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File: 1493896318314.jpg (61.5 KB, 1280x720, tmp_28737-1493844534547-26….jpg)

 No.845343[View All]

In which we bleat
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File: 1494128186920-0.gif (6.34 MB, 204x360, cat reflex.gif)

Probably not for the mouse!



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>the mouse got caught after all



well, it was just being a good kitty and doing its job!


I thought the choice of end music was really weird…

Jack is rap influenced so why choose such white music?


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File: 1494129222291-0.webm (3.81 MB, 854x480, awoo.webm)



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I only have this doggo to share


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I've seen the webm around before but it never showed the mouse being defeated
Catte did a gud job


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Be nice to maus


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She just needs to buy a gun

Buenas noches



You'll be mean!



>tfw no cute quartet of rat assassins to hire


I understood nothing about what they were singing but it looked stylish.


It was a sales pitch
They were trying to convince cats that they are the rats for the assasination job to kill a mouse


No honor among micros


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/v/ told me about this hero


I think it's what you want BDN
>Every 20 seconds can make a team portal that lasts 6 seconds, can evacuate people near death or help move the team across the map for big plays

Seems really game changing


The polymorph seems like it would be useful against Murderballs.


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Face is kinda meh but wow, look at the amazing art on that body – the realism!


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I'll admit that I can be as bad as Nopony when the enemy team has a Mei. I hate her Ultimate, since it's much more set and forget and you can't really do anything against it.

Fun to snipe with her and contest the door on the Mexico map.


You can play any character with mobility, be on a team with a Lucio, or just eat it with Dva


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She always gets it right on me when I play Lucio, or the opposite direction of me as D.Va.

I forgot how fun it was to run into people with the mech.


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Anyway, I can't sleep anyways, so have a !dragon



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You're going to bed? Here, take this mouse to clean while you sleep.


I guess, it's 1AM now…


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You should if you are tired.


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There was a mercy


So you went to Doujincon after all huh?


Bought a monsbook from a friend and that was it


What's it about?


File: 1494138632987.png (Spoiler Image, 511.55 KB, 489x939, 1493834715020.png)

Can't remember why I saved this

It's barely even size difference

Oh well, someone might enjoy it, a lot of people here like /fit/ girls


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Just some mons gijinka'd

And I can mons for you too in a bit if you're still here


I'll be headed to bed in a bit, so enjoy your day.


>Last post: 2 hours ago
We're the beppest thing since Michael Jackson


Had to do running in 32 degree sun today
I've stopped feeling like dying enough to post


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>be hangover as shit
>maybe some jack will help me
>turn off after 1min

I cannot deal with this right now


What happened? Did Ashi die?


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>this whole episode



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