I want this to be a weekly thing, and since tonight will be the first, I'll be picking some simple games that we can play. These should be quick, so hop in as soon as you want and it shouldn't take long for you to play too. Probably won't play them all, we'll see where the night takes us.
Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder
Ship ponies together to win goal cards. Have the most points to win.
King of Tokyo
It's like Yahtzee but you're giant monsters playing king-of-the-hill. A combination of press-your-luck dice rolling, buying abilities, and beating each other up.
The Resistance
A game of hidden roles and deception. At the beginning of the game, everyone is secretly dealt a card that tells them if they're part of the resistance taking down a cyberpunk corporation or a double agent sabotaging the missions. We'll play with no expansions, so it's all based on our social skills of determining who's a filthy traitor.
Simple roleplaying where everyone is a split personality fighting to control a single character. Very open and we can pass off being the gamemaster between rounds. We can do any setting, even Anon in Equestria.
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