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 No.2969[View All]

Felt like I was pesterting MLPG too much with vidya talk so I wanted to make a thread where we can exchange IDs be it Xbone, PS4, or Steam

My steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/Pretentiousindiemusichipster/ and my PSN ID is EmpyreanAbattoir. I mostly play fighting games but I'd be down to play shooters and other multiplayer games if you don't mind me being a bit shy and not using a mic
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It's almost 12:PM here I really cannot sleep because I'm seriously afraid that person that has been threatening me IRL is actual going to show up. The officer I spoke with was kind but just to call them if he shows up, but I don't know if he has a gun,I don't know if he's going to kick my door in,
I don't know if he's going to damage my property. I don't know what's going to happen so I can't fall asleep. My anxiety won't let me


Chances are they won't. Just lock your doors, be in an interior room, and remember to breathe. Make some tea. If you're really worried about them kicking the door in, put a few things in front of it, just to ease your mind. Maybe stick a chair under the knob to brace the door against forced entry.
Once you've got your defenses in place, just focus on not panicking, since the most common home defense errors result from panicked overreaction.
You've already got the police notified, so you should be fine. And if there is property damage, then you can get the guy arrested, and sued for proper compensation.


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Thank you for the advice I'll make some tea and try to calm myself down. I think I'll take a break from the internet too because I've already shown I can't deal with hateanons in my current state of mind. I usually don't let stuff like what happened in MLPG bother me, but with what's been going on I've kinda been lashing out whoever I think is trying to intimidate or disrespect me and I never do that. Nothing like this has ever happened to me before and I'm not sure what I do to invite this kind of treatment from certain people. My anxiety is really bad so that's why I'm stressing over all of this
I'm sure half the general thinks I'm sentenal levels of autistic now
I should have just stuck to lurking and posting sad panda links. I don't know why I thought this thread would be a good idea


Y'all just wanted some friends to play vidya with. Nothing wrong with that.
And there are worse spergs out there. At least you didn't start trying to dig up personal messages or the like to shit on other people.


I just don't know where I went wrong people got angry when I would ask about vidya in the thread then they'd get mad at me when I linked the sub. to let them know it was a thing.
And thank you for being so kind you've really helped put my mind at ease a bit and I was certain I killed whatever "cred" I had with MLPG in that last thread so I was sure most people either hate me now or think I'm so crazy autist


I think a majority of people were apathetic to the goings on, but the vocal ones were likely just irritated at how easily the bait was taken nearly every time.
And you can rest easy knowing there's no such thing as MLPG "cred" unless you're an artist/writefag, and that we're all varying flavors of autist.


Thread will be deleted by the end of the night so it can no longer be linked to MLPG. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused last night and this morning. I'll really miss you guys.


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I'm sorry for ruining the current thread, but I was right. MLPG just isn't the place for me anymore. Before I delete the thread tonight I just want to say thank you for all the fun years we've had together and sorry this turned into what it did. I really just wanted to do something nice for MLPG but I didn't realize how much people didn't like me.
Sorry for everything.


If that's how it is, that's how it is. Nothing to apologize for.
Good luck with your anxiety and stuff.


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Nah I really do feel the need to apologize here because I was in the wrong for taking such obvious bait. I like to help out and do nice things for people whenever I can but according to MLPG buying someone a 50 cent game because you had extra cash left over is pure autism and not just being friendly for the sake of being friendly. My intention was never to buy friends but spend all the money in my vidya fund and I like giving gifts to people and I don't want to buy a game I won't play just because it's on sale. So I wanted to see if MLPG wanted cheap games because I had no issue with my finances to do so.

I have no idea where they're getting blog posting or "whine"posting from because all I've done for the last few days is post links to this thread and the server and apologize when people got mad at me which only made them madder. The only time I ever said anything about my personal life is when asked and I always kept it brief.
Other than taking bait everything I've done in MLPG for the past week were things I was doing for years and if someone told me to stop I would stop. I've always used spoilers in the way I do and now that's an issue for some people. I know I'm taking shitty bait, but really feels like the whole thread at this point just does not want me to be there and that's extremely depressing because it was one of the few places on 4chan I still went to.

But I totally ruined the thread by getting upset and taking the shittiest bait imaginable and held a non-pone related argument for almost an hour with people who wanted to do nothing more than just fuck with me. It's been a fun 6 years with you guys but the rumbleanon days are over and I don't think I'll be back in MLPG for sometime because if they didn't think I had autism before they sure as hell do now. It really sucks leaving on such a sour note.
I have ever only tried to be kind, helpful, and respectful to people in MLPG but I guess I was more hated than I thought


tl;dr I just don't fit in over there anymore because everything I do not gets some anon on my case


For what it's worth, I'm certain people were genuinely appreciative of the gifts as I know I was.
Give it a week or two, maybe a month, tops, and it'll probably have blown over. Though I'd advise lurking for a while if/when you come back just to see how shitposty the thread is.
And remember, they can't get you if you don't engage.


I'm glad you were.
I don't believe in buying friendship I just believe in kindness for the sake kindness. If I have the money then I'll definitely help out whoever I can especially when stuff is on sale.
And I really don't think I'm going back anytime soon. The culture's changed and everything is so different now. And it really feels like the majority of the general hates my guts for not letting it go and engaging them in the first place

I thought my last day in MLPG would be fun but it turned out to be a horrible experience and ended up coming much earlier than I expected.

Also this has never been about getting people to join the KF2 server. I barely play and just thought it'd be cool for you guys to have one to yourselves
But I guess I went about it the entirely wrong way. This thread, the server, this was all made for MLPG's enjoyment not my own. And I managed to fuck it up before it even got off the ground


Actually no. I'm being stupid. I'm not going to let some assholes drive me out of one of the places I still have fun


He was arrested


Well, I guess that means you get to sleep for now. Just don't miss the court date if it comes to that.


Too busy shitposting to sleep
I normally do not do this or treat people this way but I'm definitely not going to get chased out MLPG because some people don't like me.


For anon in the thread. I did believe I was leaving MLPG for a while because I was being harassed and threatened for weeks by a woman and her husband. Some anons knew about my legal trouble and tried to take advantage of that and it was stressing me out to the point to where I was replying to obvious bait from people who already knew I was stressed out. I ignored several post to ignore them and that honestly made me feel bad. I than began believing with my legal trouble and the treatment I was getting from some members of MLPG I would not be able to handle the threads anymore. But my matter is resolved and now I'm shitposting just because.


Fair enough, but just remember to reign it in after a while.


I'm done. And I was serious about no more sad panda links I'm done with the whole Rumble thing because it was causing problems.
I'll also only advertise the server on Discord for the moment and invite MLPGers to play if they are interested

I have other games too so yeah. I don't even play KF2 that much

Thank you very much for understanding my situation


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Don't worry man, people can have shitty days but in the end it's up to how you cope with it what matters. Some shitposting won't kill the thread and in the end it doesn't really matter as long as you keep posting cute foals.


can you take a minute to kill yourself just a bit


Thank you for understanding.


After the movie


can you please stop bringing up the fact that you're leaving every fucking thread

that's 3 threads in a row now, just fucking stop


I only brought it up in one thread. If I'm remembering wrong can you link me to the post. Also I'm done and I'm sorry for the way I acted. It's not normally how I am.


just fucking stop posting in the thread about your shitty life, holy shit you are still posting there as I type this

fucking stop



I haven't been posting about my life at all.
If you could tell me five things about my personal life then I totally believe you.

Otherwise I'm going to have to say you're being delusional as I am a very private person when it comes to my life.


Also I would like to add my life isn't shitty so there's nothing for me to complain about


Yes you are. Every single fucking post you make is about how sorry you are and about how you've been in mlpg for so long but you're leaving now.

Now, unlike you, I'm actually going to leave. You're giant piece of shit and the fact that you don't understand why is equally infuriating and aggravating.


If you can link me to those post I would appreciate it


>Now, unlike you, I'm actually going to leave.
>okay stay here and reply to me about thing
You really don't understand.
And as outlandish it is for you to understand no, I am not him. I'm just another guy who passed by.


Please understand.


But you stayed too


Looks like I'll need this now.
I know I fucked up the whole rumble thing and I'm sure I ruined whatever positive views you had with of me if you had any at all but this is all over now

If you actually want to talk I'd be glad too


If anyone is still here and wants comment about or just tell me to go fuck myself I'm all ears.


did you do it again: http://boards.4chan.org/mlp/thread/30478202#p30478755

because any time you want to stop I'd appreciate it


That was the last post on the matter. I feel I did owe you all an apology no matter how much you hate it. I acted like an ass and I will no longer be posting about it




And I know I fucked up whatever chance I had of making friends here or the whole Rumbleanon thing, but none of that matters. I just want you to know I never do this or act this way towards anyone, forum, or thread. I had personal issues going on and I should not be in a thread where people were already giving me a hard time. That's all on me.


are you still doing it or has the meme metastasized



No that's not me. I posted the babs pic. I want to talk about how I can possibly make it up to you guys.


you can always make friends, just think of a good portion of the world as the old bill cosby skit observation: parents aren't interested in justice, they just want quiet

you don't need to explain every single moment and motivation unsolicited because most people are only going to really notice that you're still apologizing for something that they had no stake in to begin with


Anon I'm pretty sure everyone in the thread thinks I'm a psycho now and now they know the multiple names attactched to. I shouldn't even have been in MLPG if I was that stressed.


attached to the rumbleanon poster

I just made huge mistake making this thread


Mistakes are how people learn. It's no big thing.


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Are there any of the recent fighten games good? Off the top of my head are tekken and injustice. Are you looking forward to Them's Fightin' Herds's release?


KoF is fun but it's dead. Guilty Gear is my favorite series so I always recommend that
Really looking forward to THF if it plays like Skullgirls.
If you're triyng to break into fighting games I suggest one with a good tutorial to teach you the mecanics


I wish I didn't fuck this up so badly

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