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File: 1410590755182.png (282.57 KB, 1273x1648, boopin neat.png)


4chan recently introduced temporary thread archiving that keeps threads online but uncatalogued and locked. This confuses the heck out of the sub's current locator, and often sends boopers to old dead threads that are over 24 hours old! Please revise the locator so it forwards to the most recent thread.


Been crazy busy lately, Just shot a email off to Cazum to see if he can hook us up.


Since it's still taking a while, could it be possible to include a link on the beacon page to the temporary fix we're using at the moment?


Unfortunately I don't know who is actually running that locator, so I can't just suggest contacting them to repair the main one.


File: 1412782776715.png (225.42 KB, 427x654, 1404535172295.png)

Considering how much everyone here jizzes themselves over marker pony, you'd think actually keeping her relevant to this website would be a priority…


File: 1412789109430.gif (166.46 KB, 379x388, 1373461840216.gif)

I'm here.

I have no idea how the mlpg.co locator works but I'm guessing it has some sort of cache and doesn't check for a new thread until the last one 404s.

Mine doesn't do anything like that, it fetches and rescans the entire catalog and finds the marker every time it's opened, so it doesn't get stuck on old threads.


Maybe shoot Pineapple a message so you two can work out what you can do about things. His email's
[email protected]
unless it's changed again.

Thanks for putting it together for us all.


If anyone would like to take a crack at fixing it here is what it currently looks like:



Quick fix: http://pastebin.com/sDSHS58B

Changed line 251 from:



if(!$json->posts[0]->archived && checkForMarkerFromThreadJson($json)==true)


It's slow because it fetches each page individually. You can just make it load catalog.json with all the threads in it. That's how I did it.


Not only slow but didn't even work that's why I removed the post. >>207 Seems to have fixed it right up. Thanks!

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