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File: 1404859530551.gif (204.75 KB, 568x352, her butt keeps getting big….gif)


And Junior, too, I guess?

A bio page describing the origins, history, and personality for MLPG's mascots. We can have people contribute writing and information in this thread, though it will fall to one person to assemble it all into something coherent.

URL suggestions:

I like boop


Boop or bust


it's boop
it's gonna be boop


what if busty boop


Love this idea, if someone will do the write up I will make /boop/


It's shit, but I tried to get everyone in three kinda sentences.

Marker Pony - My Little Pony General
A bright, bubbly mare that's always ready to discuss ponies if you're not a faggot. Carries the mighty marker-cape on her back in-between threads. Addicted to boop, booping, and shitposters.

Gloomy Hiatus - The Hiatus
Marker's older, more down-to-earth sister that fears the truly ded more than anything else. Very caring and understanding, unless you read >fanfiction. Has trouble keeping her size consistant during the show's seasons.

Junior - MLPG.co
The little backup filly that catches everyone when moot unplugs 4chan and runs for the border. Always ready to quest and unf, sometimes both together. Actually watches the fucking show.


oh yeah, apparantly people decided marker sounds like unikitty





File: 1405878208676.png (108.49 KB, 800x526, 1349058555053.png)

I'll say this right now. There is nothing lewd involving all three of these ponies. If someone tries to claim otherwise, they're doing this to get under people's skins about it.

>and shitposters.
Can we not do this? Marker Pony is more hyperactive with the show and that's about it. All of her images doesn't consist of her shitposting.

I didn't. I prefer this voice instead.


File: 1405916620866.gif (25.35 KB, 400x400, 1378859977916.gif)

>implying anyone cares that Junior is lewd
and besides, Marker doesn't have many interests outside of ponies and MLPG. Shitposting would stir the pot a little


there was some other female voice someone did once, it was like bbBEWP, did anyone keep it


i envision junior as sort of naru-ish


They're all girls and that's that.


Says who?


Says everyone who matters.


Junior is a colt and that's final.

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