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File: 1495774172623.png (165.8 KB, 800x700, 1374807757919.png)

 No.852648[View All]

>>when there is a hiatus despite the show being back
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What a pretty tail


Spoiler that shit
Come on
I know you're tired and you may be confusing this with the discord chat but still


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really hungry now
afk a bit




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Will do. At least part of the trip back was stopping at memorial day sales where I got to pick up some good Under-Armor stuff to make the heat more bearable.
Oh hi Maali
I found something for you


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>tfw janitors can no longer put images behind spoiler tags or delete things now
>only issue warnings
Curious. I wonder why they took away my mop and bucket.


Should probably ask Pineapple about that


I think I've still got his e-mail floating around my inbox from yonks ago. I'll shoot him a line.


I'll tell him


Well, I mean, I'm just about to send the mail.


First off Frick you Cheesy
Second of nopo look at this
Yep he's working on fixing it


>i gimped the janitors with the site update



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Thanks, Pineapple.


>I'll just do some QP
>enemy is 6 damage
>go to second point
>three of them leave do the match is cancelled 4 minutes in

>get put on illios with a complete garbage team

I won't lie I am tilted off the face of fucking earth right now


Man, that fucking sucks, Nopo.
Stick with Total Mayhem. It's retarded, but no one bails even if they're losing.




Yes, come to the funnest mode of all of Overwatch.


Good advice
Had a game with Sombra where I never died


Look at the vid I linked while I look for more animation with super violent bunnies in it


Remind me if I forget


It's fixed, thanks Pineapple.


One other question. Over on s10, Macross doesn't seem to be pushing up to the top despite having more recent posts. Can you look into that?


Isn't that because the thread's got a shitload of posts in it? OR am I just not seeing a more recent one?


It's the third one on S10, but isn't the limit 1000 posts?


>patch notes: Janitors now have less rights than a normal user, we feel this is more balanced for the meta


Huh. It's titled as thread 2, though.
And I always assumed the bump limit was somewhere around half that.
>mod op pls nerf


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It's not like it matters too much there, but I just want to make sure you guys check it out.

Have a plant planet


Yeah, bump limit is like 500 or 600

We just do 1000 because that's when browsers get slow


we don't really have competition and go to 1000 to save thread space on the front page.


>Mercy says you're welcome after you say thanks

Was this always a thing?


I've heard it when I could manage to thank her specifically, not very often since the thing is fussy about it


It's super adorable how she says it


>six Arcade wins in a row

Thank you, Fidget, for suggesting I play Total Mayhem
Sombra is SO much fun there


I know, right?


There's very little that can compare to the exhilaration of stealing Junkrat's Ultimate right from under him


The graviton hack combo is so good
Not to mention the tp has a cooldown of 1 second
SO I can translocate to a hacked mega, put down another and sprint out with invisibility with full health in 1 second
It also gives like 30% ult charge every time I do it so I can spam hacks everywhere
Last game I got 40 enemies EMPD but I'm sure a good sombra who can actually aim with her spread like Wf could get even more


I am reminding you now
Also watch this one https://youtu.be/gjGpzhcnA64


Another fun thing is that you can actually stack ults with people. Graviton+anything is amazingly fun.


You have actually sent this to me before


My b
The previous one I'm 100% positive you haven't seen before so check that one out
It's literally bloody bunny, you surely would now want to miss that out


>needless bloody violence
This is my jam


Reminded me of this with the pov part, but I'm watching the rest now


I knew you would like it
Holy fug that was an awesome vid
But that ending made me upset
What even was that device? A random teleporter?


A teleporter that activates when it comes in touch with water
Also, yes, that is the video that inspired the movie Hardcore Henry


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OOOooh neato


What a big thread



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What a seahorse


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