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This is about turning the dice and races of s10 into a tabletop skirmish game for people who like to paint minis and use their guys beat other guys up. Truth is that I'm not sure if it should have the s10 reskinned races or pony races, as using the former requires sniping s10 from MSOB and the latter requires being a fan of pony in the first place.

In any case I'm back at square one with the racial stats. As for how this game runs, it is a turn-based game that follows a loose situational setup for why several parties want to end up taking each other out.

There are 3 sets of stats for each race, not including the cost of fielding the unit__
[DMG] [DEF] [HP]

DMG is the base amount of damage that can be applied against another's HP.
DEF is the result you must roll over in order for an attack to succeed.
HP Is the hit point amount you can receive from DMG before getting taken out of play.

TOPIC: Pony or Reskin?


Horse, of course.
Applying it to other settings comes later.


Alright given the majority vote here, and fitting with the theme of the sub, we'll be outfitting this for pony skirmishes. My idea for the different races are as follows.

Earth Pony: Easy to field/All rounder
Pegasus: Scout/hard to hit
Unicorn: Magic/ranged

Goat: Cheap but maybe with a lot of HP?
Donkey: pike unit?
Zebra: Potions and item users

Buffalo: Definitely a tanky one, expensive and hard to field
Diamond Dog: Prefield type? Maybe start a turn after initiative
Griffon: Tanky and hard to hit, focused to anti-magic?


Goats might be just be cheaper/weaker across the board, relying on numbers. Could also be sappers, and Diamond Dogs could set traps/field hazards.
Having cheap, expendable goats would mean you could feed them to the field hazards to remove them.
Gryphon might be a heavy hitter, kinda pricey point-wise, and not good vs pegasus (think eagle vs sparrow/starlings. Eagles usually lose those matchups). Decent health and attack values. They'd probably be closest to bombers, if we put it in vehicle terms.
Buffalo would be the other pricey unit, as you've stated. High defense, high attack, but zero anti-air unless specifically kitted out that way.
Zebras being medics is good, they could also serve as couriers and have a higher base landspeed than the others (say ponies/goats/donks move four spaces, zeebs would get five and buffalo would get three or fewer).
Not sure what donkeys would actually have over base earth ponies, though. Higher magic resistance due to stubbornness?


I'm fine with either but the reskin race's would need to be used for larger audiences.

I always imagined the donkeys as the anti-mages. Griffons could be some sort of deep strike unit? They cost a lot but you can deploy them wherever you want on any of your turns so long as they are a certain distance away from the enemy?


Equipment n' stuff will be discussed later, because the cost of outfitting said unit or something. What to name this "cost" outside of points is up for ideas too.

Here are some stats I have in mind from what you guys said, they're not perfect so a test somewhere down the line will need to happen.

Earth Pony: Easy to field/All rounder
[Cost: 4] [DMG: 4] [DEF: 4] [HP: 8]
Pegasus: Scout/hard to hit
[Cost: 2] [DMG: 3] [DEF: 2] [HP: 6]
Unicorn: Magic/ranged
[Cost: 3] [DMG: 3] [DEF: 2] [HP: 6]

Goat: Cheap but maybe with a lot of HP?
[Cost: 1] [DMG: 2] [DEF: 3] [HP: 5]
Donkey: Stubborn anti-magic
[Cost: 5] [DMG: 4] [DEF: 4] [HP: 9]
Zebra: Potions and item users
[Cost: 4] [DMG: 3] [DEF: 5] [HP: 7]

Buffalo: Definitely a tanky one, expensive and hard to field
[Cost: 7] [DMG: 4] [DEF: 8] [HP: 15]
Diamond Dog: Prefield type? Maybe start a turn after initiative
[Cost: 5] [DMG: 5] [DEF: 3] [HP: 8]
Griffon: Late-start place anywhere
[Cost: 6] [DMG: 5] [DEF: 4] [HP: 7]


How would the pegasus's "hard to hit" factor in if it's not expressed through a base DEF score? Would it only apply in-flight?


Pegasus, and Griffons by extension, could have up to 5 or 6 DEF, which makes them pretty hit-or-miss when being targeted.


How though? Only in-flight, or do they get some kind of bonus constantly?


If we make In-Flight a skill then doubling or tripling their DEF while said skill is active then makes sense because they become a vertical unit.

Or flighty birdthings are just that averse to getting hit, I mean as it stands there isn't anything to dictate if these are green units or veterans by stats alone.


I'm assuming veteran-status will confer statistical benefits, as a form of "leveling up"?


Yes, I don't know if it'll work during a game though.


Well, I'd assume that a Veteran unit would cost 1 point more to deploy per degree of veteran status (a tier 1 veteran who has survived x number of battles would cost what the normal unit would cost base +1, whereas a tier 4 vet who has survived x number of battles would cost base +4, for example), and their stats would be boosted by 1 point for each degree as well. A Veteran 1 earth pony would therefore have 5dmg/5def/9HP and cost 5, and so on.
For units with special effects, like gryphons or buffalo, veteran status could give them enhanced effects or area-of-effect boosts to other units. For example, a veteran buffalo could give off an aura of defense, which passively boosts everyone within two or three spaces by 1def/degree of veteran. This could be fluffed as that they're good at organizing troops.
Gryphons could maybe get the same, but damage-focused.
D.Dogs might unlock a burrow-speed, which renders them immune to attacks while underground, or something.


So which units have straight stat increases and which units have effect bonuses?


I mean, what I have for fielding and outfitting units is this quick n' dirty looking sheet for eace race. Simple but unless we roll everything up for very specific or very casual play then we only have to deal with 9-ish races.

Unit Name [Cost] [DMG] [DEF] [HP]
[Cost] Thing: Effect
[Cost] Thing (range): Effect
Attack Roll to specific range
[Cost] Thing: Effect
Attack (Half action)
Defend (Full action, +DEF)
Item (Half action, Automatic)
SPECIAL: Skill (Action length): Effect
SPECIAL: Skill (Action length): Effect
SPECIAL: Skill (Action length): Effect


Straight stat boosts would probably more common in your frontline units (EPs, Donks, etc.), but it could be that the order of stat boost/special effect have a sort of trade off at certain levels. Like, say, to get a Veteran 1 Buffalo's aura of command, you'd need to have a Veteran 3 Earth Pony, who would, by that point, count as having two stat boost levels of veteran (so, without gear, it'd be a 6-cost unit with 6dmg/6def/10hp and the aura).
But that's something I guess for after we get the actual skeleton of the system sorted out…

That seems like it'd work so far.


wait, no, that Vet3 Earth pony would be a 7 cost with those stats and the boost.


I don't know if these stats will work, so I'll need one of you two to make a 20pt team with just these guys and notify me when you want to try a game.

[Cost: 4] Earth Pony [DMG: 4] [DEF: 4] [HP: 8]
[Cost: 1] Veteran Training: +1 DMG, +1 DEF, +1HP
[Cost: 2] Healing Scroll (1 use): +5 HP
[Cost: 1] Spear (range 2)
Attack: 1d10
[Cost: 2] Sword (range 1)
Attack: 1d10+1
[Cost: 1] Light Armor: Lowers DMG received by 1
[Cost: 2] Medium Armor: Lowers DMG received by 2
Attack (Half action)
Defend (Full action, +DEF)
Item (Half action, Automatic)
Run (Half action [Automatic], range 2): Move to a different location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic], range 5): GET TO A FURTHER LOCATION
SPECIAL: Impenetrable (Instant action [Automatic], range 1): Standing next to other Earth Ponies grants +2DEF

[Cost: 2] Pegasus [DMG: 3] [DEF: 2] [HP: 6]
[Cost: 1] Veteran Training: +1 DMG, +1 DEF, +1HP
[Cost: 2] Healing Scroll (1 use): +5 HP
[Cost: 1] Spear (range 2)
Attack: 1d10
[Cost: 2] Bow (range 5)
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 3
Attack: 1d10 to range 5
[Cost: 1] Shield: +1DEF
[Cost: 1] Light Armor: Lowers DMG received by 1
Attack (Half action)
Defend (Full action, +DEF)
Item (Half action, Automatic)
Run (Half action [Automatic], range 2): Move to a different location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic], range 5): GET TO A FURTHER LOCATION
SPECIAL: Take Flight (Half action [Automatic]): For 3 turns gain +3DEF, Run and Sprint both move an additional 2 spaces

[Cost: 3] Unicorn [DMG: 3] [DEF: 2] [HP: 6]
[Cost: 1] Gilded Horn: SPECIAL range +1
[Cost: 1] Veteran Training: +1 DMG, +1 DEF, +1HP
[Cost: 3] Stolen Books
[Cost: 1] Staff (range 1)
Attack: 1d10
[Cost: 2] Mace (range 1)
Attack: 1d10+3
[Cost: 1] Layer coats: +1DEF
[Cost: 1] Light Armor: Lowers DMG received by 1
Attack (Half action)
Defend (Full action, +DEF)
Item (Half action, Automatic)
Run (Half action [Automatic], range 2): Move to a different location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic], range 5): GET TO A FURTHER LOCATION
SPECIAL: Crackle Bolt (Half action, range 4)
Attack: 1d10+3 to range 1
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 2
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 3
Attack: 1d10 to range 4
SPECIAL: Energy Bomb (Full action, range 7, AoE): Requires Gilded Horn
Attack: 1d10 to range 7
SPECIAL: Restore (Full action, range 1): Brings a unit back to life, Requires Stolen Books


Well, I've made something, but we might have to wait until post-new years to actually test anything, since Christmas is running up on us and New Years is just past that.


I'd like to know if you plan on making a well-kitted group or not. But what do you think about the point limit? More points? Less points?


Well, being me I tried to balance it somewhat. With only a 20 point limit, you do have to make sacrifices in areas if you want more than two units. So it's probably not the best outfitted group, but they won't get pushed over by a couple goats with sticks.

Earth Pony [4pt] - Vet Training [1pt] Spear [1pt] Medium Armor [2pt]
Unicorn [3pt] - Vet training [1pt] Gilded horn [1pt] Layer Coat [1pt]
Pegasus [2pt] - Vet Training [1pt] Bow [2pt] Light Armor [1pt]


Yea, trying to field anything other than dirt cheap units will need more than 20 points. I was going to go with a simple enough Pegasus spam with only bows, myself.

This might be a bad idea, but lets try instead to make a bunch of simple prebuilt units that have set costs. It'll take away arming each unit from scratch, but at the same time my inexperience with building units leads me to re-lookup everything my opponent fields.


So you mean "draw up some fodder characters", basically?
Like, mass-produced and fielded spear formations made of the same type of earth pony [EP(4pt)Spear(1pt)light armor(1pt)]?


Not really "Fodder units" but units that are easy to pick out and remember easily enough. If we go this path then building up Named Units could have a bigger impact!

Freepony Defenders__
[3p] Earthie Spearpon [DMG 3] [DEF 4] [HP 8]
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 2
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[3p] Earthie Swordpon [DMG 4] [DEF 4] [HP 8]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 1
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[2p] Pegasus Slinger [DMG 4] [DEF 3] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 4
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 6
Attack: 1d10 to range 8
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Take Flight (Half action [Automatic]): For 3 turns gain +3DEF, Run and Sprint both move an additional 2 spaces

[1p] Unicorn Scrollist [DMG 3] [DEF 3] [HP 5]
Attack: 1d10 to range 1
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Crackle Bolt (Half action, range 4)
Attack: 1d10+3 to range 2
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 3
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 4
Attack: 1d10 to range 5


Let me know if you want to try building a 20pt group with these instead.

Equestrian Guard__
[4p] Earthie Spear Guard [DMG 4] [DEF 4] [HP 8]
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 2
Defend: DEF +2, Lowers
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Spearwall (No action [Automatic], range 1) Being close to other spearpons gives DEF +2 for both units this turn, does not stack.

[4p] Earthie Sword Guard [DMG 5] [DEF 5] [HP 8]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 1
Defend: DEF +2
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Overwatch (No action) Defending allows this unit to attack any enemies that get within attacking range at 1d10.

[3p] Pegasus Spear Guard [DMG 4] [DEF 4] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 2
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Take Flight (Half action [Automatic]): For 3 turns gain +3DEF, Run and Sprint both move an additional 2 spaces

[3p] Pegasus Archer [DMG 3] [DEF 4] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 2
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 5
Defend: DEF +1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Take Flight (Half action [Automatic]): For 3 turns gain +3DEF, Run and Sprint both move an additional 2 spaces

[4p] Unicorn Artillery Mage [DMG 4] [DEF 3] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10 to range 1
Defend: DEF +3
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Teleport (Full action [Automatic]): Move 7 squares/hexes from your current location, requires your exit port directly near or behind friendly units.
SPECIAL: Crackling Orb (Full action, range 7, AoE)
Attack: 1d10 to range 7
SPECIAL: Smoking Orb (Full action [Automatic], range 7, AoE) Covers an area up to range 2 from your target area. Units in this smoke gain DEF +3 but suffer Attack penalty of -2, This skill lasts 1d5 turns.


Well, I say "fodder" but that's just in the case that they're plentiful (well, more plentiful) due to a lower point cost overall. Goats are the fodder race, for example, since you can shit out so many of them
Also I see you've reduced the base cost for them and lightly tapped them with a nerf bat too. Also gave the spears a +1 when they were flat before.


I am the HiRez of pony tabletop, but noticed that Defending can turn even the squishiest characters into candy colored jawbreakers.


That is a thing to worry about, yeah.


As a warning, these are test units

Free Range Herds
[1p] Goat Slingers [DMG 2] [DEF 4] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 4
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 6
Attack: 1d10 to range 8
Defend: DEF +2
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[1p] Speargoats [DMG 2] [DEF 4] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+1 to range 2
Defend: DEF +2
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[2p] Axegoats [DMG 4] [DEF 4] [HP 6]
Attack: 1d10+3 to range 1
Defend: DEF +2
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[3p] Donkey Macehoof [DMG 2] [DEF 5] [HP 5]
Attack: 1d10+2 to range 1
Attack: 1d10+4 to range 1 against Unicorns
Defend: DEF +2
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location

[2p] Zebra Brewer [DMG 3] [DEF 4] [HP 4]
Attack: 1d10 to range 1
Defend: DEF +4 and deals 1 DMG to enemies who unsuccessfully attack this unit at range 1
Run (Half action [Automatic]): Move 2 squares/hexes from your current location
Sprint (Full action [Automatic]): Move 5 squares/hexes from your current location
SPECIAL: Fungus Brew (Half action [Automatic], range 3) Restore 3 HP to self or an ally.
SPECIAL: Revolting Gunk (Full action [Automatic], AoE, range 2) Deal 1 DMG to all nearby units for 3-turns.


For this next test, I'm going to include reworked premades AND griffons/buffalos because those need testing. Message me when you want to try it again.


While my inner monologue debates about whether premades should be included with named units or not rages on, how about a lighter themed skirmish idea that uses similar ideas?


Might be good. The problem is, as ever, getting people to play it.


I'll play it.



Roll #1 1 = 1


New roll

Roll #1 4 = 4



Roll #1 4 = 4



Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 2 = 2



Roll #1 1 = 1


name: Myra
gender: female
race: drakin
talent: +2 against distracted targets
Skills: Astral Projection, Illusion, Mimic Sound, Improvise, Cheap Shot
Weapons: Laser pistol (ranged), Hologram gloves (catalyst)
Outfit: scale-tight pants and tank top, with a belt full of pouches, special gloves to help her project illusions. She wears a mask with little feathers on the side to make it harder to guess what she's thinking or who the real her might be.


Name: Piers
Race: Drudge
Gender: Male
Class: Knight/Chemist
Talent: +1crit range on normal attacks.
Racial: Heightened Senses - +1 to perception rolls (spot/listen/smell/etc.)
HP: 7/7 Wounds 5/5
Skills: Slam (1p), Martial Defender (1p), Sentry (1p), Vanguard (2p DualClass), Field Kit (1p)
Slam - crits on an 8, recharge 1
Martial defender - Boosts HP by 2, Slam crits on 8
Sentry - Passive, first combat action is automatic.
Vanguard - Passive. You and all allies ignore first damage taken in combat, including critical failures. This does not negate non-damage effects.
Field kit - Forge a fake duplicate of an item with plaster or iron, melt items and incriminating bodies to nothing with powerful solvents, plate items with a thin layer of metal to make them seem dangerous or valuable, and so forth.
Gear: Light leather armor, Basic spear (Single - min-1 on normal attacks), comb and grooming kit, rations (3 days), bedroll, backpack, firestarters, travel cloak.
Appearance: Grey-black fur, well-kept tail, eyes are a grey-speckled green. At full height, stands roughly six feet tall. usually hunched into a tighter five feet when not actively trying to intimidate others. Only clothing (in clear weather) is the leather armor and a simple tunic to preserve modesty.



Roll #1 2 + 1 = 3


thanks for running


sorry about this
dice check


Roll #1 4 = 4 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 3 = 3 / Roll #4 1 = 1 / Roll #5 4 = 4 / Roll #6 2 = 2 /



Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 1 = 1 / Roll #3 6 = 6 / Roll #4 7 = 7 / Roll #5 4 = 4 / Roll #6 1 = 1


duce check
deece check
dice check

Roll #1 3 = 3 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 3 = 3 / Roll #4 10 = 10 / Roll #5 7 = 7 / Roll #6 8 = 8


awwwwwwwwww shit
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw shit
awww shit

Roll #1 1 = 1 / Roll #2 4 = 4 / Roll #3 3 = 3 / Roll #4 2 = 2 / Roll #5 4 = 4 / Roll #6 1 = 1


h-here I go

Roll #1 2 = 2 / Roll #2 2 = 2 / Roll #3 6 = 6 / Roll #4 6 = 6 / Roll #5 3 = 3 / Roll #6 7 = 7






Probably because it's 2old.



Roll #1 4 = 4




Roll #1 2, 10, 3, 2, 3, 10, 2, 9, 4, 2, 10, 1, 4, 9, 9, 4, 9, 7, 2, 10, 7, 6, 7, 1, 3 = 136





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