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File: 1492744679667.png (1.83 MB, 1280x1219, Cloud nibblin'.png)

 No.840983[View All]

Eat your cloud, pegasus.
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Having children takes a lot of time man

You saw how Lilly had to literally drop her whole life to go around and find out which sisters were alive, right? Red's under a false name in a lawless city. Lilly only recently learned Grey was alive (Grey, the same of Lilly).

> Shorter Version
Yeah, this is true


give me a min


Lilly traveled across the globe to help someone she didn't know was still alive either. She was in exactly the same position as Adel. Rosemary? Red? Grey? Probably all dead as far as she knew. Literally all Adel had to do was send a letter to the Belles in Dixie.

Yeah I know. That does tend to take away a lot from the bigger picture. But Lilly is still salty about this.


Even without combat this one session took the whole day to finish Abeardeen. There's no way you can settle "traumatized rape victim sister" satisfyingly without some murder, which was going to involve a lot of boss fights. And then fixing Adel on its own would take a long time. Plus FINDING Adel, where would she be in the entire town? She could be locked up in some dungeon for resisting.

In the end, time considerations and a lighter tone made me realize this was the best solution for a short ending.


>Send a letter to a place you don't know that your family lives because you were taken away from your mother at age six


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What a happier pregnancy than the ones we're talking about


I suppose. But still, their husbands would have done anything for their jennies, right? Why not ask him to keep an ear out, while he's out doing his work?


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>tfw can use the "you left me for 20 years" card whenever I want


such a cute ship


Okay, we'll pause so you can slp

I'm still not entirely sure which of those you chose. Since it seems like you're agreeing it was financially dumb but also chastising him.


I know, I know. I'm fine with this ending. Lilly won't stay mad forever. But you have to understand why she thinks Adel is in the wrong here.

She knew Light Heart's real name and I don't think it would have been hard to figure out she was from Dixie. Yes it would've taken some work, but it's not really all that unreasonable.


It really is.


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Pls Sion just help me out here


After several careful readings, I conclude you're saying that he doesn't have the right to question your decisions, so I'm going to chalk that up for 'remind'.

Thanks 4 playan, blue pegasushorse


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I have plans, big plans of two more things I need to do before the marriage
Do you think we'll manage?


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What is life?

Is it nothing more than the endless search for a cutie mark?

And what is a cutie mark but a reminder that we are all only one bugbear attack away from oblivion?

And what of the poor gator, flank forever blank, destined to an existential swim down the river of life to an unknowable destiny?


Yes, definitely

I will run for you and Andy during American hours whenever you please

I will codename this, "Dog & Fairy Hour"


The answer is like a rorsach blot


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Groves wanted to know what happened to Red, if she died or anything, so here's what happened
>In a coup attempt, she was poisoned with cyanide, but it didn't affect her, so they shot her in the back. When she began strangling her shooter they shot her three more times, but it didn't kill her so they had to club her into submission, before tying her up and throwing her into the ocean. She was okay though, she just needed a low profile for a while to gather her loyalists.


Rasputin lives, I see.


Red's immortal?!


Red is a meme, and memes are bulletproof


What a qt!

Jolly has such a fragile personality that he let that banter of Selena get to him!


Yes, that seems like an accurate assessment to me


>last footage of Red just before she went missing


How the mighty have fallen.


Yes, that seems like an accurate assessment to me


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Let's do more of this soon!


I'm on episode 28 now, now sure if that's further than you yet, still going through the book's youkai


hehe, pretty cool name


We're more flexible now that Abeardeen is over

You can decide what you want to do about Jolly, visit the kids, and even go visit Marina before the wedding!

If you wanted to, you could maybe run into Kotone and/or Maeda somewhere?

We're not really on a timelimit as to when this thing ends


>tfw Marina still needs to make frens so she can fill out the bridesmaid roster
I don't think I'll ever be appropriately prepared for that.


We will have fun with that

If nothing else, you can enjoy some new exotic desserts and teas, won't that be fun? You are going to have so much more to show Kotone when she shows up


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True that. And maybe she won't embarrass her sister-in-law as much, either.


I think it's time for a new thread.

Feels like's I've just been added to a watch list. I actually like the monsters here. They're big and super imposing, even when compared to the giants.

It actually looks like two of the girls are killed before it flashes back to them.

>There's 5 seasons of Natsume
I have so much catching up to do with this, Dragon, and Paranoia Agent.


That's why I started it actually, I wanted a lot of episodes to enjoy


Makes sense. I liked the first season, so if the rest are similar, I'll be watching them.


Knight is a very busy weeb


Also the girls don't die because you have to be able to "bond" with all six of them in the phone game, silly!



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Every time.


You should check out Dragon. It hits you with some deep moments when you least expect it.

It did that anime thing where they were engulfed in the laser blast and cuts away.

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