Endothermic Blaster


Ponies being mad at mispronounced names was a great gag



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It really was.


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Would you catch a pony with a box?


I did learn I'll need to throw a bit more variety in Ranged enemies next time and make sure everyone starts combat together. Next time the cover system should see more use.



I've found that it helps if at least one enemy is equipped with a weapon (as in, something from the weapon selection players have access to), supported by the weaker flunkies used here. Or scrap the flunkies and have a small team of three or four decently-competent enemies.
Another bonus of this is that the players may want to loot those weapons once they beat them.


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It only works if you're crazy like a fox.
It helps carrying your cover.


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Maybe I'll run mons, I dunno


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>this coming just after I watched Fantastic Mr Fox


Now look at this thread, that I just found


When I say 'go,' go to this thread!




Post in there, not here!
Ugh… Lets try something else

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