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File: 1494388048364.jpg (138.65 KB, 1920x1080, tmp_32535-1494302173893-45….jpg)

 No.847503[View All]

In which we do what we always do
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These are some top comfy sneks

Hmm, true
It's not that squishy though


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Give it time. One day you'll understand.


hiss in disgust


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They did a good job of making the aliens sympathetic when you manage to panic them.


>that bedroom eye

I can feel bad even for the fucking Berserker when it gets panicked



Healthy snek hands r-right?


Snek and hooman holding hands~


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Like guiding them because they are lost?


I think he means more twining the fingers together like snakes, which is altogether 2lewd4snek to consider.


Exactly what Fidget said


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I hope XCOM 3 takes a cue from it's ancestor and has different factions, both human and alien, that XCOM has to juggle, with the benefit of being able to recruit from factions you're on good standing with.


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Why would you want to do that…


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Because holding hands with a tiny human is how sneks can bond with them. aside from prolonged eye contact and platonic dating. Which could turn into romantic dating, depending on how persistent the human is, or how thirsty the snek is.


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Human stop
Don't be gross


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Hey you want gross I can do gross.
sharing meals, cuddling together next to a bonfire, smooching snek snootles in the fading light of the day while the two of you are wrapped in a large and comfortable blanket, which eventually turns to a peaceful slumber with the human nestled in the coils of the snek


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>Latasha's face when


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'1d10' escape crazy flesh bags

Roll #1 2 = 2


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Yep, Wan's a Megumeme expy alright.



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Oh wow, this is actually super-relevant.


At least she's only floating there due to fold exhaustion and not mechanical failure.


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Oh no, they've spread like wild!


send a distress signal to homeworld '1d10'

Roll #1 5 = 5


Your message is garbled, and doesn't quite reach. They do not heed your warning and the xenophilia takes root.




Looks like it was mechanical failure, ree



I TRIED but your Doc wouldn't let me rip out all the redundant systems yet.


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Who knew such tiny beings could be so insidious?


Don't call them redundant, they're very smart systems!


hey Frank ain't like that you shut up
…what does Wan think redundant means?


Poor snek
being so aggressively romanced


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I have never rolled higher than a 3 in this quest's combat, have I? Ack

Have you tried using tape?


Looks effective!


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>want to go to school to help sell our club but then I also have training later



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Jars are also time-tested human containers


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Don't worry, they'll probably back off once she finds a nice, hunky male snek to cuddle instead.


>half the ship is stuck in jars
>potential snek boyfriends get weirded out and leave


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I imagine it would be like this, but with people.


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You know, I kind of feel like the bug-man loaded with missiles would be helpful with dealing with the swarm of incoming missiles, if he wasn't tied up dealing with grudge-holding wasps.


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I don't feel so hot
Gonna go lay down
thanks for running


Thanks for playing! And for being a good sport about all the snek-teasing.


Thanks for playing. I'll be pausing soon too.


Have a good rest, Andy. Hope it helps you feel better.


Sorry for cutting out on you during action but just

its just meta fun anyway


If I have some time, we can finish your part separately.


slp well


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